October 06, 2005

Syriana Trailer

Boy is George Clooney going after the political thriller market with gusto. Not only that, but he's attacking some pretty strong subjects, and none so stronger right now than Oil in the Middle East and a small group called the CIA. I have to say the more I see of Clooney of late the more impressed I'm getting.

Dtheatre have a link to the new trailer for the movie Syriana hosted at Yahoo. It's Quicktime format.

Robert Baer (Clooney), a 21-year veteran of the CIA, spent his entire career investigating terrorists around the globe. As the dangers of terrorism increased, Baer watched as the CIA's funding was cut, politics overtook judgment, and warning signs were ignored. But the struggle becomes personal when an oil executive (Damon) and his wife (Peet) are faced with a family tragedy...

IMDB's blurb is interesting, but coupled with this trailer which doesn't really tell you anything but does set you on edge, I'd reckon this could be a great movie, and another good step for Clooney. What do you think?

Posted by at October 6, 2005 12:11 PM



Posted by: John Campea at October 6, 2005 12:25 PM

John -- I'm with you on this. This looks great. Terrific cast, timely subject matter (oil) -- and based on a true story.

I've read both of Robert Baer's books, and while Syriana is clearly the Hollywoodization of his story, the right people are involved to make this a potentially great film.

The only red flag for me is the director: Stephen Gaghan. Does anyone remember Abandon? Yikes, that was terrible. Here's hoping having Steven Soderbergh looking over his shoulder will improve the quality of this film.


Posted by: CD at October 6, 2005 01:41 PM

Looks very good. George has come a long way since 'The Facts of Life'.

Posted by: Terry at October 6, 2005 01:55 PM

I don't think this movie has any flaws in view.

No director can make a good script bad unless he changes it, assuming this is a good script, and by the trailer we can tell it most likely is, Gaghan will stay true to it. Adaptation and Being John malkovich both have dull direction, but the scripts are amazing, i.e. they're great movies. Direction comes second to writing, but if Syriana is as good as it looks, I think we may have an oscar-contender on our hands.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at October 6, 2005 09:14 PM

I've been looking forward to this movie for quite some time now, and this trailer really cements my view that it's going to be great!

Posted by: Vix at October 7, 2005 05:32 AM