October 10, 2005

Luis Guzman is NOT A Big Stupid Ass

Damn... I've been played like a used violin. Remember a few days ago I posted a story that Rob McKittrick (director of waiting) put up on his personal blog about a huge meltdown on set between him and Luis Guzman? In that post I said: Up until this point I've really liked the work of Luis Guzman... and I guess I still do. But as of right now I have absolutely ZERO respect for this higher-than-thou, non-professional, egotistical piece of shit. Well scratch that... I like Guzman again... because it was all a hoax.

A second video has been released by McKittrick showing the two coming back into the room where all the other actors were waiting and letting thme in on the fact that it was all a joke. Let me tell you something... as far as believable pranks go... this was a GOOD one. It had me fooled... I think it had most of you fooled too.

So now McKittrick is telling the world on his blog that it was all a gag to try to generate publicity for his movie "Waiting".

But here's the thing... I love good practical jokes... harmless ones anyway. But there is just something about using his blog to do it to the public. I guess to me... the personal blog is that ONE place where you know there isn't any bullshit. The one place that a person tells it like it is... where you don't have to worry about "is this true or not". Media sites can BS... official sites can BS... but I've always felt like a persons personal blog should be that ONE place where what you read can be trusted. I guess not.

So yeah. I loved the joke... but I really wish he didn't use his blog as the place to spread it. Now I'm not sure what to trust.

Posted by John Campea at October 10, 2005 03:10 PM


Okay then. I saw Boogie Nights for the first time last night and I made a you 'you big stupid ass' glare whenever Luis Guzman came on screen, I haf been svindled! *cries*

I'll watch it again later and actually enjoy it.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at October 10, 2005 03:41 PM

Don't worry John, the Truth is out There.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 10, 2005 03:51 PM

This sucks even more than the "meltdown". Thanks guys, now I know which movie NOT to see.

Posted by: JAGMIR at October 10, 2005 04:34 PM

Joke or not, this did absolutely nothing for promoting the movie. In fact, it made people want to see it less. Much much less.

They did get me, but still. The end result now is that i hate everyone. Nice marketing.

Posted by: Cole at October 10, 2005 04:44 PM

See, now if it was just Guzman and the director in a room arguing, I wouldn't believe it for one second, but they had those reaction shots of Reynolds and members of the cast that I *KNEW WITHOUT A DOUBT* couldn't be acting. Those guys really thought that was going down, and their reactions was what convinced me. That's really what sold it for me.

And yes, I have to agree with John. A blog is where you express your innermost thoughts, rightly or wrongly, and should be taken as *GOSPEL* that it's *YOUR GENUINE THOUGHTS*, not as some publicity stunt for your movie. It's one of those unspoken rules of blogs -- the understanding between blogger and reader.

Now who the f--- is going to read this director douche bag's blog again without thinking everything he's posting is full of crap?

Posted by: Nix at October 10, 2005 08:09 PM

I think I may have mentioned this in the previous thread concerning this gag., but I don't think this "joke" did anything to boost box office. And yes, it was still a stupid line.

I also feel that the director sabotaged his own blog, but not just for the issue of bullsh*t.

Here's the thing: When I usually hear actors and directors not getting along, or the studio locking people out of the editing rooms, I tend to think the picture when released, will be not as good as it should have been. It's possible that other people will feel this way. So when you hear that there were "problems" or "friction" on the set, don't you feel that both the director and/or actors are not at thier best?

But from what I read from Roger Ebert's review, if the director had Luis Guzman pick his nose and spit on food...well, the actor does as instructed and McKittrick is the big stupid ass.

Posted by: darren seeley at October 10, 2005 09:37 PM

Who cares?

Posted by: You Know My Name at October 10, 2005 10:03 PM

Actually I wouldn't expect personal blogs to be a haven for the "truth" since, you know, it's "personal". :P

The film wasn't on my radar before this gag and it wasn't there after: the "joke" just provided a few moments of bemusement.

Posted by: Arethusa at October 10, 2005 10:53 PM


John, let's analyze this:

You post up how much you dislike Luiz Guzman, and suddenly a new blog gets released by the director discrediting the "practical joke" to get publicity?

If he REALLY wanted to get publicity, he would have let the rumor fly until about a week before premiere, don't you think?

My hunch is that this really did happen, and he's engaging in some creative damage control since you made it public.

Be skeptical, always ... The truth is out there ...

Posted by: SpideyFan at October 11, 2005 12:47 AM

I read the Justin Long article before I watched the video (he went to high school with a friend of my ex-roommate, that's how tight we are), and I was skeptical. The fight still looked real, but I wanted context.

I wonder how many Hollywood types will see the video, miss the retraction, and consider Guzman "difficult" from now on?

This reminds me of the Libertarian Girl hoax. (A guy pretended to be a chick, and put a picture of a Russian mail-order bride in his "About Me" section - until he was nabbed at least.) It's not nearly as funny though.

Yeah, anything on McKittrick's blog is suspect now. (If anybody reads it, that is.)

Posted by: Brian at October 11, 2005 02:52 AM

No need to get testy just because you were sucked in by a practical joke; it happens to all of us from time to time! So he did it on his blog. Well, it's his blog, isn't it? Come on, man - you really need to lighten up.

Posted by: John Duffell at October 11, 2005 04:04 AM

Lesson to learn from this, try not to be TOO gullible next time. And before dishing out judgments, confirm veracity of the accounts.

I am always skeptical about what I rwad in the news, its not always seems to be what it is. Same thing applies here.

I will not see this movie anyway, so it didnt do anything for me. Sorry to the drumbeating director. *chuckles*

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 11, 2005 06:50 AM

does anyone know where a link to the new footage is?

thanks in advance


Posted by: danny at October 11, 2005 12:30 PM

John, stop being such a whiny puss. Get over it.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at October 11, 2005 05:37 PM

you put too much faith in blogs. douchebag.

Posted by: dumbass at October 11, 2005 08:36 PM

THIS WAS ALL A HOAX?! How could the fine folks of Hollywood dupe us like that? I mean, they could have seriously damaged Luis Guzman's reputation! If this BULLSHIT is a big concern in your life, I suggest you find a hobby. Who the hell cares?

Posted by: SP at October 12, 2005 06:47 AM