October 15, 2005

Dnevnoy Dozor (Day Watch) Trailer

Thanks to the superb guys at Twitch for bringing this link to our attention, it's the second trailer released for the second movie in the ambitious trilogy of Russion movies called Nochnoy Dozor or Night Watch. Right now Nochnoy dozor (Night Watch) is playing at my local cinema so I'm going to try and catch it in the next few days, and Nochnoy dozor 3 is due out in 2007.

Have a look at the 8.5Mb AVI trailer from either Filmz.ru or Twitch's mirror. Then come back and say what you think...personally I feel it stands better with the previous trailers than without.

Posted by Richard Brunton at October 15, 2005 09:29 AM


I'm still waiting for the release of Night watch but all I see is a "coming soon"

Posted by: Daniel at October 15, 2005 05:17 PM

I agree it looks good, but I think you appreciate the some of the visuals more if you seen the first one. Everybody should check out Night Watch if given the chance. Really cool/fun/creepy flick.

Posted by: adam at October 18, 2005 09:55 AM

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