October 10, 2005

Trailers that change a film

Projector.jpgWe've all seen this, it happens every day. You see a trailer, you think it's one thing (usually good) and then you go see the movie and it's another (usually bad!), the people who make trailers are very clever you see, they take the best bits of the movie and make it into something you'd love to see.

Okay, you've heard all this before and you see it every day, so what Richard? Well, a friend of mine (insert shameless plug) Martin pointed me in the direction of a post from a blog called Making Light. They highlight a little competition which aims to see who could take an existing movie and recut it into a trailer which totally changes the style of the movie. Let me explain with the words of Digital Video Editing:

The Association of Independent Creative Editors has awarded Kevin Halleran first place honors at the Trailer Park Festival. For the competition, assistant editors were given the challenge of cutting a two-minute movie trailer from a list of five film classics. The twist-- the promo had to place the film in an entirely new genre.

Halleran won first place by turning the timeless family film “The Sound of Music” into a thriller flick by partnering slow-motion scenes with classic horror music. [an error occurred while processing this directive]“It’s definitely ‘Sound of Music’ meets ‘Village of the Damned,’” said Halleran. “It was such a fun project- and illustrates the power of editing.” He added, “The competition was a chance to do something out of the ordinary and a great venue to showcase my work.”

Sounds cool? Well unfortunately I couldn't get hold of a link to that particular one, but here are a few others:

West Side Story...with a recut trailer as a horror film. There's some additions to the original footage, but quite effective.

More effective though is Titanic as a horror movie.

Best of all though, and my personal favourite, is The Shining as a romantic comedy. That is truly superb and really does hit the mark.

What do you think? Isn't that just creative genius at its best?

Posted by at October 10, 2005 01:23 PM


I haven't seen the others you speak of, but "The Shining" trailer is freakin hilarious! Happy-happy joy-joy! It's The Shining by Cameron Crowe! Good post. Let everyone know, cuz this is good stuff!

- www.moviepatron.com

Posted by: Drewbacca at October 10, 2005 06:59 PM

Fantastic! Really creative. It's amazing how the choice of scenes and the music affects how you see the trailer.

Posted by: Vix at October 11, 2005 06:23 AM

Hilarious indeed! LOL

This is a good find Rich, do we have the link to the winning edited trailer of The Sound of Music or am I asking too much? *winks*

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 11, 2005 04:23 PM