October 10, 2005

Star Wars TV and Indy 4

Came across this nice little interview with Rick McCallum (Producer at Lucasfilm). In it he talks about the upcoming Star Wars TV shows (animated and live action) as well as the upcoming Indiana Jones 4 movie.

Two things really jumped out at me from the interview. one about Star Wars and one about Indy.

Star Wars Bit:

And the live-action television series is something we are planning for at the beginning of 2007. We are just starting to interview writers and trying to really figure out which direction to go to. It is going to be much darker, grittier. It's much more character-based. He envisions somewhere like 100 hours between Episode III and Episode IV with a lot of characters that we haven't met that have been developed in some of the novels and other things. We are really excited about that. Finally, we could have the opportunity to answer everybody's questions once and for all by the time we finish the series.
And on Indy:
(George Lucas is) doing the Indiana Jones (4) script, which he should finish by Sunday. Then he's meeting with Steven [Spielberg] next week to try and figure out where they're going to go and what changes they want to make on it.
It's nice to see that Indy 4 hasn't been forgotten. Here's hoping that George and Steven are able to get a lot accomplished when they get together next week. Indy needs to be on the screen again before he's on his back in a nursing home!

Posted by John Campea at October 10, 2005 01:19 PM


"It is going to be much darker, grittier. It's much more character-based."

I wished they did that for the prequels. Hopefully the live action series be about the underworld of the Star Wars universe (smugglers, bounty hunters, pirates, etc.). Maybe a Young Han Solo Chronicles ;). A series on Rogue Squadron would also have been cool. But since the series is suppose to take place between episode 3 and 4, it can be about the start of the Rebel Alliance.

An anthology series with Star Wars could also be a good idea..but very, very expensive and time consuming since entirely new sets and characters will have to be created on a weekly basis.

Posted by: Terry Letourneau at October 10, 2005 07:26 PM

Being a fan of this franchise and I might be in the minority here I wasnt very keen on this proposed Star Wars tv show when I first heard about it, but this backdrop might just make it work.

Heck, this might be the motivation I will need to finally get myself a plasma widescreen tv and sign up for Sky! *winks*


Posted by: Simone at October 11, 2005 07:16 AM

Darker, grittier, more character based?

Perhaps Lucas has been watching "Firefly". ;-)

Posted by: Morbius at October 11, 2005 07:33 AM

Would love to see Indy again! Do we know if Sean Connery might be on board? I loved him in the 3rd film!

Posted by: Simone at October 11, 2005 01:48 PM

Before anyone gets too excited about a Star Wars TV series I feel it only right that I remind the of five words...

"The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles"

Posted by: Morbius at October 11, 2005 03:34 PM

What a stupid ripoff idea! Its basically going to be a Star Wars version of The Animatrix which the Wachoski's made a while ago. George Lucas has ripped off this Star Wars series idea from the Wachoski brothers to desperatly carry on the Star Wars saga.

Posted by: Billy05 at October 19, 2005 08:15 AM