October 27, 2005

Saw 2 Reviews

I'm predicting Saw 2 will be the hands down winner at the Box Office this weekend. But I've got to admit, I wasn't thrilled with the first "Saw" movie. Don't get me wrong... I didn't dislike it... but many other people enjoyed it more than me. I thought it was ok.

However, for some reason Saw 2 looks a lot more promising to me than it's predecessor did. Surprisingly the critics seem to be enjoying to too. At this point Saw 2 is holding down a 75% rating on Rotten Tomatoes which also makes it the critics choice for this weekend (I never thought I'd say that).

Here's what some of the critics are saying about Saw 2:

"Rest assured that there will be blood and lots of it as the Saw franchise looks to be around for a long time."
Stefan Halley, HERO REALM

"Cooking up new Rube Goldberg torture contraptions isn't enough to get Saw II out of the shadow of its unnerving predecessor."
Robert Koehler, VARIETY

"improves on all of the first film's problem areas, while leaving intact everything that was good about the concept."
Luke Y. Thompson, NEW TIMES

"Bigger budget, bigger cast, and more blood. Will deliver for Jigsaw’s fans. "
Victoria Alexander, FILMSINREVIEW.COM

Yeah I'll probably make this one the first on my list for the weekend. Like I said, the first Saw didn't blow me away... but it had enough that I think the second could be cool (much like my feelings for Underworld). I'll let you know how it turns out.

Posted by John Campea at October 27, 2005 11:09 AM


That movie was great, but you will have to think about, who will actually come up with thoughts for a movie like that. What kind of psychopath are you?

Posted by: Myra at November 17, 2005 12:09

I completely agree with Myra. I mean I thought the movie was great. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time scared to death. I tried to imagine how one would react in such a situation, then you are left with the disturbing question, how did they even come up with such a sick and twisted movie? I mean you expect to see blood and guts when you watch a scary movie, but you can not prepare yourself for what you see in SAW II. I guess we should all be glad that he put his ideas into a movie and not something else.

Posted by: Laur at November 20, 2005 19:06

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