October 04, 2005

Two For The Money Clips

A few Two For The Money clips have popped up online. Here's the thing about Two For The Money.... I mentioned this a few days ago on The Audio Edition... it looks really good. I'm a big Matthew McConaughey fan and a HUGE Al Pacino fan (even though I don't rank him as the best actor of all time). The trailers look exciting and stark and intense and all the other things I like to see in trailers. It reminds me a lot of another Pacino film, "Any Given Sunday".

But that's the problem. I was really excited about Any Given Sunday and it turned out to be crap. I get excited about a lot of Pacino films... and over the last 7 years (or so) they usually end up being crap. So what do I do with Two for the Money? The trailers look good. The clips look good... but I just can't shake this awful guy feeling that once again I'm going to walk out disappointed.

I hope I'm wrong about that. So what do you think? Is Two For The Money going to be any good, or just another recent Pacino let down? You can get the new clips here.

Posted by John Campea at October 4, 2005 11:27 AM


I heard that it's pretty descent. i'm not sure if it entices me enough to see it in the big screen but who knows if i wont just pull a "heck why not" and go for it. When has Pacino ever not been good? (i think he's better than DeNiro). and if Pacino isnt the leader of the movie, i've heard some stand up reviews for Matthew McConaughey (geez, i'd rather type Jake Gyllenhaal).
as for seeing the movie, i say, undecided. i dont have much sports knowledge.

Posted by: Marla Singer at October 4, 2005 12:49 PM

Gotta say used to be a big Pacino fan but as in the case of this film McCaonaughey is the draw. I am intrigued by McConaughey's character but I feel like I already know Pacino's character.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 4, 2005 01:10 PM