October 09, 2005

The Life and Times of John Campea

Hey there folks. Not many people know this, but The Movie Blog actaully came about as a result of my personal blog that I kept a few years ago. I LOVED blogging. But I started noticing that many of my posts were about movies... and so I thought it would be a good idea to just start a new blog that talked about nothing but film... and thus The Movie Blog was born.

Over time, all I woked on was The Movie Blog and eventually stopped posting to my own blog. I've always regreted that.

Anyway, I've recieved a lot of email from people asking if I have a blog of my own, and now I can say YES I DO! I finally got around to putting up another personal blog for myself. It's called The Life and Times of John Campea.

On that blog I'll be writing a lot about my life, random thoughts, angry rants, stuff I find interesting on movies, tech, computers, politics, my book and other various topics of interest. So come on over and say "hi" sometimes.

And I'm not the only one around The Movie Blog with a personal blog. Here's a rundown:

John's Blog
Rich's Blog
Doug's Blog
Brad's Blog

See you around.

Posted by John Campea at October 9, 2005 10:58 AM