October 13, 2005

Elizabethtown Reviews

Elizabethtown hasn't looked all that good to me from the very first time I saw the initial trailer. Elizabethtown reviews are look about as dim as I expected them too.

This is all a real shame... but I think Elizabethtown signals the final "lights out" on any chances Orlando Bloom may have had at becoming a legitimate "A-List" actor. The Lord of the Rings have him a perfect jumping off point for his career... his heart-throb image gave him the inside track on making a huge name for himself... but the sad reality is that he's failed to build on it at all. Several flop movies with moderate to weak performances have all but taken the shine off Bloom... and Elizabethtown isn't doing anything to help him.

No one is saying Elizabethtown is the "worst film of the year" or anything like that... but as of right now it's only carrying a 35% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and from what I'm hearing that number probably is going to go down over the next couple of days. Here's what some of the critics are saying:

"Tedious humor and sentimentality bury what could have been a pretty good road picture."

"Though it doesn't redo Norman Rockwell's homespun domain of small-town humors and virtues, this movie does, in a way, expand on it. The film reminds us that our heartland can be very inclusive."
Michael Wilmington, CHICAGO TRIBUNE

"This isn't drama; it's asking people to fork over nine bucks to hear what's on your iPod."

"Rarely will you ever see a romantic duo with less chemistry than Bloom and Dunst. Sitting through this movie gives one an impression of how long eternity might be. "

Well there you have it... ify at best. Check out my review of Elizabethtown on Monday.

Posted by John Campea at October 13, 2005 11:14 AM


Please tell me if I am wrong but doesnt it have the same premise as "Garden State"?

Just looking at the trailer I dont see any chemistry between them two, what a shame.

I'd still go see it as its a Cameron Crowe film.

Posted by: Simone at October 13, 2005 12:27 PM

That Sean Burns quote rules... that completely sums up Cameron Crowe's movies. "Hey look at me, I used to write for Rolling Stone!"

I still liked Almost Famous though.

Posted by: Sean at October 13, 2005 03:44 PM

Try watching "Say Anything", "Singles" and "Vanilla Sky" maybe that will change your mind?

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 13, 2005 04:06 PM

Hi Simone! *waves*

I'm not real into seeing this movie, but my daughter who has a huge crush on Orlando Bloom wants to see it really bad. I said I'd take her, so there you have it.

Posted by: Meli at October 13, 2005 04:19 PM

{{{{{{{Meliiiiiiiii!!!}}}}} There you go, you got a hug from me!

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 13, 2005 04:27 PM

***"This isn't drama; it's asking people to fork over nine bucks to hear what's on your iPod."

Okay, now thats a very funny quote. I love good soundtracks but too many times movies just seem to be a "directors playlist".

Posted by: Cole at October 13, 2005 04:53 PM

I like this one:

"Garden State without the matching clothes and wallpaper."
-- Ed Gonzalez, SLANT MAGAZINE

What a disappointment. I'm a *huge* fan of Cameron Crowe. At least a new Cameron Crowe movie means his old movies are on sale at Best Buy.

Posted by: Billy Holiday at October 14, 2005 08:55 AM

Did I really say that first comment, man have to retract that cause this movie did not disappoint me at all! Wow!!!

I am not an Orlando Bloom admirer but hey give the guy his due, he really did well here, and I really thought that he and Dunst had very good chemistry. I actually prefer it more than "Garden State" now. Man Cameron Crowe still has it!

Posted by: Simone at November 11, 2005 07:03 PM

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