October 21, 2005

Ice Age 2 Voices

I thought the original Ice Age was pretty cute. It doesn't come close to anything Pixar has put out... but it was worth while nonetheless. Enough so, that when I heard that they were doing an Ice Age 2 I was modestly enthusiastic.

By now just about everyone has seen the teaser trailer playing in theaters... once again only showing that little prehistoric squirrel creature and his nut (I could watch a whole movie of just that little guy) but showing nothing else and no other characters.

No the good folks over at Cinema Confidential are reporting that new casting has been done for the voices of new characters. Here's what they had to say:

The story is follows Manfred the morose woolly mammoth (voice of Ray Romano), Sid the lisping sloth (John Leguizamo) and Diego the snappish saber-toothed tiger (Denis Leary)as they try to warn their friends about the dangers of a global thaw.

Queen Latifah is Ellie, a woolly mammoth and potential mate to Manfred. Seann Willam Scott and Josh Peck will voice two possum brothers,Crash and Eddie. Jay Leno is Fast Tony, a shady armadillo.

Queen Latifah? hmmm... that's an interesting one. I swear that lady is a poster child for "squandered opportunity". Gets nominated for an Oscar and what does she do? Appears in crap idea film after crap idea film. Oh well. Still... the Ice Age franchise looks solid. I maintain modestly enthusiastic.

Posted by John Campea at October 21, 2005 12:16 PM


Gee. I wonder if Queen Latifah will play the role loud, trash-talkin and chock full of attitude...

I really hate when hollywood takes a black actor and throws them in a role just so they can mispronounce words and say clever lingo that will be outdated by the time the movie is out. Most black people aren't loud and illiterate but by the looks of it through film and television then you would never know.

Posted by: Cole at October 22, 2005 01:48 AM

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