October 27, 2005

Harry Potter lead to change?

DRadcliffe.jpgThis is either one of two things, the media making a big thing out of a simple comment, or Daniel Radcliffe trying the James Bond style of pay negotiation, but Radcliffe is hinting he may not be on board for the whole series.

Daniel, 16, who has been the boy wizard since he was 11, is considering other projects, says the Mirror....

...Asked what he will do when the role comes to an end, Daniel replied: "We've got a while before the films end.

"I'm not absolutely confident that I'm doing them all. I'm definitely doing the fifth, but after that who knows?"

Ah, The Mirror, says a lot. However, these do appear to be his words. Personally I think it's an offhand comment about the fact he's not signed up for them all, a nice friendly reminder to the Studio to get his contract sorted and give him a pay rise in the process!

Posted by at October 27, 2005 05:32 PM


Losing Radcliffe would be bad news. It's been cool watching him grow up and his growth (as an actor and pyhyscially) jives with the aging of Potter in the books. Potter is not a perpetual 14 year old.

Posted by: chark hammis at October 27, 2005 18:05

I hope this kid realizes he has NO leeway here. Replacing him would kill the series and Warner can't let that happen, they would either pay him a huge sum of money or torture him into submission, HE IS NOT ALLOWED TO QUIT. It doesn't matter what he says or thinks, Warner's largest grossing franchise won't die at the hands of a little British bitch.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at October 27, 2005 18:14

I think it would be a loss to loose him, but I do agree that this seems like an off handed comment. If you're not signed then why would you say "yea, I'll be in all the movies."? It makes sense he keeps his options open and explore other movie roles because let's face - he's not going to be Harry Potter forever!

Posted by: Meli at October 27, 2005 18:16

I do not know what JK Rowling has to say about this. The Harry Potter character has laways been associated with Daniel Radcliffe. Perhaps changing the actor who plays Harry Potter will result to a letdown from some of the fans. By the way, I saw the movie trailer of the Harry Potter movie and it was amazing. I am looking forward to have a good time at the cinema and enjoy one of my favorite stories played in wide screen.

Posted by: Lex Clone at October 27, 2005 20:20

i'm with you. I'm sure he was being polite and humble, not trying to gouge more money out of the studio.

this kid may be typecast after the movies are over. perhapse not. but whatever, my hat's off to him. he's done a good job so far, and he seems to have a level head about him for the most part.

Posted by: mogulus at October 27, 2005 22:24

People are reading into this way too much. He's always kept the stance that he may or may not appear in all of the Potter films. No new news here.

Posted by: Mostskillz at October 28, 2005 00:04

Yes there is Mostskillz - some of our readers don't know, oh and we're not so much about posting news, we're about discussion, so don't kill it, join it!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at October 28, 2005 04:29


Youre quite feisty on a Friday morning are ya Rich? *winks*

Posted by: Simone at October 28, 2005 05:10

Always remember, the final book isn't even written yet, and they are only on movie number 4. The potential exists that by the time they get to the final movie, the original actors will be too old to play the parts, and end up looking like the "Happy Days" crew, where 28 year olds were playing high schoolers.... Of course he leaves open the option that in THAT case, he'd probably want out.

Posted by: Arminius at October 28, 2005 17:09

Hes too OLD!!! He makes the movie boreing to watch! LEAVE!

Posted by: Benny at December 02, 2005 13:16

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