October 12, 2005

Kristen Dunst Out Of Spider-Man?

Spidy634.jpgDon't start celebrating yet... but it looks like there is a chance that Spider-Man 3 will be the last time we have to see Kristen Dunst at Mary Jane Watson. Oh happy day!

Don't get me wrong... I actually don't mind Dunst at all as an actress... but the Mary Jane role was not for her. She has never looked comfortable in it, and the only highlight of her "performance" in either of the first two films were her nipples in the famous "rain kiss" scene in the first Spider-Man.

But Dunst isn't getting "fired". According to Ananova it's Dunst herself that saying she thinks she's done with the franchise. Here's what she had to say about it:

Kirsten Dunst says she will have to be paid an "exorbitant" amount of money to appear in future Spider-Man films. The actress, who plays Mary Jane Watson, will appear in the third film but is uncertain if she will appear in any more. According to Teen Hollywood she said: "Unless they pay me an exorbitant amount of money, this will be my last one.
She goes on to leave the door a little open by saying things like "if it's a lot of money... if Sam's back... if the story is amazing... yadda yadda yadda". But it's still enough for me to get my hopes up that the weakest link in the Spider-Man chain may be cut loose.

Posted by John Campea at October 12, 2005 11:48 AM


Sounds like it could maybe just be a bluff for more money period.

Posted by: adam at October 12, 2005 04:49 PM

I think she's got the third Spidey, then her contract is up, as is McGuire's. I don't think there's anything wrong with her, and I slightly object, John, that she is "the weak link" in the film series. There is no weak link in the Spidey films. However, as the series progresses, will Mary Jane have much to do?

Her name is Kirsten Dunst, not Katie Holmes.

Posted by: darren seeley at October 12, 2005 09:35 PM

I really agree with darren. In my opinion, maybe a dozen other actresses could have nailed the part of Mary Jane, but whats so wrong with Kirsten Dunst's performance. My "spidey sense" is saying {{PUBLICITY STUNT}}.

Posted by: SP at October 13, 2005 01:50 AM

This is actually old news.

IESB had this back on September 30th. Strange that it took Annova 13 days to pick up on it.


Posted by: Spidey-Fan at October 13, 2005 11:29 AM

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