October 17, 2005

Danny Boyle's Sunshine Blog

DannyBoyle.jpgI caught this story over at the Sci-Fi Blog about a Production member on the film of Danny Boyle's latest movie Sunshine, well it's untitled so far but that's what we're all calling it.

Via Aint-it-Cool-News, there’s news that someone involved in the production (her name is Gia Milinovich) is currently blogging about the production of Danny Boyle’s upcoming sci-fi flick “Sunshine”....

...To be honest, I find it perplexing that the studios would bother to pay someone to blog about the movie, and then have almost nothing on the site worth guys like me posting about it.

I totally agree Nix. The post I saw at the top of the page was just a list of maybe statements that drove me insane. Maybe I couldn't be bothered reading anymore of this rubbish! Then reading the rest of the blog you start to understand why it's so sterile, everything has to be approved by the Production company, now that's fine but it's going against the ethos of blogging. I'm not saying they should blow the doors wide open, but a little trust and some guidelines would surely be better than having every photo approved before use?

That's why we're treated to posts on what Boyle is wearing on his feet today...dull...in the words of Bill WIthers, "ain't no sunshine"...Have a look if you really want to at the Sunshine Blog. Call me a big sceptic but I think it's just for publicity...duh!

Posted by at October 17, 2005 01:59 PM


From my understanding about the film, it's about eight stupid astronauts going to the sun and they hope to ignite the sun's fusion. (Cough, cough, cough)I guess we'll see them in the next life time

Posted by: poodle at October 17, 2005 04:11 PM