October 18, 2005

Sin City 2 spoilers

Sin_City_Poster.jpgOver at Wikipedia by means of Cinematical, there's talk about some of the plot lines that are going to be in Sin City 2.

As usual to protect the innocent you'll have to read the rest of the story for the info...

Frank Miller has confirmed that he is working on new Sin City storylines. The following have been mentioned:

Nancy avenges Hartigan's death by killing remaining members of the Roark family. Miller says this will show "a whole new side of Nancy." This story has been confirmed as one of the main stories for the planned movie Sin City 2.
A prequel story about Hartigan
A story with a brand new character
Although there has been much fan speculation on specifics (as well as how many stories Miller will publish in total), few details have been verified thus far.

I like the revenge part of the plot, and it has serious heat potential...still, if they're bringing back one dead character, I'd have liked to have seen Hartigan back too.

What do you think about these suggested plot lines for the sequel?

Posted by at October 18, 2005 04:00 AM


This sounds like a great story but
some issues do beg attention.

After F4 and that surfing movie starring
Paul Walker and Jessica Alba's ass can she
really hold the audience for an entire "volume"
of this movie? I dont' feel like she's up to it.

What she was asked to do in Sin City, she did
really well but I still feel that she was by
far the weakest link in the chain. Britanny
Murphy could maybe hold such a thread but I
dont think Jessica has the talent.

A Hartigan Prequel would rule but I thought
they were bringing back Mickey Rourke too.
Sounds illogical but thats what was floating

Still, cant wait.

Posted by: Rynndar [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 18, 2005 05:48 AM

It's cool that they're taking a step further and actually give the fans some new stories. I think it will make the whole movie experience better for fans of the graphic novels.

About the Alba part, well she's hot, and I know I wouldn't mind seeing her as a killer again. But, she was, as already mentioned, the weakest link, except for maybe Alexis Bledel. Then again, since i love the girl, I hope she'll kick ass...

As for the other storylines, a prequel on Hartigan would be ok i guess, but personally I think Marv has a more interesting character...

All in all I'm really looking forward to sin city 2, all though it may loose some of it's extreme coolness. I mean, we have already seen the style before, so a lot of people might find it boring.

cheers from norway.. :p

Posted by: morten at October 18, 2005 08:00 AM

Jessica Alba is stunning to LOOK at, but once she opens her mouth, I cringe. Seeing a nutty Nancy would be interesting, but if the bulk of this movie falls on Alba's shoulders, it will SUFFER dramatically.

Posted by: Kristina at October 18, 2005 08:36 AM

I agree with the above comments...Alba's performance was the poorest of all characters in the movie. If you read the Sin City books...she was not even portrayed correctly...I dont know if this is because of some moral stand she took, but if you are gonna take a role like this in a movie like this, then be willing to go the full mile. If the movies premise is base around her this time around then I forsee a bad movie. She is hot but she cannot act. What happened to Clive Owen's part? His was the best story in the movie...and as for Hartigan...his short part was good...but not good enough for a prequel into his life. I would bring back Marv...he was the absolute best in the movie.

Posted by: MechoPower at October 18, 2005 11:08 AM

Mickey Rourke is the best thing about SIN CITY... He felt so real. Bruce Willis is classic, and Benicio & Clive were cool. Everybody else in the other stories seemed merely to be going through the motions... Carla Gugino looked way hotter than Alba...

Posted by: Joe Blow at October 18, 2005 12:45 PM