October 07, 2005

Into The Blue Quote of the Day

Into The Blue, starring Jessica Alba's ass, is in theaters and getting a horrible drumming from the critics (but come on... honestly... did anyone actually think this movie even had a chance of being any good?)

When I'm at the gym I like to listen to podcasts on my iPod (like The Audio Edition). Anyway, the other day I was listening to Ebert and Ropper's podcast as they were reviewing Into the Blue. Halfway through Ropper gave this awesome quote that made me suddenly laugh out loud and had alost everyone in the place turn to look at me:

Into the Blue is a movie about good looking stupid people who do stupid things and deserve every nasty thing that happens to them.

I howled. Hmmm... reading it doesn't come across as funny as it sounded at the time. But I thought it was gold.

Posted by John Campea at October 7, 2005 01:55 PM


Thanks for making me laugh John. LOL

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 7, 2005 05:05 PM