October 24, 2005

Top films of all time?

CinemaSeats.jpgOver at the BBC they have the news that TotalFilm have come up with the top films of all time list.

Total Film's top 100 list contained some surprises - the Humphrey Bogart classic Casablanca only made number 98 while Lawrence of Arabia, starring Peter O'Toole, was in 77th position.

Now, I do trust their judgement more than, let's say, Empire, but I'm still not sure if I'd rank this the same way. Have a look at the top ten and say what you think...

1. Goodfellas
2. Vertigo
3. Jaws
4. Fight Club
5. The Godfather: Part Two
6. Citizen Kane
7. Tokyo Story
8. The Empire Strikes Back
9. The Lord of the Rings trilogy
10. His Girl Friday

Personally I wouldn't be ranking Fight Club and Goodfella's that high, sure they are great, but they wouldn't be that far up for me. What about you? What would your top ten be? Which don't belong on this list? Remember these are of all time!

Posted by at October 24, 2005 07:48 AM


has anyone noticed that the lord of the rings trilogy is not a film?


surely a 'professional' piece of 'journalism' would know that!

Posted by: simon at October 24, 2005 08:20 AM

Hey Simon, although I agree with you, maybe they ranked all 3 films as Number 9?

I am actually working on my Top 10, this is gonna make me want to finish that list!

I agree, Goodfellas is in the number 1 spot? I was hoping "Godfather" would have made it to No. 1.

Rich, John: What if The Movie Blog comes up with a Top 10 list of their own based on poster's votes? *winks*

Posted by: Simone at October 24, 2005 09:14 AM

While I might not exactly agree with the list, I do like it. It's nice to see a magazine actually pick what they personally think is the best to them. Not what is the best from a technical standpoint or what should be considered the best. I'm tired of seeing The Godfather and Casablanca top every damn list their is and completely ignore any movie made after 1990 that isn't called Pulp Fiction.

Posted by: Pudie at October 24, 2005 09:55 AM

Any list which puts the LOTR in top 10 greatest movies of all time while putting Lawrence of Arabia at no.77 is not really worth seriously discussing. To be honest I am confused that a Japansese film that few western people have seen should make number 7 while Fight Club and Jaws (which I adore) are better films than Citizen Kane?

And I thought Shawshank was the big film everybody loved these days?

I really dont know where this list is coming from it does not seem to conform to what you would expect from a popular or a critical choice? It's all over the place!

Posted by: Morbius at October 24, 2005 09:55 AM

The Lord of the Rings could be considered one film. Hey the books are often described as one book.

Top 5
1. Kane
2. Maltese Falcon, Psycho, or Shining
3. Miller's Crossing, Barton Fink, or Fargo
4. The Pirate Movie
5. Die Hard

Another Top 5
1. He Dies in The End Forever
2. Once More Twice
3. Failure Comes Last
4. Uppity Poor People from the Earth Moon
5. Goonies

Posted by: finishdish at October 24, 2005 10:02 AM

Okay, what about this list? *winks*

1. Spartacus (1960) by Stanley Kubrick.
2. Lawrence of Arabia (1962) by David Lean.
3. Vertigo (1958), by Alfred Hitchcock.
4. The Godfather Part II (1974), by F.F. Coppola.
5. Artificial Intelligence (2001), by Steven Spielberg.
6. Chimes at Midnight (1965), by Orson Welles.
7. Seven Samurai (1954), by Akira Kurosawa.
8. The Man who Shot Liberty Valance (1962), by John Ford.
9. Pinocchio (1940), by Walt Disney.
10. The Night of the Hunter (1955), by Charles Laughton.

Posted by: Simone at October 24, 2005 10:38 AM

LOL Way to get off the fence with your first Top 5!

Personally I agree that a list like this is better for discussion purposes vs. your standard retread movie list. When AFI came out with their list was there any doubt that the top 3 would be Godfather, Citizen Kane, and Gone With the Wind?

LOTR (They really are one movie, and to me the best ever made.)

Raising Arizona (Still Coen bros. best.)

Fight Club (Just an amazing social commentary, and one of the few films that actually is BETTER than the book it was based on.)

The Princess Bride (Quotable classic to this day.)

Running on Empty (I think I'm the only person I know who loves this movie, but it's just a solid solid film.)

Glengarry Glenross (Loaded with talent, and every one of them gives Oscar-worthy performances, a crime that Lemmon wasn't nominated.)

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (You gotta love Terry Gilliam. And Depp on Benicio or unbelievable in this.)

Hoop Dreams (Best sports movie of all time. Tragic and real.)

Good Fellas (If you're flipping channels and it's on, you stop flipping.)

A Few Good Men (Another great film with great performances. I know TNT shows it every other weekend, but it had to make my list. It's that good.)

Posted by: Richard (not Brunton) at October 24, 2005 10:53 AM

Simone, where on earth did you get that list from?

Why on earth would AI be number 5?

Number 10, Night of the Hunter is a great film. I almost bought it on Sunday. It definitely deserves a high ranking in a greatest movie list.

Liberty Valance never did much for me.

Posted by: Morbius at October 24, 2005 11:09 AM

What a ridiculously arbitrary list.

Posted by: Sean at October 24, 2005 11:09 AM

Hey Richard (not Brunton) was that LOL for me specifically? *curious*

Oh and it aint my list, you wouldnt want to see mine or you'd definitely be ROTFL.

Posted by: Simone at October 24, 2005 11:10 AM

Simone I've tried getting a top list together before, and the responses were poor, worse than the responses for the Movie Blog Oscar winners poll.

However, if the response was good enough I would happily start one. I've been looking at the "Most Disturbing Death Scene" section and I'm thinking of pulling those together for a list.

We could then make up pages for our top lists...

Posted by: Richard Brunton at October 24, 2005 12:28 PM

The questions asked were: "What about you? What would your top ten be?"

My top 10 movies are the movies that I never get tired of watching. I own them on DVD because I want to be able to watch them over and over and not wear them out. They are the movies that make me laugh, cry, feel good, scare me or trigger fond memories. A movie doesn't have to be a critical or technical masterpiece to be a favorite movie.

My Top 10 (in no particular order, because my moods change week to week)

Star Wars - A New Hope (1977). The original unremade version. Because the memories of how magical that theater experience was in 1977 is so strong.

The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)- Olivia DeHavilland, Errol Flynn and Basil Rathbone with a sword. Just Pure Fun.

Teacher's Pet (1958) - Clark Gable and Gig Young competing over Doris Day - Who would?

Bringing Up Baby (1938)- Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant. IMHO the funniest movie ever made. Even my children love this one.

The Rocketeer (1991). Jennifer Connally when she was knock down drop dead gorgeous. And Bill Campbell strapping a rocket to his back and flying around like a bat out of hell....

She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949) - John Wayne, Joanne Dru, Indian attacks, the US Calvary and Sgt. Quincannon.

The Quiet Man (1952) - John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, wonderful scenery and one of the best movie fight scenes of all time.

McLintock! (1963) John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara. So I like the Duke and redheads and slapstick humor. Get over it.

Singing in the Rain (1952) When I grow up I want to be half as graceful as Gene Kelly and half as funny as Donald O'Connor.

Holiday Inn (1942) Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire dueling over Marjorie Reynolds on a set that makes you want to just move in and stay.

OK, none of these films will ever be considered great masterpieces. But then neither will I. They are just good movies that are enjoyed by an average movie goer. I watch movies to be entertained, not impressed by the acting, the script or the special effects. If I expanded the list to 20 or 30 movies it would be just more of the same kind of movies - Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Brigadoon, Chism, Young Frankenstein, Father Goose, They Died with Their Boots On, Captain Blood, Captain Horatio Hornblower, Shrek, Lion King, Psycho, etc.

It's not that I dislike newer movies, I just prefer the older ones. Maybe they stick in my mind and heart because I have seen them over and over. Maybe after a few more years some of the newer shows will creep into my top 10 also. But by then they won't be new movies anymore....

Posted by: David at October 24, 2005 12:31 PM

New to the board, but not to the business. A top ten list is so subjective, but what the hell. Here goes.

1. Raging Bull
2. The Wild Bunch
3. Godfather's 1 and 2 (I know they're separate films, but the LOTR
trilogy rule applies.)
4. The Searchers
5. Chinatown
6. Cabaret
7. Kwai
8. How Green Was My Valley
9. Sunset Blvd.
10. Kane
11. The Hustler
12. Becket
13. Liberty Valance
14. The Last Detail
15. The Wizard of Oz
16. His Girl Friday
17. The Best Years of Our Lives
18. Hud
19. The Set-Up
20. Touch of Evil

Sorry, got carried away. I stuck with all English speaking films, as subtitles tend to take me out of the picture. A list could be compiled of the 100 best foreign films (non English speaking) and it would be just as impressive as any 100 best English speaking films.

Posted by: Paul Hapenny at October 24, 2005 12:56 PM

I really got tired of reading stupid movie lists with stupid titles lately. People should make a distinction between "BEST movies of all time" and "FAVOURITE movies of all time". And not only movies - cartoons, TV series and whatever list someone may come up with, he should make a distinction between BEST and FAVOURITE.

When you are talking about "BEST movies", you should do it from a critical position, trying to be as objective as possible. Like the members of the Oscars jury are supposed to be. You should have clear arguments to argue your point, based on acting, screenplay, direction, cinematography etc.

When you are talking about your "FAVOURITE movies", you don't have to prove anything - they are the movies that had a lasting impression on you, that struck the right chord in you.

For example: Star Trek The Next Generation is superior in almost every aspect to The Original Series; the stories, the special effects, the acting, the direction - you name it - they have all improved. However, some people have grown up with the old series and are more fond of it. You can say that The Original Series is your FAVOURITE series of all time, but you shouldn't say that it's the BEST.

When you are talking about Revenge of the Sith, it may be your FAVOURITE movie of the year, but it's definitely not the BEST, due to a lot of reasons.

So, people, when you are putting up a list related to movies, please specify if it's made of your FAVOURITE, totally subjective choices, or it's a BEST OF list, where you are speaking from a critical point of view. This way you may avoid questions like "why on earth is X number Y in Z's list".

And before making a "BEST OF" list, ask yourself if you're in a position to make such a list. If you know enough about the subject to have a relevant opinion - as opposed, for example, to someone from South Asia who has only seen the 2 Scooby Doo movies and the Star Wars prequels and he's claiming up and loud that "the American cinema is complete crap!". Or someone who has only seen 1 or 2 anime that just "looked cool" to him and starts creating a "BEST animated movies of all time" list.

Just my opinion.

Posted by: T-Jax at October 24, 2005 02:07 PM

David, superb for picking up the list, and having the balls to say what your true top ten is.

You know people are right to say that these things are subjective, but in saying that should we stop doing them? Should we not talk about opinion? Of course we should, and we should keep doing the lists because it promotes discussion and probably exposes us to new movies we haven't considered, or old ones we've forgotten.

Paul - cracking list! Same to you Simone, Richard (not me) and FinishDish.

Perhaps we should think about a top ten page and start building our toptens...What do you all think?

Posted by: Richard Brunton at October 24, 2005 02:08 PM

In no particular order:
Shawshank Redemption
LOTR Trilogy
Wizard of Oz

Posted by: Lou_Sytsma at October 24, 2005 02:15 PM

Richard Brunton: Just to make sure this gets to you directly. *winks* Oh and that Top 10 list aint mine but also from another friend-poster of TMB. And yes, please compile the lists we can make from this one and I agree that although lists are subjective it would be interesting to know the type of films all of us here find as our favourite/best/all-time.

Morbius: Why, what was wrong with "A.I."? Besides that list is personal, and it came from a very good friend whose taste in films I am trying to acquire! *winks* (you know who you are pal)

T-Jax says, "When you are talking about Revenge of the Sith, it may be your FAVOURITE movie of the year, but it's definitely not the BEST, due to a lot of reasons". I am interested to know what these reasons are. Please be kind to me, I am a woman. *smiles*

I like David's list because he mentioned "Star Wars" (MTFBWY!) and Paul's because he had "The Godfather I & II", which you can also see from my own list.

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 24, 2005 02:36 PM

i'm not a film professional, so i cannot pass judgement on that particular top 10 list. i, being a mere 16 years of age, do not appreciate the "Classics" such as Casablanca, Citizen Kane, and The Godfather. Oh, well. Heres my top 25!(Lots of these movies are summer blockbusters, but what would you expect from a ignorant teen like me?)
24.Star Wars IV:A New Hope
23.Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade
19.Remember the Titans
18.Bruce Almighty
17.Terminator 2:Judgement Day
16.Kung Pow:Enter the Fist(i know its stupid, but it is SO funny!)
13.Toy Story
12.The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie(bring it on, sponge-haters!)
9.The Lion King
8.X2:X-Men United
7.LOTR:The Fellowship of the Ring
6.Pirates of the Carribean
4.Batman Begins
3.The Matrix
2.Raiders of the Lost Ark
1.Jurassic Park

Now that's a list.Bring on the comments!

Posted by: Brian at October 24, 2005 02:52 PM

"Tremors"!!! Graboids!

For a 16 year old, you've got a lot of promise! *winks*

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 24, 2005 03:06 PM

I can't even begin to compile a top ten list--too agonizing--and I haven't seen all the films they've put in the top ten, but from those I have, I would remove Fight Club, LOTR, Star Wars and Jaws from that list; and suggest others like Casablanca, The Third Man and The Hustler as certainly worthier considerations.

At least they have Vertigo--everyone's always carrying on about Rear Window

Posted by: Arethusa at October 24, 2005 04:14 PM

I agree with what T-Jax said that many people cannot tell the difference between favourite films and best films.

Simone, I did not say ther was anything wrong with AI (though it has flaws) but 5th Best Film of all time? It is not even Spielbergs 5th best film! (For the record I thought the first third of the film was brilliant, the middle third a bit dull and the final third er not really sure what to make of that? Haley Joel Osmont deserved an Oscar though.)

Anyway that clearly wasn't your list you posted, how about giving us your personal choices?

Anyway this is my attempt at a top 40 favourite films list in no real order...

Night of the Hunter
Citizen Kane
The Day the Earth Stood Still
Forbidden Planet
The Searchers
A Matter of Life and Death
Black Narcissus
Lawrence of Arabia
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Jurassic Park
Star Wars
The Empire Strikes Back
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
On Her Majesty's Secret Service (yes the Lazenby one)
You Only Live Twice (Incredibly dumb, but brilliantly entertaining)
Superman the Movie
The Outlaw Josey Wales
Once upon a Time in the West
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
The Longest Day
Ben Hur
The Big Country
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Disney)
The Magnificent Seven
The Vikings
Rebel Without a Cause
Back to the Future
Planet of the Apes
Toy Story
Dances with Wolves
The Abyss
Almost Famous
The Right Stuff

Posted by: Morbius at October 24, 2005 04:15 PM

Here's my batch of completely opinionated lists:

Best Films of All Time:
10. The Shawshank Redemption
9. Chinatown
8. The Third Man
7. Rear Window
6. Dr. Strangelove
5. Citizen Kane
4. Casablanca
3. Schindler's List
2. The Seven Samurai
1. The Godfather Saga

My Favorite Films of All Time:
10. Being John Malkovich
9. Magnolia
8. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
7. Boogie Nights
6. The Big Lebowski
5. Rashomon
4. 21 Grams
3. Barry Lyndon
2. The Deer Hunter
1. Goodfellas

Most Overrated:
10. The Entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy
9. Reservoir Dogs
8. A Clockwork Orange
7. Donnie Darko
6. The Wizard of Oz
5. Sin City
4. High Noon
3. The Entire Star Wars Saga
2. Raging Bull
1. Vertigo

Most Underrated:
10. Eyes Wide Shut
9. Miller's Crossing
8. Big Fish
7. The Second Half of Full Metal Jacket
6. Adaptation
5. Paths of Glory
4. Bram Stoker's Dracula
3. Barry Lyndon
2. Manos: The Hands of Fate
1. Three Kings

Worst Films:
10. Cinderella Man
9. Catwoman
8. Soul Plane
7. Baby Geniuses
6. The Dark Crystal
5. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
4. Jurassic Park
3. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
2. Battlefield Earth
1. One Night in Paris

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at October 24, 2005 05:25 PM

So Joseph, Jurassic Park II was better than JP 1?

(Not to mention Hook, Batman and Robin and Plan 9 from Outer Space!)

Seriously, listing Jurassic Park as one of the 10 worse films of all time is very, very silly. It's not even a bad film, let alone one of the worse ever! The film was a fun rollercoaster ride with a built in science lesson and (at the time) some of the most jaw dropping and ground breaking special effects ever seen. Sure I am sure you can pick a few holes in it but they are not that big! Me thinks you are nit picking as it was a Mega-Hit!

(Amusingly it was made back to back with Schindler's List one of your best films of all time.)

Posted by: Morbius at October 24, 2005 05:59 PM

Catfight, catfight! LOL I would love to see what ensues next! ;-)

I am tightlipped about TPM and RotS making it to Joseph's worse list. There's bigger fish to fry here! LOL

Posted by: Simone at October 24, 2005 06:04 PM

Joseph,how the f#*!&%$! h#&* do you put Jurassic Park as you're #4 worst film of all time? I know you're list is completely opinionated, but so is mine. If you didn't notice, it peaks my top 25 list. I'm joining up with Simone.

Posted by: Brian at October 24, 2005 06:37 PM

Morbius, you're list rocks.

Posted by: Brian at October 24, 2005 06:39 PM

My very personal top ten, in no particular order:

1. Monsieur Verdoux, by Charles Chaplin

2. The Incredible Shrinking Man, by Jack Arnold

3. Moonfleet, by Fritz Lang

4. Lust for Life, by Vincente Minelli

5. Freaks, by Tod Browning

6. 23 Paces to Baker Street, by Henry Hathaway

7. The Passion of the Christ, by Mel Gibson

8. Ivan the Terrible, by S.M. Eisenstein

9. The Public Enemy, by William Wellman

10. A distant trumpet, by Raoul Walsh.

To your consideration.

Your friend and neighbour Peter Parker ;)

Posted by: Peter at October 24, 2005 06:46 PM

Oh Brian, I wish you didnt say that to Morbius! LOL

I loved Equilibrium, IMHO way better than the Matrix sequels.

Posted by: Simone at October 24, 2005 06:46 PM

We have another Peter in the board?

Hi Peter, Simone here. ;-)

Posted by: Simone at October 24, 2005 06:47 PM

Thanks Brian.

Your list is pretty good for a 16 year old too! Many of the films you listed are old films for someone of your age.

Mind you many of the films I listed were made before I was born too. (I'm 38) It's never too late to get into old movies. There just out there waiting for new people to watch and enjoy them for the first time.

Posted by: Morbius at October 24, 2005 06:50 PM

a lot of the films I got into because of my dad. Jaws, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Airplane were just some of the movies he got me into. I wish some better movies came out this year. Being a huge Sci-Fi fan i was so disappointed with War of the Worlds.

Posted by: Brian at October 24, 2005 06:57 PM

Oy Morbius, dont indoctrinate the kid! Leave him alone, he will definitely have good taste, heck he already does!

Peter, I have only seen "Passion of the Christ" from that list of yours. *smiles*

Posted by: Simone at October 24, 2005 06:58 PM

Brian: I am assuming your father is Morbius's age? If not younger?

Maybe you will enjoy Serenity? There, I have made my peace with that movie by plugging it.

Posted by: Simone at October 24, 2005 07:00 PM

I did not put Jurassic Park II or III in my list because I have not seen them, nor will I ever considering how much I loathe the first.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at October 24, 2005 07:31 PM

Oh, and Hook kicked ass.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at October 24, 2005 07:33 PM

There he is, Joseph's back! LOL

Hey Joseph, out of curiousity, what do you think made JP so loathsome?

Guys I have to sleep! Simone now signing off, I will be back! *winks*

Posted by: Simone at October 24, 2005 07:36 PM

It was annoyingly campy, IMO.

The kids made my ears bleed, it was blatantly predictable, the ending was completely changed from the book, I hated the dialogue. Had it been made with a better screenwriter attatched I probably wouldn't hate it so much, it isn't a nil-made film, the production is great (It's Spielberg, what else do you expect) I just didn't like it.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at October 24, 2005 07:47 PM

well, since you read the book, i'll let your hate of it pass. I heard the book was much different from the movie. I haven't read the book, so I don't really have anything to compare it to. Thank you all so much for being kind to me. By the way, my dad is 40. I leave you all with a quote from Kung Pow

"Just because someone goes 'AAAIIIEEEE!!!!OOOHHHH!!!', it doesn't mean they're dead."
Thank you, Cleveland! Good night!

Posted by: Brian at October 24, 2005 08:39 PM

How can those films be listed as the best? What are the chosen film's qualifications? It's like a list of fanboy wanking meets "the decade's favorite best movies bandwagon" sensibility.

It's so subjective-- and how many other best movies lists have been compiled? This list is poop. Poop I say!

Posted by: chark hammis at October 25, 2005 03:02 AM

Simone...why did Star Wars III suck? Because the acting was bad as well as the plot...it looked to be put together hastily...everything was predictable. The visual effects were good but that is about all the movie has going for it. Now as for my favorite movies list of all time in no particular order:
Last of the Mohicans-Great acting and superb plot

Requiem for a Dream-Good message as well as great acting

The Dark Crystak-Killer story and the visual effects for that age were just outstanding (puppets and world creation)

Vanilla Sky-Kick ass plot and superb acting

American History X-Superb plot and acting

Ben Hur and the Ten Commandments-Need I say more!!!

First 3 Alien Films-Scary with great plot and acting

Fried Green Tomatoes-Classic with superb acting

The Matrix Trilogy-Killer story and plot with kick ass visual effects and great acting

Those are my favorites!!!

Posted by: MechoPower at October 25, 2005 09:41 AM

Oh and to Simone again...I read the book before seeing Star Wars III and that really made the movie suck...the story was somewhat there but so many little things were left out that would have brought the movie together so much better.

Posted by: MechoPower at October 25, 2005 09:43 AM

Vanilla Sky? Have you not seen the original Abre Los Ojos? That's far, far superior.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at October 25, 2005 09:50 AM

I like David's and Paul Hapenny's lists. My top 20 list (in no particular order):
1. 84 Charing Cross Road
2. Chinatown
3. McCabe & Mrs. Miller
4. The Manchurian Candidate (1961)
5. Aliens
6. The Long Goodbye
7. The Maltese Falcon
8. Little Women (1994)
9. Romeo and Juliet (Zeffirelli 1968)
10. The Wizard of Oz
11. The Wild Bunch
12. Dr. Strangelove
13. Sunset Boulevard
14. The Best Years of Our Lives
15. 2001: A Space Odyssey
16. The Way We Were
17. The Terminator
18. Bram Stoker's Dracula
19. Black Robe
20. Cabeza de Vaca

Posted by: briscoe at October 25, 2005 04:38 PM

Wow. That list was full of movies that shouldn't even be in the top 100.

My favorite and best films of all time:

1. The Seven Samurai

2. The Cross-Bow Incident

3.The Manchurian Canditate ( the original)

4. All Quiet Along the Western Front

5. Witness for the Prosecution

6.Citizen Kane

7. Grand Illusion

8.Paths of Glory

9. Lawrence of Arabia

10. The Bridge over the River Kwai

11.High Noon

12. The Battleship Potemkin.

13. Stalag 17

14. The White Heat.

15. The Public Enemy.


17. The Godfather 2

18. The Godfather

19. The Killing

20. Dr.Strangelove or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb.

21.A Clockwork Orange

Posted by: Panda at October 25, 2005 04:49 PM

I wanna hug briscoe! You have The Way We Were on your list! Awwwwwww!

Hi MechoPower, thanks for your reply there.

Hey Richard, where is your list? ;-)

Posted by: Simone at October 25, 2005 05:08 PM

time to jump in with my other favorites lists!

Worst Movies
10.Spiderman 2(yeah, you read correctly)
9.I Spy(I loathe Owen Wilson)
7.Jaws 3 & 4
6.Lake Placid
5.Spy Kids 3D:Game Over
4.Star Wars Episode 2(I soooo do not want to make you mad, Simone, but this movie really sucked)
3.Anacondas:The Hunt for the Blood Orchid
2.Lion King 2
1.The Master of Disguise

Top 5 movies that got a bad wrap but shouldn't have
4.Van Helsing

Posted by: Brian at October 25, 2005 05:35 PM

Star Wars Episode 2 (I soooo do not want to make you mad, Simone, but this movie really sucked)

LOL @ Brian Youre so cute!!! ;-)

Hey Brian, you know what, it's alright, I still think youre a star. And listen, I have already made my peace with those who didnt like ANY or ALL of the prequels. ;-)


May the FORCE be with ya!

Oh and that's very brave saying you didnt like Spiderman 2, neither did I! LOL

Posted by: Simone at October 25, 2005 05:49 PM

Strange that Simone, I started thinking about it and then realised that I review everything on IMDB, so looking at my list...


...I realised I already had it. So listing the movies I've reviewed on IMDB (338!) I rate the following as tens...

[Movie] [Release Date] [Rating] [IMDB Average]

Alien (1979) 10 8.4
Always (1989) 10 6.3
American History X (1998) 10 8.4
Antikörper (2005) 10 7.3
The Assassination of Richard Nixon (2004) 10 7.2
Bubba Ho-tep (2002) 10 7.5
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) 10 7.7
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) 10 8.6
Finding Forrester (2000) 10 7.3
The Incredibles (2004) 10 8.4
It's a Wonderful Life (1946) 10 8.6
Kung fu (2004) 10 7.9
The Laramie Project (2002) 10 7.3
The Last Samurai (2003) 10 7.9
Lola rennt (1998) 10 8.2
Lost in Translation (2003) 10 7.9
The Matrix (1999) 10 8.6
Oldboy (2003) 10 8.4
The Princess Bride (1987) 10 8.2
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 10 8.7
Say Anything... (1989) 10 7.6
Signs (2002) 10 7.0
Twist of Faith (2004) 10 8.0
Voices of Iraq (2004) 10 6.8
Wallace & Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005) 10 8.1

Wow! I am really surprised about that. However that's not of all time, that's of my time and what I've actually seen and reviewed.

I'll prepare for the verbal slagging now...

Posted by: Richard Brunton at October 25, 2005 06:00 PM

We are still waiting for your own list Simone.

If you do not post it then I will provide the board with what I think your fav film list is. ;-)

Posted by: Morbius at October 25, 2005 06:12 PM

Guys, here's a thing then. I'm working on a page called The Movie Blog Top Lists, where we'll not only list these discussion posts, but also make the actual lists (which will evolve from discussion of course).

However, I want to ask you how we do it. Do I just go through peoples lists, add them together and the ones with the most votes go on? Sure, but what if we just get screeds of single voted movies - how do I choose what goes in?

Tell me how we can do it.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at October 26, 2005 03:13 AM

Oy Morbius, you have no idea what exactly is on my list so quit it! LOL

Hey Rich, you've got some great list there too, and some of your films figure in like my Top 30. I am tweaking them at the moment.

Now after careful deliberation, here is my "temporary" All-Time Top 10:

1. Star Wars (1977-George Lucas), Empire Strikes Back (1980-Irvin Kershner), Revenge of the Sith (2005-George Lucas) This movie shaped my childhood
2. The Godfather Saga - (1972, 1974, 1990) Francis Ford Copolla
Read the book, loved it, saw the movie, loved Al Pacino. *winks*
3. Saving Private Ryan- (1998) Steven Spielberg
4. L.A. Confidential- (1997) Curtis Hanson
5. Casablanca (1942) Michael Curtiz
6. An Affair to Remember (1957) Leo McCarey
7. The Usual Suspects- (1995) Bryan Singer
8. The Untouchables (1987) Brian de Palma
9. Lord of the Rings trilogy- (2001-2003) Peter Jackson
10. Back to the Future (1985) Robert Zemeckis

Posted by: Simone at October 26, 2005 06:43 AM

Oh, that childhood comment was for Star Wars and TESB, as for Sith, it shaped the way I view men. LOL

Hey Rich, why not put together those who has the most number of mentions as their favourite film and then surely we can tweak it eventually and find a better way to present the whole list?

Posted by: Simone at October 26, 2005 06:46 AM

Simone has 16 films in her top 10 film list! Maths is not her strong point I guess! :-)

Posted by: Morbius at October 26, 2005 08:06 AM

I have 25!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at October 26, 2005 08:17 AM

LOL @ Richard That's right!

Look who's talking, we were only asked to produced 10 and you Morbius produced 40! So seal it! ;-)

So tell me Morbius, regarding my list, you didnt guess that at all, did ya? *winks*

Posted by: Simone at October 26, 2005 08:48 AM

Actually it's 19, you missed adding the LotR trilogy.

Posted by: Simone at October 26, 2005 08:49 AM

Top Ten:
1. Goodfellas
2. Pulp fiction
3. LOTR - The Fellowship of the Ring
4. Platoon
5. Watership Down
6. Spartacus
7. Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back
8. The Incredibles
9. The Shawshank Redemption
10. Sin City

Posted by: matlot at October 26, 2005 11:56 AM

Richard, what about a list by genré/category?

Say your Top 10 Sci-Fi, Top 10 Westerns, Top 10 Rom-coms, Top 10 Crime-Thrillers, Top 10 Musicals, yadda, yadda, yadda...

Just to expand the list really.

Posted by: Simone at October 26, 2005 12:03 PM

And in no particular order...

Pulp Fiction
The Usual Suspects
The Empire Strikes Back
The Return of the King
The Seven Samurai
The Matrix
Blade Runner

Posted by: Jeff at October 27, 2005 05:29 PM

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Posted by: ayrinti at November 7, 2005 06:34 PM