October 13, 2005

Domino Reviews

The only hope I had for Domino was the fact that Mickey Rourke was in it. After that... Keira Knightley looked hot... but so what? I can look at hot pictures of her online all day for free if I wanted to. Still... I had hope... but...

The Domino reviews are coming in now, and they look just about as ugly as I feared they would. As of right now it's holding a mere 16% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.. .and that my friends is UGLY.

Here are some of the things the critics are saying:

"A hopeless mess of never ending exposition and random, completely unrelated side trips into useless minutia."

"It's the tale of a real person in only the most abstract, opportunistic way, since what Scott has done is to pin the scandal label of 'true story' onto his most fractiously vapid action film since Beverly Hills Cop II."

"A completely incoherent mess, told exclusively in two-second segments."

"Worse than the violence and the language is the cinematography... quick cuts and super close-ups and cameras circling subjects as they speak. It's downright annoying."

uh huh... that's what I thought. Oh well... I'm still going to check it out. Look for my review on Monday.

Posted by John Campea at October 13, 2005 11:31 AM


The only hope you had was for Rourke and Keira? How 'bout the script being written by Donnie Darko's Richard Kelly and Tony Scott as director? THEY were the reason I had very high expectations for this movie, not the actors. But it seems that Richard Kelly went a bit too far with his convoluted storytelling style and totally messed up the story. I hope he learns from his mistakes and does a better job on Southland Tales.

Posted by: T-Jax at October 14, 2005 03:37 AM

So, um... is that a picture of Keira Knightley's pubic hair shaved into a donut?

Posted by: Adam Fields at October 14, 2005 03:06 PM

I, too, had the displeasure of seeing this film. First of all, the plot of Domino was both stupid and trite. It's your typical fast-moving, action-packed adventure of crime and corruption with no shortage of explosions, stereotypes, and intermittent cliché humor, flooding your senses with cops, robbers, mobsters, strippers, black SUVs coming to screeching halts, cell phones with augmented beeping sounds, and tough-girl stunts. Secondly, the convoluted writing and direction of this film must have been a feeble attempt to fool audiences into believing that the unoriginal and simple-minded plot contains, at least a little, complexity and meaning. They failed, for it is painfully obvious that this is not the case. Thirdly, the overly stylized cinematography is annoying and even nauseating. One's mind can only go blank after more than two hours of watching literally thousands of short, fragmented shots of disorienting angles and close-ups, all connected with an obnoxious strobe-like effect. Tony Scott might have been able to use such cinematography to add some level of artistry to Domino had these cinematic effects not been so painfully overused and overdone throughout the entire film. Once again, I believe this was yet another intended distraction from the weak plot, not to mention lack of character development. Having said all of this, I must nonetheless urge you to see this movie. You might be asking yourself why I would recommend anything I had just described as being so mediocre. The answer is... MICKEY ROURKE!!! The man is back, and he's still just as cool as he was during the 80's. I would contribute to the success of this film merely to help further the comeback of such a talented performer.

Posted by: Elliott at October 18, 2005 09:43 PM

And I was evenm planning on seeing this one!

Thanks, you guys!

Posted by: Simone at October 19, 2005 08:36 AM

The film has intention of something that nobody understands. Very futuristic way of thinking but script is very row, weak and cliché-like.
Director tried to do something cool and overdosed audience with colors, textures, and action. Slow down, man! We are in the beginning of 21 century. I like to say a few supporting words to director - whatever he did - It's a good try, even being a failure in terms of public acceptance. You can not experiment with straight, narrow, and "simplistic" American mind. It molded by decades by round, emotionless, and "clear" Holliwood stories- too, sad. But this is reality! The worse thing that today people go to the movie to "rest" and "distract" their minds after working week. In general, this movie has a lot of seasoning and produces a stomach pain too fast. Too much, too much! Well, kind regards,

Posted by: Irina at October 22, 2005 09:17 PM

Shit, this fim went horribly wrong. Just about everything that could go wrong in a film went wrong and not even the little flash of keira's nipple didn't salvage the wrecked, sinking ship.

Posted by: Marv at October 23, 2005 06:00 PM

I honestly don't know what everyone is complaining about in regards to "Domino". When I first saw the trailer several months back I was blown away by what the movie promised and completely captivated by it's kinetic style and highly artistic visuals. The fact that this amazing looking film would not be embraced didn't even cross my mind. I mean in our ADD, music video generation how could the auidiences not go crazy over a film that moves at lightning speed from one beautifully lit and artistically framed shot to another. When I did actually go see it I was NOT disapointed. The film once again recaptures Tony Scott's beautiful kinetic style but unlike 'Man on Fire' the story in this film is highly competant and engaging. I mean with all the shit out in theaters(-ahem- Elizabethtown)can't people find a better film to pick on without unnecessarily cruxifying a ground-breaking film. For Christ sake this thing is a cinematographer's wet dream! The high contast shots that are hued with subtle shades of green and blue! The warm yellow overlays of the desert juxaposed with the stark blues of the city streets and all of them presented in unbelivably high resolution and rocketed across the screen in a fluid symphony of motion! The film looks amazing and the story is competant enough to carry you through to the end. Furthermore if you haven't seen it just because of a bunch of nay-sayers who don't understand the complexities of the art form say it sucked then SNAP OUT OF IT! This is one experience you will want to have on the big screen. In conclusion if someone dissagrees with me I'd like to hear why, and a real reason not just 'it's confusing' or 'the story sucked' or 'It's a mess' or any of that other trite BS. I want to hear from someone who actually knows what they are talking about not just a lot of noise from blow-hards who want to jump on the hater bandwagon like they did for the Matrix sequels.

Posted by: Lyle at October 24, 2005 02:33 PM

I know what I am talking about and I am agreeing with you. Completely! Script is soo, soo. Photography brilliant (we need more "out of box" mind on the screen) actors - great! Audience - sacks!!!!!!!!!!!!! Elizabethtown! Be witched! Mr. and Ms. Smith - is a Tomb Rider in double version!!!! Oh! Wedding crashers! You know what, you really start to feel European culture, education, and taste when you come to American movie-theater (I am not anti-Am. at all, I love chocolate chips cookies and rodeo, for example) However, give me a break! If I pay $10 in Dallas to see Rodeo - I GET A SHOW!!! When I pay $10 for a movie - I have to "try" up to three of them in order to see which one is less garbage. Sorry for my emotions but I think buying 10 packs of chocolate chips cookies will better investment so far. Viva Domino y wet dreams of crazy directors!!!!! At least, we have any extra chance to see something different. By the way Amazon.com shows mini films of independent directors. And some of them are really good.
Again, I repeat - good try!!!!


Posted by: Irina at October 26, 2005 12:19 AM