October 04, 2005

Peter Jackson to Executive Produce Halo The Movie

Well color me totally fricken stunned! It seems that Peter Jackson has signed on to be an executive producer for the upcoming Halo Movie. Yes that's right... Peter Jackson. After I swore there was no way in Hell Jackson would direct Halo... here he is.

Now, don't get too excited just yet. Peter Jackson is NOT directing Halo (which is what I said he would never do) even though some sites are reporting him as directing... he's not. He's on as an Executive Producer... and that can mean NOTHING at all. For all we know Jackson won't even look at the script or actually do anything on the film at all.

What was even BIGGER news is that WETA (the visual effects wizards who did Lord of the Rings is apparently on the Halo team now as well. Like I said in the opening... I AM STUNNED. The good folks over at Bungie have this:

Yes. The Peter Jackson, Executive Producing the Halo film. Needless to say I and the rest of Bungie are positively incontinent (Marty especially). But what really knocks us on our asses is we’re also getting the combined talent of the mighty men and women of WETA in the bargain. From fabricating Covenant weapons to building life-sized Forerunner structures to accomplishing shot after shot of complex live-action/CG integration - simply put, there’s no group of people we’d rather have realize the Halo universe on screen.
This is huge for Halo. I never thought in a million years that someone like Peter Jackson would even lend his name to a project like this one (and remember... lending his name may very well be all that he's doing for Halo). Halo fans should look at this as nothing but positive news.

I still have massive massive doubts that this project will be any good at all... but it certainly just took a giant step in the right direction. I COULD be eating crow before the end of 2007. We'll see.

Posted by John Campea at October 4, 2005 02:57 PM


I think the better news is that WETA is doing the effects. This pretty much assures grade A effects. Now if they'd just announce the director and start casting.

Posted by: Pudie at October 4, 2005 03:17 PM

Expect to be even more stunned as soon as they announce the director. So far they did a pretty good job selecting the people involved in the project, so I expect them to make a wise decision.

And yeah, you said Peter Jackson wasn't going to direct HALO, but Universal had previously denied the rumours anyway. You also said (in bold text, too) "no director worth his salt is going to take ANY direction from a company that knows NOTHING about making movies". We'll see if it's somebody worthing his salt - but I think you'll probably be surprised. I don't expect Spielberg to jump in, but I think they'll probably choose a competent director.

Posted by: T-Jax at October 4, 2005 03:28 PM

you can't see it john, but i am air humping unmercifully in your direction, showing you who is boss.

Posted by: miles at October 4, 2005 03:34 PM

Hey T-Jax,

Oh I have no doubt they'll "Choose" a comptetent director... there are a few of them out there... I just know that no A-List director would accept it.

But who knows... I could be wrong.

Posted by: John Campea at October 4, 2005 03:36 PM

Im gonna laugh when it's Spielberg ;)

Posted by: Pudie at October 4, 2005 03:52 PM

I think George Lucas mght be director. This is kind of star wars' territory. And Lucas did justice to star wars in the end, even though the graphics in the first and second trilogy didn't match.

Posted by: Keelhaul at October 4, 2005 04:06 PM

Hey KeelHaul,

I see where you're going... but there is no way in hell George Lucas would direct this. George does NOT work for other people... that's why he started his own company. He'll never take directions or orders from anyone else. he only works on his own projects.

Although it would have been interesting.


Posted by: John Campea at October 4, 2005 04:13 PM

John -

I am corpsehumping you right now because you are my bitch.

FYI - go read the Halo books, check out Halo on Wikipedia. There is so much material and backstory that Halo could become a movie franchise. You will be eating crow and a nice, juicy visor dump from yours truly.

Owned bitch!

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at October 4, 2005 04:49 PM

Lucas? Where did that come from? If he even touched this property, I'd punch myself in the soft parts for the next 24 hours.

Despite all the naysaying, so far Bungie has been doing this right. They are passionate about their universe and have done well to protect it. This only puts another jewel in their "movie foray" crown.

I expect most people will poop their underpants when a director is named and many of the elite will be eating McCrow burgers for months. Oh ye of little faith. So quick to jump on the poop wagon, so quick to be derailed. Patience, naysayers. Patience.

Posted by: Chark Hammis at October 4, 2005 04:55 PM

Don't be too suprised if the boys at Bungie pursuade Mr. Jackson to direct the film as well. He has said in the past that he had wanted to foray into sci-fi. And if you look at his filmography, you can see that he's never made a science-fiction film. (unless you count the last 3 minutes of "Bad Taste")
I digress...they'll probably end up having Paul Walker play master chief...

Posted by: Paul Stempka at October 4, 2005 05:38 PM

It's going to be a kiss ass movie!!!

(Don't get the joke go to the HP thread)

Posted by: duymb_kid at October 4, 2005 05:43 PM

oh goodie. i really WANT to see another army movie that takes place on another planet..

it worked WELL for "a sound of thunder."

hey guys... wnat to know how badly and hard this movie is gonna suck? READ THE BOOKS and see.... they're written for 12 year old fanboys. The military logic in both the game AND the books makes me want to cringe....

does peter jackson know he's committing professional suicide? I feel bad for him. It had to be a bait and switch... when he realizes what he's committed to , he'll feel worse than i did last time i got engaged to a vermonter.

Posted by: mogulus at October 4, 2005 06:10 PM

oh goodie. i really WANT to see another army movie that takes place on another planet..

it worked WELL for "a sound of thunder."

hey guys... wnat to know how badly and hard this movie is gonna suck? READ THE BOOKS and see.... they're written for 12 year old fanboys. and they're the EXTENT of the story.

of course, ever 12 year old loser at heart will clamber out and eat this movie up the same as WWF fans eat up latent homosexual behavior...and i will be made to feel like the idiot for shedding light on them.

is it too soon to blow up the earth myself?

Posted by: mogulus at October 4, 2005 06:12 PM

Ok, I'll bite on that wildly cursory and general bomb drop from the poop wagon.

Did you even see "Sound of Thunder"? Your description of it is totally inaccurate. As is the banter about books being the extent of the story.

If you were looking at qualifying a good movie based on the way a film depicts military logic, you'd get rid of most military themed films. Everyone knows this medium can't present that aspect entirely. That and I'd imagine the author of two of the Halo books having been in the military-- he might have some inclination of even basic tactics?

Posted by: chark Hammis at October 4, 2005 07:57 PM

Seeing how graphics are going to be one of the biggest parts of this movie I'm very happy to hear this, I can't wait to see the Halo Universe braught to the big screen..lol the military logic? its a movie meaning its not real.. its Sci-Fi..don't be stupid,enough said.

This movie will hang on the director, and I honestly do think that this creative control thing is getting out of hand.. I've read a couple of articles and this creative control is nothing more then Jackson faced in LOTD..They just want to have limits to how far they can bend the story, so I don't see why you keep sayin` no actor would degrade themselves to take orders from a company who knows nothing about movies.. which is true.. but they know about Halo, just like the people with Jackson knew LOTD.... A crediable director will be choosen for this.. Speilberg,Lucas are not even a possibility.... but the rest are up for grabs.. Im still hopin` for Nolan :) (NO BOLL OR BAY!!)

Lets assume for a second they have a "A-List Director" or any director for that matter.. Who do you think plays Master Cheif??(Practical or not.. just an opinion on who you think would make the best cheif)

Posted by: Ray` at October 4, 2005 10:30 PM

lol I meant director.. it shoudl read I don't see why you keep sayin` no director would degrade... etc etc

Ineed to work on grammer and spelling sorry

Posted by: Ray` at October 4, 2005 10:33 PM

Oh John, give an inch mate. I think we're going to see someone decent, someone as big as Jackson is not going to sign up to be attached to a movie that's going to get a really poor second rate director on it.

I stand firm, I think we'll see a pretty good sign up for this.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at October 5, 2005 06:13 AM

Fredo Teabaggins

what is corpsehumping anyway?

Posted by: miles at October 5, 2005 08:17 AM

Sorry John, but I am laughing my ass off right now...you really did eat your words now didnt you...now all my previous rants about this movie are being justified!!! But the fact that you are still sticking with your "no director worth his salt...blah, blah..." rave is even funnier...I dont think with P.J. on this project that anyone will settle for some piss on director. And about the comment above about the books being for 12 year old and that they have no military logic...I take you have never been in the military or know nothing about it. Eric Nylands books all stick close to small unit tactics with all the engagements the Spartans get into...he sticks to the strict military rank structure we in the military hold tightly to also. All naval battles are tactically sound...to include bridge officers and the way naval (which in essense is what it is) battle is faught in space. The Spartans advance with and assault with the necesarry weapons and use tactics used in the military today. Come on dawg...how old are you exactly. There is a huge story to pull from for this movie and I can forsee it becoming a franshise as long as they stick with the same producers and directors.

Posted by: MechoPower at October 5, 2005 09:19 AM

Corpsehumping is an act of ownership performed in online Halo play. You kill a dude, then you stand over him and move up and down, humping his dead body. He get's to watch this as he waits five seconds to respawn. It basically says: You're mine. I own you.

Another variation is the Chef's Special or Visor Dump, where you do all of the above except hump, you simply sit and fart. Great times!

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at October 5, 2005 03:32 PM