October 06, 2005

Spider-Man 3 Costume Reports

TopherAsVenom.jpgIs this what Topher Grace will look like as Venom in the upcoming Spider-Man 3 movie? (thanks to Blend for the pic).

Ok, no that's not Topher Grace in a Venom... but Cinema blend is reporting some disturbing rumours about the costuming for the next Spidey film. Here's what they had to say:

According to their anonymous scooper, Venom’s costume puts the Power Ranger-like costume of the Green Goblin (from the first movie) to shame. Taking a nod from the comic books, the Venom costume is tinted purple instead of being pure black. The result is apparently quite bad. The scooper goes on to say it gets worse: the Hobgoblin costume (presumably James Franco’s Harry Osborn) looks like a “skateboarder or something”.
Venom in purple? Osborn dressed like a skater? Has Raimi gone totally off the deep end? Now keep in mind none of this on "confirmed"... it could just all be a bad rumour (at least let's hope it is).

Posted by John Campea at October 6, 2005 11:59 AM


I don't think Raimi will go that far and disappoint the fans. I will wait till it's confirmed. Is Sandman in this too? Haven't we learned from the Batman movies (Batman Returns to Batman and Robin) not to have too many villians?

Posted by: Terry at October 6, 2005 05:52 PM

If purple meaning purplish blackish(inky looking) then that would make Venom look realistic and have flow in his suit, which would be great!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at October 6, 2005 06:03 PM

I agree about what you said Lizardfreak. I dont think they will go with an outfit like in the movie The Phantom lol.

Posted by: Terry at October 6, 2005 06:22 PM

If this is true, I wouldn't be surprised. Raimi crapped a terd with spiderman two, and this would be a second dissapointment in a long line of upcoming lame spiderman movies. Hopefully he will change his mind and correct the Spiderman movie franchise before i fall away from it forever.

Posted by: Brian at October 6, 2005 07:57 PM

I just hope they mix CGI and a suit type thing. Venom has to be slimy and shiny, and as I said above "inky looking" This 3rd film will be interesting as more of these more likely rumors come out.

If this movie sucks, I will follow in Brian's footsteps and fall away from this franchise forever too.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at October 6, 2005 10:09 PM

im sure rami can pull it off, with the purple as long as its tint and not a full purple venom, even tho it should be blue, thats what venoms tint was in the books .. and am i the only one who diddent think the green goblin suit wasent that bad? i mean yeah it had some power ranger too it but would u really want willem dafoe running around in a skin tight rubber suit?

Posted by: venommm at October 6, 2005 10:24 PM

Ok guys,

First off:

Freeze Dried Movies had the first scoop on this and Cinema Blend actually reports this:

"We’ve got more Spider-Man 3 news, and the news isn’t pretty... literally.

Freeze Dried Movies, the site that claims to have been the first to break the Topher Grace is playing Venom story, has a new scoop on Spidey. It appears the costume for Venom has been seen, but this isn’t necessarily a good thing. "


The purple tint probably refers to the NAVY BLUE tint - the same tint that was used by McFarlane and pretty much everyone else - except Erik Larson, who, I hate the way he drew Spiderman, but I digress - has drawn him to date. Why? That's how you make him stand out in the shadows. Otherwise you're not going to see the striations and separations in Venom's muscles.

As a matter of fact, even on the cover of the Secret Wars comic - where Spidey first donned the costume - there is a navy blue tint on the costume. There is no other way to reflect the shadows, and I'm sure this is the only reason thier doing this. Don't forget, there is alot of post production that takes places on these movies, and one of them will be playing with the color of the costume and it's shadows.

It's the same thing with Superman's hair - everyone thinks he has blue hair, when in fact, that's the only way you can reflect black hair from light, unless you make it "glow" which looks silly.

Finally, if the hobgoblin looks like a "skateboarder" i'm pretty sure all that means is that instead of riding the glider the way his father did - both feet facing forward - he's probably going to be riding it sideways like a surfboard. Not a big deal, but as long as the costume looks cool, I really don't care if he rides it with his ass cheeks. :)

I'm glad we're getting so much venom confirmation though. I'm psyched that he's the villain!

However, the problem is on the secret wars cover

Posted by: SpideyFan at October 7, 2005 08:20 AM

Who thinks Superman's hair is Blue? lol.

Posted by: Joey at October 7, 2005 09:48 PM

I'm not sure how I feel about the Hobgoblin costume. Personally I thought Willam Defoe would have looked a lot cooler with some prostetics and make-up instead of a mask...heck, he's scary-looking enough to begin with! But I digress, I'm not worried about Venom. First of all, there are many different shades of purple. Why are you assuming it's a light purple? Does anyone remember the costume Lee Meriwether wore as Cat-Woman back in the '66 Batman movie? That was such a dark purple it was almost black. If Venom's costume is that color (minus the sequins) It should work just fine.

It's sometimes easier for a lighting director not to have completely black costumes. A comic book movie with bright, flashy colors like the Spider-Man movies would probably benefit from a costume that can be more dynamically shaded. Besides, how many comic books actually color black costumes with black ink?

Sam Raimi has pleased Spider-Man fans and film-goers alike through two Spidey adventures. I'm sure he can pull it off for the next one.

Posted by: Justin at October 8, 2005 03:22 AM

i like where your goin with the venom tint thing justin, yeah the catwomens costume was so dark purple that it did look black, but the only problem with the venom is it isent goin to be a costume or full body suit its goin to be ... CGI

Posted by: venommm at October 8, 2005 04:45 AM

True, but digital light works a lot like real light, esp. when you're striving for photorealism. Therefore, even a CGI character can benefit from a color which is easier to light.

Posted by: Justin at October 9, 2005 08:33 PM

...And I had originally forgotten about the whole "CG Venom" angle.

Posted by: Justin at October 9, 2005 08:36 PM

You know Movies have come a long way since the batman movies. Graphics have gotten alot better since then, also we are talking about spider-man he has taken on more than one villian at a time in the comic books and it was very exciting what make it different for it being in a movie. I think its a great idea to have more than one villian. We get to see spidey at his fullest I for one am excited about this and if any of you were true fans i think you would be too

Posted by: spidey fan at October 11, 2005 04:08 PM

Well, I dont know... Venom`s costume could still look good, even though it "has a purple tint". Yeah well, it would look pretty stupid to make Venom or symbiote-spidey look full black, even in the shadows. Maybe the purple tint is for the lightningeffects. Like, when Venom is in the shadows and the moonlight is shining on him, you can see a little bit of a purple in the muscles area. So, cant say anything yet (WE NEED PHOTOS!!). But, this could be just a rumour so, cant say anything...

Posted by: mada at October 25, 2005 02:20 PM

Were all forgetting one important thing, Topher Grace as Venom? How are they pulling that off? What the hell? Eddie Brock and Venom are very big. I can see maybe have Brock being played by Grace, and having someone like Lou Ferrigno playing Venom when he's in the simbiot. I can't see myself enjoying this movie if I have to watch a skinny ass little twerp like Tropher Grace in any type of Venom suit. I've seen a couple pictures of Venom's suit, and it looks exactly like spidy's except it's black. The pic looked pretty fake, but still. (Suit with photoshooped Grace head)I can see them doing that. Hollywood has a wonderful way of ruining good things on the big screen ie Spawn.

What they need to do is come out with a Legacy of Kain movie but keep it 100% CG. Now THAT would be a good movie.

Anyway, if anyone has any real pics of the suit, email me or go to my xanga. Thanks, PeAcE.

Posted by: Joe at January 12, 2006 10:35 PM