October 17, 2005

Kirsten Dunst in Iraq drama

KristenDunst.jpgConsidering what films Kirsten Dunst is known for I find her an unusual, but not necessarily wrong, choice for this latest Iraq film. From MovieWeb:

According to Variety, Kirsten Dunst will play Marla Ruzicka in a film about the 28-year-old American relief worker who was killed in Iraq by a suicide bomber...

...The studio and the producers made a deal last summer for Ruzicka's life rights, as well as a book that's being written about her by Jennifer Abrahamson. Abrahamson had planned to collaborate on the book with Ruzicka, and they had turned out a number of pages that were going to serve as a book proposal.

Ruzicka was a dynamo in her quest to get reparations for the scores of civilian casualties after the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions, compiling lists of war victims and seeking compensation and medical treatment from the U.S. government. The org she founded, the Campaign for Innocent Victims of Conflict, raised $28 million to assist casualties of war in those countries.

Ruzicka and her driver were killed in April when a suicide bomber crashed into a security convoy they were trailing.

The story will certainly provide a different look at the war from the one we've been seeing to date, and I think a very welcome differing view. My only concern is that it goes off in one direction and begins preaching. I hope it doesn't, remains balanced, and tells a story that makes us all reflect a little.

Do you think Dunst can pull a role like this off and not detract from the story itself?

Posted by at October 17, 2005 02:13 PM


I think that Kirsten Dunst has became a rather blan actress over the last few years. She's picked nothing but safe roles and it's gotten boring. I think this role could be really good for her though I'm not entirely convinced she can pull it off. I hope she can. It can save her career from falling to waste side.

Posted by: Meli at October 17, 2005 03:14 PM

I think she's a good actress and that she'll be able to pull this off and do quite well while doing so. And jozeroh... your an idiot.

Posted by: Joey at October 17, 2005 06:21 PM

This sounds like an interesting film, but I'll probably be distracted by her nubby teeth and a stupor that appears drug-induced.

Posted by: chark hammis at October 17, 2005 07:34 PM

And aid worker who DIES. WOW! Another positive, uplifting movie from the Left-Coast about the war on terror.

Hey did you hear they voted yesterday?

Naw... libs don't give a shit. They won't be happy until the Iraqi's are all Godless and Communist.

Posted by: Normal at October 18, 2005 09:56 AM

Two things are troubling me.

One, MTV, the network who sold his rebellious soul to the devil; who's broadcasting crap all day long and put the interesting stuff late at night; the network that has stupid shows like TRL, Pimp my Ride, Cribs, Dating programs, Jackass spin-offs; a network that is destroying rap-songs with their censorship; IS PRODUCING 'THIS' MOVIE. Are they gonna make it for 'their' target-audience, or are they gonna try to make a solid movie without thinking about 13 year olds or marketing strategies.

and in consequence, which is my 2nd point, they want the MTV-cheerleader Kirsten Dunst, rather than the Marla Ruzicka-look alike Renee Zellweger, who has been growing into a pretty good actrice and much more accomplished than Dunst.

Personally, I say this about the project, it stinks already.

Posted by: Darko at October 19, 2005 05:25 AM