October 22, 2005

Uwe Boll revealed

UweBoll.jpgYou know it's been asked so many times how Uwe Boll can do it, get away with making such bad movies, command big stars and big budgets, and make it work every time. Well an interesting article from Cinema Blend gives us the reasons, and some interesting insights.

...tax laws in Germany mean that any wealthy Germans who invest in a movie can write-off the production cost, delay paying their taxes and generally reduce their tax burden...the German investors in a movie only pay tax on any RETURNS the movie makes, their investment is 100% deductible...the investors can actually borrow money to put towards investment and write that off too.

So in Germany, you can make money from bad movies!

...he's rubbing his palms at the awfulness of the dailies, thinking of how much money his fingers-on-chalkboard scenes will make in tax rebates...

...Why movie game licences? Simple, a hell of a lot of them are cheap and with most of them, the game publishers don't care what happens.

He even admits it's the money...

QUESTION: Why do you use choose to shoot many films in Vancouver? UWE: Good locations and crew. Labour tax rebates.

It's worth a read, entertaining and quite disheartening at the same time. Still I can't believe the likes of Ben Kingsley will still sign up. It's not all about the money is it?

Posted by at October 22, 2005 01:00 PM


In a separate post somewhere here, one asked if we knew Uwe Boll, I didnt know who we was, and now I do.

Oh well..

Posted by: Simone at October 23, 2005 08:45

Wow, that just saddens me as a movie fan.

Posted by: Richard (not Brunton) at October 24, 2005 10:59

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