October 13, 2005

Michael Keaton as the Joker

Keaton_Desperate.jpgHold the phone! Michael Keaton as the Joker?? I never would have thought of this as a rumour (and I can't emphasize enough that this is still just a rumour) but MAN... I'd love it!

Ok, here's the story. Apparently a trusted Dark Horizons insider has said that most of the rumours about who may be the joker in the next Batman film are totally false. Saddly, one of the names he shoots down is Crispin Glover (who would STILL be my first choice to play the mad man). He also categorically states that Mark Hammil and Sean Penn are also not in the running for the clown prince role.

However, he does say that Paul Bettany is a guy they are seriously looking at. I've said before that I don't mind the idea of Bettany at the Joker at all. He's a wonderful talent. You can never go wrong with good talent.

But the name that most caught my attention that they are looking at was Michael Keaton. Yes, the former Batman. How cool would that be? I LOVE the idea for 3 reasons:

1) The guy is hyper talented as an actor
2) Did you see him play a psychotic killer in Desperate Measures? He was fantastic!
3) The pure novelty of it is just too delicious to pass up

I still want Glover... but since that appears to not be in the realm of reality, I'd easily take Keaton for all the reasons I listed above. What do you think of Keaton as The Joker?

Posted by John Campea at October 13, 2005 12:29 PM


That would be AWESOME. Also, in terms of linking the new with the old, it is at least linking the new franchise with the GOOD old franchise (as opposed to having Arnold or somebody making a cameo).

Also, if I recall correctly, Keaton used to do stand-up, or at least a lot of comedies, so that gives him some experience with the humourous aspect of Joker... Oh man, and who can forget Beetlejuice! Ok, Keaton would be officially perfect.

Posted by: zibalatz at October 13, 2005 01:08 PM

This would be gay. And you know it. Stop ass fucking Hollywood and trying to be like Aint It Cool News. Harry Knowles butt is so stretched and his lips are so dry and cracked that his site is about as credible as Paris Hilton's acting career.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at October 13, 2005 01:29 PM

As some have said elsewhere, the character of Beetlejuice was sort of like the Joker but without the evil criminality. Combine Keaton's comedic talent with his skill at playing psychos and you'll have the most mindblowing performance! I SO hope this comes true!

Posted by: Hamid at October 13, 2005 01:29 PM

Hey Fredo...

Ummm... the story came from Dark Horizons. Not AICN. Sorry.

Posted by: John Campea at October 13, 2005 01:34 PM

First off Fredo nice comments, you seem about as intelligent as my five year old nephew. Back to the news, I like it for the novelty of it. Keaton would be great as Joker but it does bring alot of baggage. Still I like the idea. Truth is however they will probably go with Bettany. He is talented and has displayed humor as in A Knight's Tale. Also the new franchise seems drawn to british actors except for Katy Holmes and Morgan Freeman who wasn't british in Batman Begins? Still Keaton is a neat twist.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 13, 2005 01:42 PM

Like zibalatz said, "Who can forget Beetlejuice!" Perfect laugh and perfect energy for the role as the Joker, this would also put his carrer back in order!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at October 13, 2005 01:42 PM

I agree with Keaton...dont forget his psychotic killer from Pacific Heights...and the fact that he was the batperson makes him even better.

Posted by: jimf at October 13, 2005 01:55 PM

KEATON as the Joker??? Youve got to be joking! (No pun intended) YES PLEASE!!!!

Absolutely fantastic idea, I could kiss whoever came up with this idea.

I still contend that Michael Keaton's Batman is my favorite.

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 13, 2005 02:32 PM

If I were single Simone I would claim credit but my honeymoon is begining this weekend so that just wouldn't be right.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 13, 2005 02:36 PM

This sounds great...I have been hoping for a major comeback for keaton as a VILLIAN!

Posted by: Darth Booker at October 13, 2005 02:38 PM

LOL @ crackerjack

Is that why you chose that username, because you crack people up Jack?

Anyway, enjoy your honeymoon and dont dare post here whilst that's happening or else I will be very, very worried! And congratulations! *winks*

Where you going if I dare ask? I wont stalk, PROMISE!!!!

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 13, 2005 02:42 PM

If they are not looking at Glover (which I agree, they should be) then def has to be Bettany.

Posted by: Webbie at October 13, 2005 02:51 PM

It's so off the wall, it might be a casting coup. On the other hand-and I'm surprised this wasn't mentioned- wasn't Keaton being considered for 'Jigsaw' for Punisher 2?

Posted by: darren seeley at October 13, 2005 03:33 PM

Keaton is a terrific actor and could have played a great Joker a couple decades or so ago. But he's too old for it now. If you use a young actor for Bruce Wayne, you should have someone in the same age range.

Posted by: John N at October 13, 2005 03:38 PM

Keaton is a fantastic actor, I adore him, but play the Joker? No. I think that's an utterly horrible idea. This is something you think up at 3am and many drinks in. It's not that I don't think he couldn't pull it off, but that it would cheese out the movie. Keaton was Batman, and a good one at that, so we don't need to have him playing the joker.

Posted by: Meli at October 13, 2005 03:59 PM

Michael Keaton as Joker? I cant believe that never even crossed my mind? He's actually very capable to play it and the novelty of it would be insane.

I like it. But then the age thing is the biggest problem. Young batman should have a younger joker. Anyway, im still on the crispin glover bandwagon because he's obviously the best choice.

Posted by: Cole at October 13, 2005 04:48 PM

Michael Keaton is a bad choice folks. Think it through. Saying so isn't betraying the Batman franchise, it's just thinking smartly. I bet a thousand pounds of Coruscant permacrete this isn't true.

Oh, and Cracker Jack? Bring it.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at October 13, 2005 05:00 PM

In the words of Will Smith,"HELL NO!" I cannot beleive what you're saying, John. Sure, he's a talented actor, but THE batman playing the Joker? Come on! Sure, this series of batman flicks has nothing to do with the originals, but I don't think hollywood would take that big of a risk. To many fans would steer clear of the theaters. I usually agree with crackerjack, but you are dead wrong. I pray that this is only a rumor. Miracles can happen, so i'm still hoping for Crispin.

Posted by: Brian at October 13, 2005 07:47 PM

AICN is posting the same story but they are saying that somebody came up with the idea of Keaton as the Joker in their Talkback Forums like a month ago or something. They called it a "Big Fat Rumor". But that doesn't make it untrue either. I like the idea though. Keaton is awesome, Crispy Glover couldn't hold his jock. I like Betty too.

Posted by: adam at October 13, 2005 08:28 PM

Well, AICN is notorious for posting immense amounts of BS on thier site (i.e, mostly Spiderman garbage) but I digress.


MICHAEL KEATON as the JOKER would be PERRRRFECT and I'd LOVE to see it... The irony involved - a former Batman and a current excellent actor who used to play roles that were less serious and more zany before Batman ... what a culmination of experience and talent and just a perfect pic...

I would LOVE it .. absolutely, Bravo, DO IT!!

Posted by: SpideyFan at October 13, 2005 10:04 PM

I'd like to see Michael Keaton play The Poker in the adult film version: Buttman.

Ok, seriously. I don't think he'd be a bad choice. He's an actor, not Batman. The films and real life have no continuity. He just needs to lose 30 pounds.

Posted by: Chark Hammis at October 14, 2005 12:14 AM

First off Simone thank you very much and we will be leaving for Italy for three weeks on the 16th.

Brian, glad to hear someone is usually on my side. I would have to lean toward Paul Bettany more so than Keaton. Keaton is a great actor and looks younger than his age and though the novelty is fun to discuss it would taint a hopefully great film. Glover maybe but I tend to want to beat him up, Mcfly.

Fredo, Bring it? What am I bringing? Why don't you ever post anything worth reading? Try harder than bring it.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 14, 2005 12:33 AM

Oh..... I like it. That WOULD be a good choice.

Posted by: Borloff at October 14, 2005 01:05 AM

no way. keaton will always be the best batman. when i think of him playing joker i think of beetlejuice.

Posted by: B A T M A N at October 14, 2005 01:12 AM

Keaton is TOO GOOD a talent to waste as the Joker in the pathetic BATMAN BEGINS franchise. No-Go (Nolan & Goyer) should cast Andy Dick as the Joker in this dud of a franchise.

Posted by: Bret at October 14, 2005 09:31 AM

Hey B A T M A N, I wholeheartedly agree, Keaton is the BEST Batman, no offense to Mr. Bale. And Tim Burton's "Batman" is still the BEST for me.

Hey Bret, what do you think went wrong with "Batman Begins"?

Posted by: Simone at October 14, 2005 12:23 PM

Keaton as the Joker makes a whole lot more sense than Keaton as Bruce Wayne/Batman did.

Posted by: Morbius at October 14, 2005 12:58 PM

Keaton, sorry, was NOT the best batman. The best batman is the new one, hands down - Christian Bale.

He's dark and funny and real.

Keaton was just plain dark and morbid. He was good, and a close second, but his crown was relinquished to newer talent - Bale wins hands down.

Whoever said that Batman Begins is a "pathetic franchise" obviously didn't like the film. That's cool. But Keaton would be a good joker, your thoughts not withstanding.

Posted by: SpideyFan at October 14, 2005 01:28 PM

While I think Keaton has the chops to play the role, I don't like the idea of them casting him in it. To me, it seems like it's stunt casting, and will pull the right kind of attention from the movie itself. Also casting Keaton can't help but link these new Batman films to the previous Batman films, which I think is a big mistake.

Posted by: Richard (not Brunton) at October 14, 2005 01:31 PM

Ehr Spideyfan, that's what I think, sorry too.

But I have no problem with Bale's Batman either.

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 14, 2005 01:57 PM

Yes, Christian Bale is a fantastic Batman, and him and Keaton are probly tied. . To all you who are Keaton fans, sure, he'd be a good joker. For all the batman movie fans, it would suck. I mean fans of the original batman movie franchise, or first 2 anyway. These new films are great, but casting the original batman actor in the role of the joker would confuse the crap out of me. Why do it? Don't say 'Cuz he's a good actor' because so are Paul Bettany and Crispin Glover. I really liked batman begins and i think the rest in this franchise will rock, too. You just can't combine the two. I know hes not batman in real life, but he is in the hearts of many. Oh, Bret, meet me in the "Batman Begins Reviews" section of this site. i got a bone to pick with you.

Posted by: Brian at October 14, 2005 01:59 PM

I think I liked the Sean Penn as the Joker rumor better. And CrackerJack, my use of "bring it" was a joke. Don't take yourself to seriously.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at October 14, 2005 04:22 PM

"real" would depend on how believable the actor's performance was. since, performance is based on calibre michael keaton is the better batman hands down.

to me he exuded more character depth.

i think a better premise would be casting keaton to reprise the original batman vs. the christian bale one. :p

Posted by: B A T M A N at October 14, 2005 05:32 PM

I think it would rock - have you seen him lately? He was on Letterman a few weeks ago and is so thin and wire-y that he would be the PERFECT Joker. It's kinda weird that THE BEST Batman would end up playing HIS WORST enemy, but I think that's one of the things that makes it so cool.

Overall everyone's opinion is very positive, however my wife gave an emphatic 'NO' when I asked her if she thought it would be a good idea. Guess I shouldn't have mentioned Crispin Glover right before mentioning Mr. Keaton...

Posted by: trysop at October 16, 2005 03:49 PM

Hi Simone. I agree that the 89 Batman is the best film. It was dark and brooding, but still had a sense of humor and style. I loved that Burton brought Batman's world to life by mixing 1930s warner bros gangster films with 1920s silent horror movies. See, Burton created a world where Batman could exist realistically. No-Go on the other hand tried to shoehorn Batman into the real world, and to me that didn't work. BEGINS also fell flat to me in that it followed too close to the "how to make a superhero movie" playbook invented by Richard Donner and followed with more success by Sam Raimi. Batman doesn't fit in that mold. As Sam Hamm said, you don't need to explain every detail of an origin of a character that has no super powers. Burton & Hamm were far more original in their take by just using the Waynes murder as a reference point, and not over explaining every detail. Batman is, after all, a mysterious character whose genisis should be shrouded in mystery. By exposing every detail like BEGINS did, you strip that aspect of the character away. I also hated David Goyer's script. It was dull, and and moronic. Bruce, when ordered to kill that one hostage at Ra's palace, refuses saying he will never take a human life. Seconds later he escapes by blowing up the place, killing everyone in it! huh?? It's kind of hard to take anything else in that movie serious after that. Katie Holmes was terrible, Chris Bale was bland, Michael Caine was horribly miscast as Alfred, as was Oldman as Gordon. No-Go had all this bad Schumacher style dialogue that fans would be up in arms over if it happened in another Bat film, but they seem to accept it here. Those "That 70s Show" style fear gas acid trips were pathetic. I just thought this was a sloppy, poorly done movie. And I think after the honeymoon phase with the fans ends, a lot more people will find major faults with this film.

Posted by: Bret at October 16, 2005 04:06 PM

#1 choice for The Joker is BRUCE CAMBELL
#2 Michael Keaton
#3 Cher

Posted by: Joel at October 28, 2005 11:33 PM

I a Big Fans of Michael Keaton as Batman then it funny how new film want someone play as the Joker Why is it Michael Keaton as The Joker sound funny to me Jack Nichlson was best The Joker all Time in 1989 BATMAN FILM THE bLOCKBUSTER PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT Michael Keaton as next Joker Ha ha ha ha very funny he more as Batman lot in past never watch Batman Forever or Batman Robin it Suck with out Michael Keaton what going on in past I watch 1989 Batman film and Batman Returns film well good days find out in years June 15 2008???

Posted by: Brian Wayne Kelley at November 28, 2005 08:09 PM