October 14, 2005

Spielberg to make games

SteveSpielberg.jpgThis is probably the biggest games \ movie news to date, and it's not really in the direction we would have expected. It's not about a videogame coming to the movies with a big budget, big script, big stars, no. This is about one of the biggest movie moguls of our time working with videogames and giving them some serious praise too. From Coming Soon:

In a ground-breaking long term agreement, Electronic Arts Inc. today announced that Academy Award winner Steven Spielberg will be collaborating with the game makers at EA's Los Angeles studio (EALA) to create three new original franchise properties. Beginning this year, with offices located on site at EALA, Spielberg will work directly with EA's development teams to offer his signature style of storytelling to the concept, design, story and artistic visualization of the new games.

Huge deal, and a huge event. Could one of these be a new Indy game?

"I have been playing EA games for years and have watched them master the interactive format," said Steven Spielberg. "Having watched the game industry grow from a niche into a major creative force in entertainment, I have a great deal of respect for EA's understanding of the interactive format. I'm looking forward to working closely with the team in Los Angeles."

"There is no greater storyteller than Steven Spielberg," said EA Chairman and CEO Larry Probst. "In addition to his gift for pleasing movie audiences, he has an innate understanding of games and how to immerse players into a fantastic world of action and characters."

This is really exciting news for game players, and it's also interesting to think what the reverse payback will be, more exposure for the games industry in the movie industry? Here's a huge tie between some of the biggest players of the two market places, surely that bodes well for a shared future that goes further than the half baked movie adaptations to date?

Posted by Richard Brunton at October 14, 2005 10:03 AM


no offence to EA fans, but around 85% of the games they release are crap. Why? Because they dont give programmers enough time. The stories might be good, but don't have high hopes for gameplay.

Posted by: igl85 at October 14, 2005 11:35 AM

EALA's games have been flopping big lately. I heard that they had a falling out with Peter Jackson over the Lord of the Rings games, and that's supposedly why they didn't get the license for King Kong.

Also, didn't Spielberg use to own EALA, back when it was called Dreamworks Interactive?

Posted by: dRob at October 14, 2005 12:52 PM

LMAO picturing Stevie playing Madden and calling little kids st00pid n00bs.

Posted by: adam at October 14, 2005 04:49 PM

I don't see what the big deal is.............Spielburg is the one who created the Medal OF Honor series. So why is this big news?

EALA needs to get thier act togehter because they can't afford to screw up in front of Spielburg.

Posted by: Bryan at October 14, 2005 07:00 PM

Actually Spielberg has made a few games... I didn't know about the Medal of Honor series... but he made the game 'The Dig' with LucasArts I believe. He also made this kind-of-game thing that I got when I was a little kid - its called Director's Chair, I am not sure if you guys know it but its basically a game where you make a movie starring Quentin Tarantino, Jennifer Aniston, and Penn and Teller. Its not particularly great... and its aimed towards kids...

Posted by: Ryan at October 15, 2005 07:58 AM

i would have thought he'd be working with lucasarts, especially if an indiana jones game was in the making to tie in with the film...

Posted by: Psych at October 19, 2005 08:57 PM

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