October 25, 2005

Iron Man dead?

IronMan.jpgAccording to Variety through Comic Book Movies it looks like the long anticipated Iron Man is set to get filed...awww...Iron...filed?!

According to Variety, Iron Man looks likely to revert back to the comic book publisher (Marvel) after more than two years of fruitless development at New Line Cinema...Ultimately the Iron Man film was officially delayed from 2006 to 2007 several months ago and now it seems it may not see the light of day at all...

Chances are that the movies gone for this attempt at development. Perhaps someone else will have a go and option it? Isn't this one of the saddest pieces of news in the Comic Adaptations? This had great potential.

Posted by Richard Brunton at October 25, 2005 04:31 AM


Was gutted to hear this.

Was always a fan of the comic and Saturday
morning cartoon.

Personally, I can't see how this hasn't been made yet.
I mean, if freakin' Multiple Man can get a role in the
new Xmen, surely Iron Man can have his own movie!
There is a heirarchy ofpopularity to be observed here,
and Iron Man ranks pretty high.

I always found him to be one of the most "human" comic
book characters and found the inclusion of issues such
as alcoholism a stark and welcomed contrast to "Oh no!
How do I save the world AND get to the prom on time".

I heard Tom Cruise talk about this to Jonathan Ross
about a year back when he was attatched and even though
I don't neccesarily think he was the best man for the
job, I loved the way he talked about the character.

Who knows, Pierce Brosnan isn't doing much now,
I think he'd fit Tony Stark.

If there's a comic book movie god, help us out.

Posted by: Rynndar [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 25, 2005 08:16 AM

Definitely a sad bit of news. Hopefully, it'll revert back to Marvel and they'll pursue it with their newly formed production arm and distribute it through Paramount.

Posted by: Alter Ego Comics at October 25, 2005 12:09 PM