October 20, 2005

Eight Below trailer

PWalker23.jpgI make not apologies for the fact I'm fighting back tears as I write this, it's a family tradition you see, and as a result all movies about animals are banned in my parenst house because we all end up in tears - Lassie, Orca, doesn't matter, we'll all cry at them all. It's something about animals that are just so much more vunerable than people, and much nicer!

So watching the trailer for the film Eight Below starring Paul Walker (he's only driving a sled this time and the water's all frozen) I just knew I was in trouble when it introduced the dogs as stars, but I kept going for you lot!

Actually the trailer over at Movies Online actually looks pretty good, but I could never bring myself to watch it...really! I'm that much of a sap!

Posted by Richard Brunton at October 20, 2005 03:23 AM
