October 09, 2005

Jarhead trailer no. 2

Jarhead.jpgTodd over at Twitch has dropped news of another Jarhead trailer on us.

The trailer is over at Apple and comes in at a 22.3Mb download. It's another stylish piece that makes this movie even more attractive to me, I'm dying to see this now, and what a cast.


Posted by at October 9, 2005 04:11 PM


As u said, I too am DYING to see this!!

Posted by: Marla Singer at October 9, 2005 05:37 PM

I predict this movie is gonna bomb. People are tired of the Iraq War and tired of cynicism about the Iraq war, both. And that's what this movie looks like, an attempt to make it look like war is crazy, hell, or whatever ....and the soldiers don't want to be there, etc, etc.... And that may all be true, but Im just not interested in seeing that. Plus, I can't stand Jamie Foxx.

The only way I might change my mind is if it got 4 star reviews by everybody, and I mean everybody, not just critics that agree with its political message.

Posted by: Del at October 9, 2005 10:42 PM

Actually, the story's about Desert Storm (back in '91), not the current war in Iraq. And I think it's less about the war than it is the soldiers that fight it. I couldn't care less about Iraq. What I do care about are our soldiers, their stories, and their safety. If you care about that, this movie will speak to you. If not, pass on it.

Posted by: Phil at October 10, 2005 12:16 AM

Not only do I agree with Phil, but I am seen this trailer and the theatrical version, before movies, multiple times. No it is not about the Iraq war, it is about Desert Storm. Though I don't really give a shit about any war, this is one that happened when I was young and I am interested in seeing in how this movie comes across.

Building off the fact that I don't care about war or war movies, have you seen the visuals and the aesthetic? The movie could be about Jake Gylenhall eating a sandwich for two hours, but if it looks like it does now I really don't care. I think it looks fantastic, at least visually.

And need I mention Alan Ball? This movie may bomb (ha ha get it?), and I think it might, but based off the visuals and the director alone, I think that I am going to want to see it. I will wait and see what Ebert has to say when he reviews it, and I am sure Alec (who posts here) and other might disagree, but I am nonetheless intrigued.

Posted by: Ryan at October 10, 2005 10:15 AM

This looks to me like an attempt to pull a M*A*S*H. The film purports to be about the first Gulf War, like MASH purported to be about the Korean War, but it is really an attack on the current war, as MASH was really an attack on Vietnam. A look at the book Jarhead will bear this idea out. This is just Michael Moore with a bigger production budget, stars, and a plot.

Some further info here: http://www.libertyfilmfestival.com/libertas/index.php?s=jarhead

Posted by: Arminius at October 10, 2005 10:21 AM

To Ryan:

Alan Ball is not involved in this project, afaik.

Posted by: T-Jax at October 10, 2005 10:25 AM

It looks a lot more like Three Kings then MASH.

And also, I'm seeing this for three reasons.

1. Sam Mendes.

2. To see if this matches up to Three Kings (one of the best war movies ever made). Which was also about the Gulf War and virtually ignored by everyone because David. O. Russell was a very unknown director at the time.

3. To see all of the 'Republicans' (you people fail to realize the two political parties are one and the same) go to see the movie and walk out half way through. Then whine about it on message boards and talkbacks, oh, they're already doing that.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at October 10, 2005 03:39 PM

Just have to say I agree with Phil's comments, you seem to be a wise man.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 10, 2005 03:44 PM


I think the fact that the star is Jake Gyllenhaal should be plenty of warning to conservatives that this movie is not on the up and up.

Conservative filmgoers have learned to start with the idea that a Hollywood movie is pro-socialist/anti-American as a default, to be proven otherwise with evidence. That goes doubly so for "war" movies. Any surprise I've seen is reserved for when Hollywood plays such a story straight, like in The Great Raid (or like in other movies with surprise conservative messages, e.g. Cinderella Man or Just Like Heaven).

That said, if the look of dumbfoundedness on conservatives' faces while watching this movie could come close to the priceless look on lefties' faces during the entire second half of Team America:World Police, it would be a sight worth seeing indeed.

Posted by: Arminius at October 10, 2005 04:11 PM

I should have said Sam Mendes, sorry.

Posted by: Ryan at October 10, 2005 05:08 PM

I know! When I saw Team America in theatres; here is a playback:

SCREEN: (joke)


THE GROUP OF LIBERALS IN FRONT OF ME: *silence* (one glared at me)

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at October 10, 2005 06:20 PM

This looks like a Comedy/Drama Film to me. http://www.apple.com/trailers/universal/jarhead/hd/
( copy And Paste in to browser ).

Posted by: Sean Mallari at October 15, 2005 03:59 AM

If you never been to war you have no right to speak this movies seems to be consitant with the book and the book is a accurate portrail of what its like to be in war in the 20th century you may want to think twice about calling it mash becuse this movie is no evening sitcom

Posted by: jo drt at October 15, 2005 02:10 PM

I have read the book and it is not another war hero epic or about things that went sour it is about one marines point of perspective(very provocative) on what he thinks war is,the fact that a jarhead will always be a jarhead, and we will always be fighting somebody elses war. There is more mental aggravation than most of us could possibly endure. It probably will not be a blockbuster,but it is truth not just a run of the mill war story, it is more of a behind the scenes of war from a first persons view. If you enjoy war movies or stories this is a great one and it will be rated as one of the best war stories with Platoon and full metal jacket.Show some respect for those that fight another persons war. SEMPER FI

Posted by: mike at October 18, 2005 03:33 PM

what is the sound of the trailers ? the hip hop one !?%

Posted by: squadtactic at October 22, 2005 09:31 PM