October 09, 2005

UK TV joke to Cruise and Holmes

Cruise4.jpgI was just forced to watch some of Dirty Dancing on the UK TV channel, Five. I know, but what could I do, my girlfriend had the pizza in front of the TV, I had to!

It seems Five is having a girls night as during an advert break they were advertising the next movie which is straight after Dirty Dancing, Cocktail, and they did the advert in the funniest way.

There's a scene in Cocktail that they showed where Elisabeth Shue says to Tom Cruise...

I'm pregnant.

Cruise's face drops and the titles appear, "Cocktail tonight on Five", and the voiceover lady says...

Congratulations Tom.

It was the funniest thing! We both laughed out loud. Five are always doing things like this and their timing and choice of clip couldn't have been better. Congratulations Cruise and Holmes.

Posted by at October 9, 2005 04:05 PM


LOL Yuu always make me laugh Rich.

After all the bashing that Cruise gets from TMB all this time, this is the first time I think we've been kind to the guy.

Yeah, cheers Tom! *winks*

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 9, 2005 05:14 PM

if they have a son, it'll be good, if the have a daughter however, it'll have hooves.

Posted by: Marla Singer at October 10, 2005 03:03 AM

Poor Katie....just goes to prove that looks and intelligence don't usually go hand-in-hand.

P.S. Tom Cruise is the biggest idiot known to mankind.

Hey Tom, my wife went through post-partum and guess what? I suggested vitamins and she said: "What? Are you F***ing suicidal?"
Thanks Tom. You are a testament to the decline of Western civlization. PLEASE go away you jackass.

Posted by: JAGMIR at October 10, 2005 03:50 AM