October 05, 2005

Sean Bean returns to TV

SeanBean.jpgProbably where Sean Bean is best known from and where he has been most valued and rewarded by fans is his role in the Sharpe television series.

Portugal 1809, the Penisular War in the age of Napoleon. A British sergeant in the 95th Rifles saves the life of Arthur Wellesley, and finds himself promoted to Lieutenant and in charge of a company of Rifles that do no respect him, to carry out a dangerous and vital mission.

Is the blurb for Sharpe's Rifles, the first of the series of TV mini-series, and he's gone on to make thirteen more! They are excellent viewing, and shows this working man's struggle as he climbs the ranks in a "gentleman" heavy Army heirarchy. Great viewing, I've seen most of them and although some have troughed and some have peaked, there have been some superb moments and brilliant acting from Bean.

However, I can't help thinking that it's these roles that have locked him into playing baddies, as although Sharpe is good, he's also a very rough character, just like the rough baddies he's played in the movie roles. It's a shame that Hollywood can't see the potential for the grey character or for Bean himself...still, with the news from Dark Horizonsthat he's signed up for another:

nearly a decade since the last adventure "Sharpe's Waterloo", work has begun on a two-part mini series for ITV entitled "Sharpe's Challenge" which begins filming on 3rd November up until Christmas on location in Rajasthan, India.

The storyline is set two years after the Duke of Wellington crushes Napoleon at Waterloo. Dispatches from India tell of a local Maharaja, Khande Rao, who is threatening British interests there. Wellington sends Sharpe to investigate on what turns out to be his most dangerous mission to date.

Excellent stuff, I'll be watching for that. However while I was checking out Bean's IMDB profile, what do I find but his lead in a Hamlet movie called Dunsinane (that's the hill upon which Burnham wood doth come).

It's the first time outing as writer and director for Vincent Regan who is quite a successful actor himself, already having played Macbeth on TV and starring in such movies as 300, Unleashed and Troy.

Bean as Macbeth, and in the lead. This and Sharpe are fantastic pieces of news for him, don't you agree?

Posted by at October 5, 2005 07:19 AM


I loved the Sharpe TV series and have all the DVD's so this is really good news.

I don't think this new adventure is based on a Bernard Cornwell novel though as I believe that "Sharpe's Devil" (where he actually meets Napoleon) is the only book set after Waterloo.

Since the series finished there have been a few books released chronicling Sharpe's early adventures but obviously Bean is to old for those now.

Posted by: morbius at October 5, 2005 07:34 AM

I think Sean Bean's best known for playing the nefarious villain in about 800 movies.

Posted by: Darren at October 5, 2005 01:06 PM

You are correct Morbius about Devil being the only book after Waterloo. I just visited Bernard Cornwells website and posted a question concerning this, if the new television episode is to be an original story or a change from one of the previous India stories than I truly hope Cornwell is involved. I am a fan of the series and of Sean Beans but I am a much more devote fan of the books. And I have said it before and will say it again if you like the shows and have not read the books turn off the tv and go buy one and read it immidiately. Now. Go.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 5, 2005 01:36 PM

There were one or two episodes in the old series that were not based on the novels.

Posted by: Morbius at October 5, 2005 01:52 PM

I have read that they had some problems with the series as far as large enough budget and I think the first person cast as Sharpe was injured and they could not use the footage and had to scrap the whole story. It's a shame they can't stay more to the books and have Bernard's input. I hope they fix the problems for the new one. Heck I would be happy if the shows were aired agian here in the U.S.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 5, 2005 02:06 PM

Why don't they just cast Sean Bean as James Bond and be done with it?

Posted by: Jeremy P. at October 5, 2005 04:51 PM

Wouldn't work as Bond since he played the bad guy in Godeneye. A rogue MI agent 006 I believe.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 5, 2005 05:04 PM