October 21, 2005

Tony Scott back on Deja Vu

TonyScott.jpgThis really is deja vu - Tony Scott was on, then off, and now back on again and has just been re-announced as the man. It seems we all might have misread his actions when he left the first time, he was saying that he wouldn't have the location anywhere but New Orleans, the Studio would rather just get the commodity created and out the door to the purchasers!

So now it's back in New Orleans. From Cinema Blend:

Scott left Deja Vu, which will star Denzel Washington, shortly after New Orleans was hit by Hurricane Katrina. The director originally planned to film in New Orleans and left the picture when Katrina left the city devastated. Scott, who considers filming in the city crucial to the picture’s success, left the picture citing “logistical and scheduling reasons” as the excuse for his departure.

...his return has come on the heels of the news that the movie will indeed be able to film in New Orleans.

Shows his power a little I think, and he's probably got good reason to want it filmed there and he didn't budge.

Posted by Richard Brunton at October 21, 2005 08:24 AM


Being a New Orleanian, I am really excited that Scott decided to stay in New Orleans and fought for it. I think it shows a great promise to the city's future economy and other movie productions perhaps following in it's footsteps. It can only help our devastated state and uplift the victims. It really helps to know that we are not alone, as so many victims of the natural disasters as of late feel. People are thinking about us and the city will be rebuilt. Thanks again for the good news!

Posted by: Kelly at October 21, 2005 06:33 PM

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