October 17, 2005

Michelle Yeoh in Indiana Jones 4?

Could Michelle Yeoh appear in Indiana Jones 4? I remember almost five years ago first hearing the rumour that Steven Spielberg and George Lucas were interested in Yeoh for a role in the next Indy film. But at the same time I also heard that Indiana Jones 4 would probably go into production "Late next Year" (that would have meant 3 years ago).

But now a fairly reliable Indiana Jones web source (The Indy Experience) is bringing up those whispers again... and they say it's legit. Here's what they had to say:

Once when producer Steven Spielberg came to the filming set (of Memoirs of a Geisha), he said to Michelle: "Don't forget we are supposed to work together on an Indiana Jones sequel." Michelle answered: "I will be waiting for you!"
you can't believe everything you hear... but I think this one is a case of "where there's smoke there's fire". The Yeoh rumours have been the most consistent buzz about a new Indiana Jones film other than Harrison Ford being in it.

If this does indeed turn out to be true (and I quite expect that it will) I think it's a wonderful casting choice. Yeoh has a rare blend of beauty, power and grace with a dose of adventure that few actresses have. No matter what the role, I'm sure she's fit in just perfectly. Your thoughts?

Posted by John Campea at October 17, 2005 06:44 AM


I agree she would be an excellent choice and sits nicely on the line as being old enough to have any romantic interaction with Ford be believeable.

Posted by: Lou_Sytsma at October 17, 2005 01:29 PM

Does this mean that the Communist Chinese will be the villians? Sounds logical since the film is suppose to take place in the late 40's.

Posted by: Terry Letourneau at October 17, 2005 03:07 PM

I think she'd be a fine addition to the cast! I hope the rumors turn out to be true.

Posted by: Meli at October 17, 2005 03:24 PM

Miracle of all miracles, I guess it's look like Indy 4 is going to happen. But before I break out the champagne bottle, I'm going to wait until it is offically announced.

Posted by: poodle at October 17, 2005 04:15 PM

I would be more than happy to see her in the film.

Posted by: Morbius at October 17, 2005 04:36 PM

Excellent choice for what? Everyone's jumping on ye ole bandwagon and no one even knows what she's being rumored cast for.

Short Rounds' Mama?
Indy's quality care provider?

Posted by: chark hammis at October 17, 2005 07:52 PM

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