October 09, 2005

Sex scenes in movies

Crash-SexScene.jpgIt just struck me this morning, for no particular reason, that sex scenes in movies are so unrealistic. I'm not talking about the gorgeous movie stars always portrayed having sex, I'm talking about the actual act.

Now for all of you out there who have actually had sex, and I know there's a few, you tend to find a few things in the real act that are quite different from the movie experience. Here's a few...

  1. After sex you do not tend to sit up and cover yourself with the sheets, neither do you stand up to walk away pulling the sheets around you covering every inch of naked flesh while the miraculous second cover remains over your partner covering the equal amount of aforementioned flesh
  2. Sex is messy, and this can be defined by a few words without the need for descriptions, let's start with stray hair
  3. Then this one depends on the safety involved, either condom removal or dribbles, I shall say no more
  4. Sweat and general tiredness
  5. Timing

Not an exhaustive list by any means, but what other things can you think represent the gulf between movie sex and the sex that we humans have in real life?

Posted by at October 9, 2005 09:12 AM


or how about when theyre done and the girl is suddenly in her bra. like smoking hot chicks really would be that self concious.

Posted by: Cole at October 9, 2005 09:53 AM

one word - censorship.

ive always thought about what would be the result if the actors actually had sex. stil film it with taste but then it would seem more real i guess. just a thought.

oh yeah, and in the morning, one of the pair is always alone when they wake up!!! whats the deal? what ever happened to morning glory?

Posted by: Rich at October 9, 2005 09:53 AM

Simultaneous orgasms. That and the woman never having any trouble reaching orgasm anyway.

Posted by: Raya Luna at October 9, 2005 11:03 AM

It's funny you should chose that particular photo to go with this post, Rich, because from the first time I watched Crash to today, this is the one scene that still sticks out in my mind as the most unrealistic sex positions every shown. Have any of your tried bunking from behind? Unless the chick has a huge void of flesh between her legs and he has a Tommy Lee special, there is no way this is ever going to work - even at modified angles. They must have had a Chiro on set for Deborah after each take because the angle she's laying at would fuck up my neck and back for weeks on end alone. Sorry, just sex scene doesn't wash for me. And that's the one issue I had with that movie. The rest of the kinky sex was so raw and bizzare you could imagine people out there doing that shit daily.

Posted by: Lilly (formerly John Campea's part-time fiance) at October 9, 2005 12:39 PM

What about the general clumsiness? People are not always smooth and in sinc. Maybe its just me but I go one way and she goes the other. There is laughter and leg cramps. There was a realistic scene in the film Jesus' Son. At least I thought it realistic, with Holly Hunter and Billy Crudup.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 9, 2005 03:23 PM

On a related topic, I still consider the sex scene in Top Gun as the most forced, unrealistic sex scene I have ever seen, and "Take My Breath Away" by Berlin didn't help things any! I've made love to Enya (not literally) and I still could never make love to that song!

Posted by: Justin at October 9, 2005 08:17 PM

Sex on film is always bigger (better?) than life. That's why it's such a great subject to be filmed!

Posted by: Edward Lee at October 9, 2005 08:29 PM

The scene in Love and Basketball was pretty realistic although it didn't really show much "sex". Omar Epps did take the time to put on a condom though.

Posted by: Brandon G at October 10, 2005 12:59 PM

well umm ithink that unless the movie revolves around sex it is not kinky but i still think that the best sex scene was in this movie called, "kinsey, lets talk about sex" it was real, from what i heard and they guys was to big and that actually happens to(cough cough)

Posted by: Sierra at October 12, 2005 12:32 AM

Woah! That's not right. Is is just me or does anyone else see that obscure leveling of ummm...parts? If this was an authentic sex scene, then she's going to have a very awkward dent in her back in the morning.

Posted by: thatsnotright at October 19, 2005 04:47 PM

hey doing you want to have sex

Posted by: dawn samples at November 17, 2005 01:41 PM