October 11, 2005

Is Bond chosen?

DanielCraig.jpgIt's all over the net just now, but one of the more trusted sources I would credit is Vic over at Screen Rant where he shows the story from This is London with a story from the Daily Mail.

Now before we go any further let me say that many of the rumours have come from papers such as the Daily Mail and the Sun, neither of which are sterling news sources, but as I say it's everywhere so maybe it is true...

In the end a shortlist of two emerged - Craig and newcomer Henry Cavill. The pair were auditioned again and tried on tuxedos to see how they would look in the quintessential Bond clothing.

Craig, 37, whose choice will be confirmed by producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael G Wilson later this week, will be the sixth Bond, but the first blond.

I'm with Vic here, there was a big hoo-hah about Brosnan being too old to play the younger Bond and that there was only a certain age bracket they were looking at, Campbell even reiterated that just the other day, but now we're being told that a 37 year old has the role? Strange, and daft if age was a concern, still, I always thought Craig was a good choice.

What do you think, are you happy about this (if it's true!)?

Posted by at October 11, 2005 05:36 PM


That's a really very clever way of what to make with this news Rich, without necessarily jumping on it like what was done in the past. And if this is indeed OFFICIAL news, heck I am over the moon about it! I love Daniel Craig, and I hope that he doesnt have to dye his hair. *winks*

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 11, 2005 05:46 PM

I still think Clive Owen would be a better choice...oh well.

Posted by: Terry Letourneau at October 11, 2005 05:57 PM

We want James Bond not James Blonde!

Posted by: Morbius at October 11, 2005 06:51 PM

If its true I think its a good choice. If the franchise is going to continue they need to go in a new direction.

Posted by: You Know My Name at October 11, 2005 07:00 PM

I'd had hoped for a roll on the dice with the hardly mentioned Highlander's Adrian Paul (my personal choice for 007) I was always sad to see he was not even considered.

Curious about Daniel Craig, I watched 'Layer Cake" last week, and I had to burn my wrists with matches to keep alert. From what I recall from 'Tomb Raider', a film series that was overrated and stupid, I didn't think much of the actor. However, I do recall TR2's Gerald Butler, who is talented. Heck, I even liked him as Attilla The Hun. I do think Butler was in the running for Bond at one time?

Bulter and Clive Owen, however, had two things in common: they got a lot of projects going on, no room for Bond. I think, however, Craig might dye his hair darker, should this be offical.

Posted by: darren seeley at October 11, 2005 08:08 PM

I watched Layer Cake after all the talk of Craig as Bond and it was a decent film but I was underwelmed with Craig. He may be fine as Bond for a few movies but I don't see him being spectacular. I would have fought to have Gerard Butler but I understand his schedule is packed. After reading a recnet interview with Campbell I see this being rubbish. Who knows though, the Bond casting is so difficult to understand. They say one thing and contradict immidiately. I still say wait until they have an actor that they all want and fight for that actor. I have nothing against Craig and hope he has the chops to be Bond but we will see.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 11, 2005 10:49 PM

Unfortunately, some actors always stick in my mind in certain roles. I know that's my problem and probably a testement to their acting skills, but whe I see, say, Leonardo DiCaprio I always see him as the mentally challenged character he played in What's Eating Gilbert Grape. With Daniel Craig I always think of Connor Rooney from Road to Perdition. It's hard for me to reconcile that guy with James Bond. ;-)

Plus, it seems like Bonds have always had kind of traditional rugged good looks (with the exception of Brosnan and Moore who kind of had a prep school dandy look). Craig is more along the lines of a Willem Dafoe or James Woods...which is to say, uh...he has..."character"...is that the PC way to say he's kind of scary-looking? He'd be a great Bond bad guy, though...

Posted by: R. Jackson at October 11, 2005 11:15 PM


Posted by: Marla Singer at October 12, 2005 01:50 AM

I can think of better choices. But this is old news. He's been slated to be the next Bond for about 9 months now.

P.S. No audio edition today (11th)?

Posted by: Drewbacca at October 12, 2005 10:00 AM

Gerard Butler would also be perfect as 007 no doubt about that, he will be ff on from Sean Connery if that's the case. Now that will really make me go wild! LOL

Posted by: Simone at October 12, 2005 10:06 AM

I warmed to the idea of Clive Owen in the role after seing Arthur but he is a bit old now if the produced are after a younger Bond.

I suppose the Batman franchise rules Christian Bale out.

What about Eric Bana?

Posted by: Morbius at October 12, 2005 01:20 PM

Maybe Jude Law can be the villian for Casino Royal. I take it they are not getting along these days after Daniel Craig took away Law's girl.

Posted by: Terry Letourneau at October 12, 2005 02:12 PM

Ya I wanted Jonathan Rhys Meyers the british actor who played Elvis Presley and has been in like 35 movies but this guy is GOOd Ill tell you why......WE are all mad we did not get our guy but if you think about it this pick that was chosen so fast and crazily it seemed but this choice leaves the door open for future Bonds. Since they did not find the perfect guy, they went for a guy that looked just like the real first Casino Royale Bond. He will prob do one movie or if he is good we will love him. After Casino Royale we can have someone else play Bond later since he is like the intro Bond like the first film. If you look at it like that we are starting all over again. And have room for all kinds of actors in the role in the future. Thats what Bond has been and it continues

Posted by: Libertylane at October 12, 2005 03:35 PM

Jackson, thank you. I knew there was a reason I did not like Craig. I didn't like him in Tomb Raider but he was not important enough to dislike but in Road to Purdition I hated him. I know I was supposed to so more power to him for being a good actor but he bugged the hell out of me. I couldn't understand why he was being cast in movies. I personaly would not cast him as Bond but I am in Gerard Butler's corner though I have no idea of whether he is even interested in the role. I do give Craig credit for displaying interest in Bond unlike any others that I've seen. Who knows though, he could be the best ever maybe we ought to give him a chance.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 12, 2005 03:49 PM

Has anybody seen him in the made for tv-movie "Archangel"? He blew me away there, and thats when I entertained the idea that this guy could be a good Bond, and if this news is actually official then heck, I hope he pulls it off.

crackerjack says, "I do give Craig credit for displaying interest in Bond unlike any others that I've seen. Who knows though, he could be the best ever maybe we ought to give him a chance". I am with you on that one crackerjack.

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 12, 2005 05:20 PM

I do like that he will bring a certain realism to the character. He is probably the grittiest actor they were considering and that may be what Bond needs.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 12, 2005 05:24 PM

I like the choice, mainly because his mum lives round the corner from me

Posted by: Pendragon00 at October 13, 2005 07:26 AM

So its showing up all over the internet news sources, they will make the announcement tommorow. Looking like the rumor is true. Still I would like a surprise announcement of Gerard Butler but I will not hold my breath. Good luck Craig, big hat to fill, especially with blond hair.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 13, 2005 01:47 PM

crackerjack says, "Still I would like a surprise announcement of Gerard Butler but I will not hold my breath".

Hey crackerjack, I am beginning to really like you you know, youve got taste mate! *winks* And we seem to be among the few keen on the idea of Craig as Bond.

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 13, 2005 02:34 PM

I really wish Craig luck. He will face a great deal of critism as Bond, a lot on one man's shoulders.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 13, 2005 02:44 PM

I'll wait till the 'New Bond' movie comes out on DVD to watch it..why did they make a blonde, ugly Bond...they will not get any $ at the box office from me..What were they thinking..or were they?

Posted by: Char at October 17, 2005 01:12 PM

YOu guys they picked Craig ,if you guys did not know, because he looks exactly like the first bond in the movie. the hair the face. The first Bond was not an attractive guy, but a funny looking guy starting out. So its the Bond saga starting all over again!!! I like it that way since I did not get my guy. WE are starting again, that means more BOnd charectors more movies and more more more of the whole thing. Who knows this time around we may get a BOnd charector that will be as popular as Some of the ones we have already had in Bond charectors in the future. My hopes are high, and Remember Craig id just the Casino Royale Bond and is starting the saga again, we dont have to keep him after this one thats the beauty of it all.

Posted by: Libertylane at October 19, 2005 06:45 PM