October 12, 2005

Rocky 6 begins December

stallone.jpgAccording to Production Weekly through Coming Soon Sylvester Stallone is due to start Directorial and Acting duties on Rocky 6 this December. IMDB don't have it listed under his name, although they do have Rambo IV.

In the film, lonely and retired boxer Rocky Balboa comes out of retirement, intending to fight a few low-profile local fights just to keep his hand in. But when he's approached to fight a match with reigning heavyweight champ Mason "The Line" Dixon, Rocky's modest little comeback becomes the center of a media firestorm.

December is quick, and it's ahead of Rambo's schedule. Can Stallone still cut it? What do you think?

Posted by at October 12, 2005 02:55 AM


Now don't get me wrong; I love the Rocky movies, but let's think about this. Even though Sly is in fine shape for his age, I think this is going to be a major flop. He's to old, and this is way out of left field.

Posted by: Brad Shipston at October 12, 2005 08:37 AM

It's possible it could be done. Don't say someone's 'too old', since George Foreman gave it a go again for a few years long after he "retired". But y'know, if Rocky really had to make some quick money, he'd do stuff for QVC, or sell his brand of Egg Milkshake or something like that...

'Lonely'? Don't tell me Adrian left his mug...

Oh, if anyone is listening, if this thing goes down, just one thing:

{{{{{{{{ *no flashbacks and/or scenes from previous Rocky films* }}}}}}}}}}

Thank you.

Posted by: darren seeley at October 12, 2005 09:20 AM

Didn't Rocky suffer severe brain damage in the last film? Regardless of that fact, I will be in line to see this one - Rocky movies are pure Americana.

I'm not afraid to admit I still get goosebumps when Mickey says "Get up you son of a bitch! Mickey loves you" in the last one.

Posted by: Joey at October 12, 2005 10:15 AM

I think the plot sounds a bit too much like Cinderella Man and we all know how well that did---although it was a bit of fault on the advertisers and whoever the hell though it was a good thing to have it released in the spring and not fall.

Posted by: Joel at October 12, 2005 11:42 AM

rockey 6 is going to be a joke. the actor is washed up and will have to train for months. not only is his wife not satisfied with his acting, the rockey movies have lost there touch after the 4th movie people began to pay no attaion to rockey.

Posted by: thomas at October 12, 2005 12:07 PM

What are you guys on about?! The great news is that Clubber Lang will be back! Mr T told Howard Stern few weeks ago that Sly called and told him to get ready to do Rocky VI. Personally I can't wait. Sly's been off the screens for too long. I'd rather he do a serious movie like Cop Land but if the choice is between nothing and another Rocky movie, I'll take the sequel!

Posted by: Hamid at October 12, 2005 01:01 PM

I think that they need to wrap this franchise up and do what they were suppose to do in V and kill Rocky off. They either need to do that, or make the next Rocky about his son's boxing career. Something like a passing of the torch kind of idea. None the less, the movie should be alright. Stallone is in great shape and this group of moviegoers need a few Stallone yells and runs to truly appreciate his legacy in film.

Posted by: Rob at October 12, 2005 05:27 PM

His legacy in films depreciates with every Rocky sequel he puts out.

Posted by: Morbius at October 13, 2005 04:36 AM

Il be the first one to say i love the Rocky movies, they were all brilliant including the last 1. The flashback of Rocky in the gym with Mickey was incredible and so was the ending, but personally after those 5 movies i no il be dissapointed after 6. Don't ruin this great legacy with a stupid sequel! however i gurantee il be the first in lnie if they do

Posted by: miamid at October 13, 2005 11:36 PM

I personally cant wait for Rocky 6! Rocky 5 was a disapointment,witk them not using Bill Contis score, no training scene, no Rocky running through Philly, atleast with the Rocky score playing...and the rap music was horrible in Rocky 5...This movie could rock, but it needs to be made for the fans...The rocky beginning, with the Rocky letters going across the screen, the training montage, the running sequence and finally, the big fight which sould be depleted of the rap music and be filled in with a "conquest " type theme...Win Rocky Win!!!!

Posted by: kevin cintron at October 14, 2005 08:19 AM

wow i love it

5 sucked and they will make up for that but it will still be gr8

its fine that he is old, most peoplle say he was to old to do rocky 4

Posted by: tcb at October 15, 2005 06:50 AM

i really don't what people are talking here, it's bullshit. i'm very serious! rocky 6 is not going to be a flop, i can tell you, guys!! sly is in perfect condition, the story is perfect and the result will be a big ROCKY 6. a new rocky balboa!! rocky's big sportsman such as in the past five ROCKY movies.... i'm just very happy that's going to happen. i've waited so long and now rocky will be stronger than he was, believe me!

Posted by: tom the machine gun at October 15, 2005 06:26 PM

You have to be kidding me!!!! Rocky I thru IV were great. Rocky V started the downslide. The Rocky Saga is complete Rocky has done everything won the title, lost the title, won the title back and he even trained Tommy so what is there to do a movie about? I love Rocky and I don't want to see IV ruining the Rocky Saga.

Posted by: Randy at October 16, 2005 01:32 PM

The Rocky movies have all been great, no matter if Rocky 6 flops or not, Sly has got it going on and will for a long time to come. I have the entire collection and I will have Rocky 6, no matter what the critics say, to the person that said about copying off of Cinderella Man that's bogus, he started the greatest movies of boxing stories ever.....YO ADRIENNE!

Posted by: BDL at October 17, 2005 02:51 PM

Personally I was estatic when I saw that they were making a sixth. Dont think of it as a sequel think of it more as picking up where they left off. Im sure it will be great.

Posted by: Chris at October 17, 2005 06:15 PM

I can't wait to see this movie I love the Rocky francise the only problem I see is that I just brought the box set of Rocky 1,2,3,4,5 and now there is another one small price to pay I can hear Micky now "Get up ya son of a bitch! cause Micky loves ya" I can't wait.

Posted by: Duncan at October 17, 2005 09:54 PM

I personally think that if Rocky 6 is made the way their saying its gonna be, than we can expect at the least a "decent" film because Sly is and will always be great, but after Rocky 5, he has one hell of a come back, so Stallone better come with it. However, who ever made the comment about his son growing up and taking over....HELL YES! That should've been Rocky 5 if you ask me, but Im sure if enough of us comment on it, someone will listen! "If I can change...and you can change...EVERYBODY CAN CHANGE"!

Posted by: Johnathan Rice at October 17, 2005 11:41 PM

Make his son take over! Rocky 6: And the legend continues.... "ROCKY SIX NEEDS TO BE ABOUT HIS SON STEPPING UP AND TAKING OVER, THAT WAY, ROCKY GETS TO BE THE MICKEY AND GETS TO SAY, "Get up you son of a bitch! Cause daddy loves ya!"

Posted by: Richard Carr at October 17, 2005 11:45 PM

3y ive been a fan of rocky for ages and if there was 1 person i would meet it would be stalone, he is the best actor i have seen the way he acts hes just a natural. Im from sydney australia

Posted by: Roberto at October 18, 2005 04:18 AM

I've been reading all your comments. And I too agree I can't wait for Rocky 6 to come out. This is more than a boxing movie . Its about determination, never giving up and Going the distance. And that even when life throws you a curve ball you carry on. Sounds about right to me , especially the problems we face today.

Something hollywood films are lacking today. Its a story everyone can relate to in there lives in one way or the other. Its uplifting and heart warming at the same time. I'm thrilled to hear the man is bringing back a classic, and you know he's going to make sure its done right. For those who say the character is to old. This is Life this is reality everyone of us can relate were all going down the same path its just a matter of time. Does that mean you just get pushed aside and sit in a rocking chair and knitt a sweater . I think not. This story will show you just because you may get older doesn't mean your dreams have to die. So add to the mans great resume a visionary. and kudo's to him for telling it like it is. I'm sure many people will be able to relate to what ever is driving them in there life and that with determination and heart anything is possible.

Ps anyone seen the crap hollywood is putting out lately. I for one can't wait to get back to quality, substance, and Heart. Those movies in my book never go out of style.

Go Rocky Go!!

Posted by: Jane at October 18, 2005 04:47 AM

Cant wait, but how can any judge, might improve the dissapointment left from number 5!
maybe you are right, sly is much older now but that is no reason why he cant make another sequal. i bet you he knows how much of a screw up 5 was & since then, he's been working on number 6 to fix it up again! just watch, 6 will kick ass!!!!

Posted by: $hrodman at October 18, 2005 06:11 AM

I shouldn't worry too much about the credibility of further additions to this moronic series if I was you, as they never had any anyway. For a start, even a Stallone in his musclebound heyday, would have been made into mincemeat by a decent heavyweight. Boxing has little to do with bodybuilding, it's about reach and mobility, he's far too small anyway. Tyson, Frasier and Marciano were short and musclebound true, but they expended so much energy making up for it that they needed to dispatch their opponents in the early rounds or they would find themselves in terrible trouble. My point being that Rocky's fifteen round epics would be physically impossible for a man of his build, therefore the movies are pure fantasy, so they might as well keep making them as long as there are enough people willing to hand over their hard earned!

Posted by: jack black at October 18, 2005 08:14 AM

Well..Stallone is one of the best actors ever and I think that he could be capable to make Rocky 6,even if he's old enough.I mean....he's not actually so old,he's a good-looking and these are some of the reasons he should continue with Rocky!I watched all its parts and they were absolutelly fantastic...action,love and drama...an incredible story who wake-up in me different feelings,emotion...and tears,everytime i review it.So,go on,Rocky!!Go on!!!:))

Posted by: taranu ramona at October 18, 2005 03:00 PM

FUCK ROCKY GET RICH OR DIE TRYIN IS GOING TO OWN ROCKY 6 Curtis JAckson A.K.A 50 cent little rumor 50 cent already has an emmy oppurtunity for the movie not even out yet SO TO HELL WITH ROCK

Posted by: Mofo at October 18, 2005 05:09 PM

Personally i think Sylvester Stallone is the BEST actor in the world!!No one can say different.Rocky 1-5 are my favourites.Rambo 1-3 are awesome.Over the top,Lock Up,Avenging Angelo,Cop Land and tons more,all works of art.Sylvester Stallone is like a god.A tribute to the best actor in the world.Sylvester Stallone never stop making movie's.I can't wait to see Rocky6 and Rambo 4 in theaters

Posted by: Brian LaRocque at October 18, 2005 06:47 PM

I think Rocky 6 will be just plain fun. No big explosions, no huge budgets of the kind. Just good old fashion fun. Stallone knows what he is doing and has known for sometime. He's just been waiting for the greenlight. And as far as the moron who says "Get Rich or Die Tryin" is gonna be better, I think I've already seen a movie like that called "8 Mile." Hell, it might even be worse then "Cool as Ice" So learn what you are talking about before you post on here.

Posted by: Tony at October 19, 2005 02:17 AM

I think Rocky 6 will be just plain fun. No big explosions, no huge budgets of the kind. Just good old fashion fun. Stallone knows what he is doing and has known for sometime. He's just been waiting for the greenlight. And as far as the moron who says "Get Rich or Die Tryin" is gonna be better, I think I've already seen a movie like that called "8 Mile." Hell, it might even be worse then "Cool as Ice" So learn what you are talking about before you post on here.

Posted by: Tony at October 19, 2005 02:17 AM

I don't think that rocky 6 is going to be a flop. rocky is the best inspirational film ever! i'm just so excited that they are finally making this film. i'm going to be up there in philadelphia in late december, early january for this film. i want to be there when they are filming it! i will admit this about rocky, i still get goose bumps when the conference reporter in Rocky V says that "he might win a few fights, but a Rocky Balboa he'll never be!" Go Rocky!

Posted by: Chuck Russell at October 19, 2005 02:22 AM

rocky 6 wil b amazin da same as 1 till 5 they wer gr8 u dnt c people tlkin bot shit films years l8r bt we all tlk bot rocky for 20years on cum on ppl

Posted by: Dave at October 19, 2005 05:01 AM

im am a HUGE fan of all the Rocky Movies i love them they are so inspirational. Stallone is such a great actor an writer and cmon every1 he wrote Rocky 1 which won an oscar an he wrote the other ones which were absolutly great movies so who says he cant do the same or even better for Rocky 6. I think he is going to make Rocky 6 truly an amazing film, it will some up everything in Rockys life an will it will be great an it will prove all the critics wrong. I am such a huge fan ov the movies an no matter what i will love it. Stallone is in great shape better shape then sum of the other rockys an hes had so much time to come up with a good script so just watch were gonna see a GREAT MOVIE cant wait!!...we loveee ya Rock!!

Posted by: Danielle at October 19, 2005 07:26 AM

Rocky 6 is going to be the nuts, i was fascinated by his movies 1-5 and i have got them all. stallone is the best actor for the job even if he is 59

Posted by: daniel montague at October 19, 2005 07:31 AM

i m jumpin for joy i jusy think that Rocky is a bad mama jama, the way way he just knocks em down oooo makes me shiver

Posted by: tapiolei at October 19, 2005 07:36 AM

Sly Stallone was good in the first movies but is too old now. He should put down the boxing gloves and pick up the gardening gloves.

Posted by: andy at October 19, 2005 07:38 AM

I happen to find Stallone a pretty decent and credible actor...he has made some true classics and some a couple bombs too. But I personally dont think a Rocky 6 is a good idea. I mean, how many times can you tell the same story...a nobody gets a chance to be somebody and against all odds he wins. The first, second, and third Rockies were awesome...there was plot and great acting and no repitition at all...but then you get into the fourth and things start becoming redundent. Rocky gets challenged and takes the beating of his life to somehow magically come back and win...yeah right. And the fifth movie...lets not even get started. I have no doubt that Stallone can deliver...he is a great actor...but come on...Rocky died out long ago...leave the classic alone and find something new to do. And on a side note to Mofo up there...the true idiocy of young people never cease to amaze me.

Posted by: MechoPower at October 19, 2005 08:12 AM

i think that stallone will still give us a great performance and the movie will be a big success. remember this film is all about fighting against all the odds and coming out the victor.

Posted by: ScubaSteve at October 19, 2005 10:11 PM

Jack Black you miss the point of the Rocky movies, there is much more to the film than how long rocky can go in the ring. Its about perseverence, not giving up , going the distance, following your dreams. And I much rather hand over my hard earned money on something positive. And to the person who mentioned the movie get rich or die trying. I saw the previews to that film and I much rather see an uplifting movie with heart and courage than watch 2 hours of people killing each other and swearing in every other sentance . I get enough of that on the news. I don't need to pay $12 bucks for that.

And as far as critics go, whether good or bad I'm sure we have all learned by now that some critics talk out of there behind. We don't need some critic to tell us what they think of the Rocky's. We the public decide for ourselves and the Series speak for itself all these years later Rocky movies still stand , there a classic.

For those who are stuck on the whole age thing and being to old. Enjoy watching life on the side lines .

Posted by: Jane at October 20, 2005 04:00 AM

ive been waiting a long time for this. rocky is a icon. because he represents the hopes and dreams of any person who ever had a burning desire and wont let it die out. you may think rocky 5 was a flop but i thought it was fantastic because it bought the sense of reality into the series, eg he gettin bankrupt, getting brain damage etc. rocky 6 will do great because this time there going back to the roots of rocky 1 and 2 which made the movie so succesful in the first place. that is what they didnt do in rocky 3-4 it was to fantasied and to much action. anyways all u haters piss of the site if u dontlike rocky u can suk my shit bitch

Posted by: the champ at October 20, 2005 09:57 AM

I personally am excited and thrilled to see the italian stallion to come out of retirement to whip some butt. Rocky is a metaphor for the underdog of life just as soon as you think he is done, and can't do anymore, he surprises you and gives you an upset victory. I would see Rocky 19 if they made it just because Rocky gives you the satisfaction of seeing a well plotted movie however the only downfall to the Rocky movies was number 5. Other than that i can tell this is gonna be a good one, as long as sugar ray knows what he's doin as an actor.

Posted by: Sean at October 20, 2005 07:10 PM

rocky is the best film ever and i will be the first in the que to watch it rrrooccccckkkkkkky!!!!!!!!!!!1

Posted by: scott an perry at October 21, 2005 07:43 AM

england is the best place in the world amercia is shit!!!!!!!!1

Posted by: perry at October 21, 2005 07:45 AM

Stupid foriener this is a blog about Rocky 6,Its because assholes like you that we get into so many wars.

Posted by: dylan at October 22, 2005 12:00 AM

This was the best news i have heard. I love all of the rocky movies.

Posted by: terry at October 22, 2005 05:06 PM

This is most interesting. I can't wait, whether it is shit or good. I agree who ever said that Rocky's son should take over and put on the gloves, it is a tad ridiculous with Stallone at 59 to be doing such a thing. Good on him anyways. Aussie aussie aussie!!!

Posted by: Random6 at October 23, 2005 06:33 AM

woooow.. i hardly wait ... cmon rocky !! :D

Posted by: Dexter at October 23, 2005 03:18 PM

that means the i have sit and watch all 6 of them now when it comes out i can't wait!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: will at October 24, 2005 01:06 AM

whos sly? anyway stalone all the way!!!!!!!!!! rocky rocky rocky

Posted by: james at October 24, 2005 07:01 AM

First of all, i cant understand how anyone can claim the film will be a flop, with so many various scrips around the net no one is quite sure what to expect. I'm as many of you are, a massive fan of the Rocky films. It still makes the hairs stand up on the back of your neck (no matter how many times you watch it).

I'm absolutly delighted Rocky 6 is or will be in the making. I for one will look forward to it very much so.

One more round!!!

Posted by: Powelly_Cheltenham at October 24, 2005 01:06 PM

this movie's gonna be great... i can't wait.
u guys can brn in hell if u think otherwise.

Posted by: Jack at October 24, 2005 03:36 PM

Seriously the Rocky saga are some of the greatest movies to have ever graced the silver screen. I even find myself to enjoy the cheesyness of rocky 5 but hopefully rocky 6 will bring back the old style of film making that the earlier rockys had. Its going to be great no matter what and ill be in line dressed up like rock for the occasion.

Posted by: Anthony at October 24, 2005 09:05 PM

C'mon guys, The only reason Stallone has been trying to get this made is to try and follow the success Arnold had with T3 at his age. Stallone IS TOO OLD to box, In fact a boxer at his age would never get a licence to fight in a title fight. It should be titled "Rocky 6 - The hunt for lost fame".

Posted by: Big Dee at October 25, 2005 01:28 AM

Let me start by saying that I am a huge fan of all five Rocky movies. I have loved them my whole life. I even liked Rocky 5 which most people crap all over. I think we're missing the big picture here. Rocky was going to retire in 2 because of his eye. He thought he would go blind. That magically goes away. Then in 5 it's brain damage that keeps him from fighting. How are they going to make that go away. It's been longer since the last Rocky movie than the five movies took to produce. I will be the first in line to see the new movie but I'm just wondering what they're going to do about his brain.

Also, everybody that thinks Sly is a quality actor is uneducated and ignorant. He's good at playing Rocky because the character is a slow-witted boxer who took one too many shots to the head.

Posted by: Big Nasty at October 25, 2005 11:41 AM

i agree with big dee.
but why is everyone calling him SLY??????

Posted by: jack at October 25, 2005 03:38 PM

They should make a prequel. The young, struggling, up and coming, bum from the neighborhood. Parents deceased, street fights, micky, paulie...little love story. I love sly, but in every movie, he acts different. Rocky, he's street smart, but dumb. Rocky 2, he's just all around dumb. 3 and 4 he's much more mature and smart, much sharper, 5 is just the worst, he's so dumb, he almost needs a headguard. Get a young up and coming actor to play the young Rock.

Posted by: tillisouthphilli at October 25, 2005 06:53 PM

Hi i'm from the u.k. And i'm not like the other asshole who posted earlier saying the usa is shit. I believe our countrys are very good friends.
I'm a big fan of rockys. rocky 5 not so brill but it was still good and a good way to end the sequel, untill i recently found out he's doing a six.
First can i say i'm an award winning film maker myself and too everyone making films is a buzz with a gamble. you never know how something will turn out untill you do it.
This film will either work or it wont. People cant say he shouldnt be doing it, Theres nothing wrong with having a shot. if he thinks he has another chance to do it then he probably has a good idea of what he's doing. I dont agree with rambo 4, but i'm up for rocky six!!! go for it, let him do it... it could shut alot of mouths and i hope he does.
with all the shite cheesy films around today i think hes chosn the right time to do it.

good luck stallone!


Posted by: james sharpe at October 26, 2005 04:11 AM

oh and big nasty's cool too...
omg i'm just kidding.. hahaha

Posted by: jack at October 26, 2005 03:11 PM

Rocky 6 is going to be great, i dont care who says otherwise.

And for everyone who said rocky 5 was a disapointment, you are wrong.
how could you not like it when rocky has flashbacks of micky in the gym, and rocky passing his gloves on to tommy gunn?

i think Sly is making this movie because when George Foreman came out of retirement at age 50, and became champion, i think that inspired him to do the same.

Posted by: kyle at October 27, 2005 09:51 PM

Err, George Foreman was actually 44 when he came out of retirement, I was actually in Vegas the night he regained the title in 1994 by beating Michael Moorer.

Posted by: jack black at October 28, 2005 09:35 AM

I cant wait for rocky 6 to come out! I believe Sly has put a lot of time and effort writing the script for this movie and I think its going to be great!
Whoever posted the comment about rocky being inspired by george foreman, is right. When rocky gets knocked down in this movie, i could already hear mickys voice in his head saying GET UP YOU SON OF A BITCH! CUS MICKY LOVES YA! GO ROCKY!

Posted by: Leo at October 28, 2005 09:01 PM

i think rocky 6 will be crap like 5 but it eill not matter because it is rocky a classic nobody cares if it is good or not.

Posted by: jack lovett at November 12, 2005 02:25 PM

Bring it on Sly !!!. Rocky 6 - Rambo 4 ..awesome stuff.

I personally think the Rocky character will die in this movie. Stallone wanted Rocky to die in Rocky 5 but the studio did not want that.

What does everyone think... will Rocky die in this installment ?


Posted by: TheMaggot at November 12, 2005 10:33 PM


Posted by: Matty palma at November 13, 2005 05:01 PM

Im pretty sure that if you read all the posts ur gonna be bored to read im a massive Rocky fan. Sad as it may seem i got the Rocky soundtrack from all the movies in my car (i use it as a inspirational aid when i can't be bothered to go gym, works a treat every time!) I say the very best of luck to Sly. He created a character everyone can relate to. He isn't a cyborg or a superhero or some prat with XXX stamp on the bac of his neck. This guy is human, he get hurt emotionally, physically but has the heart to fight through it all. Its that determination that speaks to everyone. ppl who knock teh rocky films need to take a step back and realise these movies are not there to boost sly's ego, the man is trying to tell a story of a simple guy who will do what it takes to do right by his friends and family. And just like Rocky, Sly knows from his days before he wrote Rocky (Rocky scrapbook www.sylvesterstallone.com) THERES NO EASY WAY OUT, THERES NO SHORT CUT HOME!

Posted by: Sunil at November 14, 2005 11:48 AM

I think that if Stallone takes it back to the begining, where it all began and captures the essence of what Rocky was all about back then and bring the charater alive, then it will be a big hit!!!! You need the rawness of the first movies to trigger the emotion that will feel when we whatch it and im sure Stallone will take it to great lenghts and make up for Rocky 5. There is diffinatly alot to incorporate, cast, acting and music, he should bring back Bill Conti, he is a master and he did such a great job with the 4 movies. Thats what the fans want to see and thats what will bring us all back to the cinema to see the last installment.....Laura from MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA

Posted by: Laura at November 14, 2005 09:27 PM

They should update the song "Eye of the Tiger" and put it in the film.

Posted by: Ryan at November 16, 2005 12:16 PM

Mr. Stallone Read this:

Connect with your 1975 inspired self. You have it in you to make a truely great and uniqe sequal if you choose it. Dig deep for the greatness inside you, not the 1985 slap me on a lunch pale and I'll date any Hollywood loser. Accept the willingness to take the same kind of creative risks that built your greatness. DIG DIG DIG and keep DIGGING until you find yourself in a place that you can only create something truely great; turly inside of yourself.


Posted by: Mark at November 17, 2005 06:54 PM

First of all everyone needs to tell that asshole who wrote that england is better than america to watch his mouth. After all we beat your english ass during the rev. war about 230 yrs ago and we have kicked everyone elses ass since then, not your country buddy.Also get rich or dye tryin doesnt even have as much talent as a pimple on a fat guys ass. The Rocky series are among the best movies of all time. Its not about money or gangster shit its about passion and heart and overcoming all odds. In the shape the world is today, America is in the need for another Rocky movie. Making this movie could give America the will to face adversity and come away more victorius than ever before. The fact that Sly is older is perfect for the 6th movie. It s simply another odd against him which he will prove that he can overcome. The movie will be a success.

Posted by: joe at November 26, 2005 02:30 AM

well i think its about time that there,s a rocky 6 as the last ones was great and i think sylvester should aim it as training his son to be the nxt rocky as that would be great but it would be great to see the real rocky in the ring

please please make another rocky 6

Posted by: jamie mitchell at December 3, 2005 06:16 AM

Yes, he has starting filming it and he is filming scenes here in Las Vegas. And he is in great shape and I can not wait to see it!!!

Posted by: Jaci at December 7, 2005 02:51 AM

How can you say Rocky 5 sucked...Did it not put a tear to anyone's eye when you saw Mickey say to Rock, "Get up you Son of a Bitch, cause Mickey Loves ya"..And than you hear the Rocky music in the Background..I mean ok, the rap music sucked, other than that though I thought it was a touching movie..And this one is going to be awesome...has a great plot, no Adrian telling him she doesn't want him fighting, Paulie is back, Mr. T is back as a ringside Commentator as Apollo was in Rocky III..Sly is going to bring the movie back to it's roots..THIS MOVIE WILL ROCK! I guarantee it.

Posted by: Paul at January 10, 2006 09:03 PM