October 24, 2005

Sin City TV series?

Sin_City_Poster.jpgWell if anyone can pull this off it's those Weinstein Brothers with their new company. From Variety through the SciFi Blog, the news is that Sin City is set to movie to the small screen:

Variety says the bloated Weinstein brothers, via their newly formed Weinstein Co., will be doing a “Sin City” TV series following in the footsteps of director Robert Rodriguez’s 2006 sequel to the 2005 hit.

I think they're comments are quite right over at the SciFi Blog, it would be one hell of an expensive TV series, unless the effects team have it streamlined to a standard process now, perhaps they do. However I forsee some other problems, the level of violence and overall content will have to be heavily toned down for a wide distribution, otherwise they're looking at smaller cable channels.

Would you like to see a TV series? Could it work and retain the same feel as the movies?

Posted by at October 24, 2005 07:19 AM


umm... isn't is possible that the visuals will just be normal, and the tone will be like the movies? of course, that would raise the queesion of why bother?

Posted by: Psych at October 24, 2005 07:55 AM

This could be really cool if they don't get cheap on us. If they don't pick a single storyline with certain characters each season and instead turn it into The Twilight Zone in Sin City, this will awesome! I just hope they don't turn it into a bland cheap b-movie version of the movies. This is definitely what scares me the most considering it would be really expensive for a television series. But if they don't cancel these plans, I've definitely got high expectations.

Posted by: ¡FuNKaYMuNKaYMaNE! at October 24, 2005 08:59 AM

I think the level of discretion the show will have to have will ruin what Sin City is. If they make it and have the money to stay true to the movie version, then keep it on HBO or something like that where the world can be portrayed as it is supposed to be.

Posted by: Mecho [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 24, 2005 09:39 AM

I would put it on cable. They would have more freedom. Some of the best series is on cable.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at October 24, 2005 10:57 AM

I can't imagine they'd even think of doing it on any network besides HBO. If they put it anywhere else, it'll be to watered down and hardly worth watching. I also imagine it'd be a one season series.

Posted by: matthew at October 24, 2005 11:42 AM

*rolls eyes*

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at October 24, 2005 07:50 PM

Anybody remember how cheap Rodriguez makes all his movies for? The dude makes them from a computer in his house.

Producing for TV wouldn't be all that expensive- and HBO or Showtime could easily show Sin City in all it's jiggling, humping, murderous and bloody glory.

Posted by: chark hammis at October 25, 2005 02:56 AM