October 14, 2005

Flynn on Flynn

ErrolFlynn.jpgThe persona that was Errol Flynn far outweights the actor himself, and it seems the Studios have just become interested in the idea too.

What's more than that is the screenplay comes from the very man's Grandson and is also set to star him in the leading role. From the BBC:

Luke Flynn has signed up for In Like Flynn, about the movie star's life in the 1930s and 40s, trade newspaper Variety said...Luke Flynn co-wrote the screenplay and owns the rights to Flynn's memoirs.

Errol Flynn had a reputation as the original Hollywood hellraiser, with his off-screen exploits often overshadowing his prolific film career...

..."The film begins with a 23-year-old who'd been bitten by the acting bug but had no money to make his way from Australia to take a film role he'd been offered," said Corey Large, who will play one of Flynn's shipmates. "He won a boat in a card game and set sail with three friends. And everything that could go wrong went wrong."

There have been a few TV movies already, but this seems set to become the first big screen biopic. It also seems that it will have a bucketload of authenticity provided by the family itself, and with a Flynn in the lead, it looks set to be a very interesting project.

Posted by Richard Brunton at October 14, 2005 10:50 AM


I have almost every copy of Errol Flynn's movies. With all the remakes it amazes me none of flynn's movies have not been remade. I read that Errol Flynn built a castle for the movie William Tell the movie was never finished the Castle still stands. Why wouldn't Johhny Deppp be great for this part ?

Posted by: P Moon at December 10, 2005 01:38 PM

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