October 24, 2005

Predator remake gets cast...again?

Predator.jpgOkay, so the Studio are trying to make a big hoohah about the fact that this is neither a remake, a sequel nor a revisualisation, it's a restart...or some other rubbish spin. Look, it's a new Predator movie, and if it's not set in the jungle fighting that creature with a bunch of Commando's then it's not a remake, but it's still a re-bloody something!

Comic Book Movie carry the gossip from Latino Review:

John Cena being offered a lead role in the new upcoming rumored Predator Movie. The Predator Movie is not a remake, sequel, prequel, it is merely a restart.

"Twentieth Century Fox are in talks with Johnny McTiernan to do a new Predator film - not a sequel, not a remake, not a prequel; more of a restart. There's talk - based on a treatment that's floating around the traps - that it might fix on Dutch's (the guy from the first film, Arnie played) grown-up commando kid."

Actually, checking back to February the 9th I find the exact same story on our very own Movie Blog, and the exact same quote from Freeze Dried Movies...Nothing new here, just the Net regurgitating stories and probably without proper credit. Geez, at least change the quote!

Posted by at October 24, 2005 03:48 AM


I'm all in favor of new Predator movies. the first one is good, but lets be honest, none of the Predator movies can be hurt or helped by making new ones, its like Leprechaun now.

I'd actually even be in favor of Cena in one of the main roles, he looks the part of an action star, he cant act, which in some ways is a plus for a Predator movie, and its a nice nod to the first one which also had pro wrestler Jesse Ventura.

Posted by: Goon at October 24, 2005 04:07 AM

Oh man, Jesse rocked in the first movie. Actually the first was superb full stop!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at October 24, 2005 07:20 AM

I've quite enjoyed the Predator movies. The first one will always be my favourite.

When i first saw it I was wrapped, there was the one part where the guy with the knife gets killed on the bridge by Predator towards the end and I was upset that we didn't get to see him get the chop by Predator.

The only thing I don't look forward too with the next Predator movie is that I have to wait now that I know its coming out.

Posted by: Critique2005cyberdinemodel at October 24, 2005 07:20 AM

I'm not understanding this statement about it being neither a remake or a sequel, etc. They don't even know what it is so why are they making crazy statements??

Posted by: nOva at October 24, 2005 11:13 AM

I was about 12 when the first Predator came out. Man o man, was I ever ecstatic when I finally left the theater. I was hooked. Then Pred 2 came out. Eh....watchable. Nothing compared to the first. AVP. Bleh.... Predator was made out to be a punk. Running with the human. Ha! Please don't screw this up.....
A fan of the comic.

Posted by: Cory at October 24, 2005 12:45 PM

Damn Hollywood! Why does it have to be the son of Dutch- another muscle bound dude-- an untested punk-@$$ trying to jump from wrestling to film?

As with the Alien movies, it's not Dutch or Ripley that brings people in- it's the monsters and interesting characters/situations. 20th Century Fox drove the Alien series into the ground with their insistence on a rescurring Ripley, resulting in Weavers messy handprints and weird story evolutions.

We don't need a rehash of tired characters or a beloved franchise crapped on further (thanks, AVP)- we need a fresh look at the character ala Batman Begins.

Posted by: chark hammis at October 25, 2005 02:49 AM

You're right chark...both franchises were run into the ground. The Alien franchise was good up until Resurection. Predator one was good and all others just fell entirely too short. AVP was a waste of film...except for the end part with the queen...that was actually kind of cool had they left out the stupid female. Why do the studios insist of haveing a heroine save the day?? Why not take both movies back to thier roots...blood, gore, and terror. Another Predator movie sounds cool...but the best story they can come up with is Dutch's son??? WTF people...Why not make a movie with the Predators rise to power or the finding of the Alien species and the subsequent seeding of planets. Then throw the humans in at the end so as to have something to continue with for a sequel. Base the movie around the actual creature itself instead of some dumb ass who cant act and was only hired to try to bring people into the theatres.

Posted by: MechoPower at October 25, 2005 08:58 AM

I can't believe they would remake the movie those mother fuckers. Just make a new one because how the fuck is it going to be better then Arnold in the first one. Fucking dip shits.

Posted by: Pissed off Fan at October 28, 2005 03:44 PM

You guys didn't read the books or what. The books still sell. Its not just movie based. And both companies are far from bankrupt.

Posted by: Truth be Told at October 28, 2005 03:45 PM