October 28, 2005

Man who Fell to Earth to be remade

The news from Coming Soon is that the classic The Man who Fell to Earth starring David Bowie is to be remade:

Warner Independent Pictures and Cherry Road Films are remaking The Man Who Fell to Earth, with screenwriter Oren Moverman set to adapt, reports Variety....

...The story is about an alien who comes to Earth disguised as a businessman to procure water for his parched planet. Along the way, he becomes the head of a powerful international conglomerate and discovers just how greedy mankind is, falling into a metaphysical crisis.

It's not clear if the remake is from the novel or the movie of the novel (with Bowie) but they have both been optioned. I actually wouldn't mind this remake more than the rest because the story is even more relevant in todays society than back then. I really think that this could make for a good, insightful and quite reflective story of our times.

Posted by Richard Brunton at October 28, 2005 08:48 AM

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MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH isn't my favorite Nicholas Roeg film, but a director will still have his hands full trying to top it.

Posted by: nilblogette at October 28, 2005 10:38 AM

I've both read the book and seen the movie. i though the book was really great. However the movie lacked a lot. If they remake correctly, i would be really thrlled. The movie is dated, but the book could just as well happen today. We dont even know fully what private industry is up to today.

Posted by: coolcat_opee at October 28, 2005 06:22 PM

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