October 14, 2005

Daniel Craig IS Bond

DanielCraig.jpgIt's all decided folks, after the speculation that drove us mad, the new Bond has been unveiled first, but only after his Mum got too excited and leaked the news to everyone! From Yahoo:

Craig's selection was revealed as he was whisked down the Thames River aboard a military boat to a news conference...

..."I'm speechless," the star said, after posing for photos with producer Barbara Broccoli and director Martin Campbell.

"Daniel is a superb actor who has all the qualities needed to bring a contemporary edge to the role," Broccoli and Campbell said in a statement...

..."I think you'd have to be stupid not to consider something like that," he said, but added that he hadn't given the role "any serious thought."

The film's producers tried to keep their decision secret, but Craig's mother told the tabloid Sun newspaper she was "thrilled to bits."

Brilliant, it's made sweeter by the fact his Mum leaked the news, that's really sweet! Back to the subject in hand though, from comments when the rumour of Craig first popped up there hasn't been a resounding backing for him, indeed there seems to be a lot more favour out there for others, in particular Clive Owen if not Brosnan coming back.

So now it's made, what do you think? Obviously they've not gone much younger than Brosnan, but is Craig the best decision? Aren't you glad it's all over? Now we start the story speculation!!

Posted by at October 14, 2005 02:12 PM


Don't know the guy but at least he seems to have a more physical presence.

Posted by: Lou_Sytsma at October 14, 2005 09:54 AM

Ehh. He doesn't fit into the traditional Bond template, but then again, the producers _were_ looking for someone different. The purists who are loving the dark, broody Bond may be upset.

On the other hand, could audiences have taken another movie with a smooth Bond? The franchise is clearly one of the most successful in the world, and could it be that it's simply just time for a little variety?

Posted by: dhanysoeh at October 14, 2005 10:06 AM

*Simone dances with glee.*

Shaken martini anyone?

Now I'd really like to audition to play the next Bond girl. *giggles*

Posted by: Simone at October 14, 2005 11:21 AM

`???oice. Great actor.

The film will be casino royale - the first bond book. no Q, no gadgets.
Remember Bond was always a pretty unlikeable rogue in the books. Craig has that dangerous look I think. Should give Bourne Identity a run for its money.

Posted by: dave at October 14, 2005 11:53 AM

I like Daniel Craig and the fact that he's not a huge name I think could be good for the Bond franchise. I think this news will upset a lot of people, but I'm actually happy about this. I was never a Bronson fan. I think Craig has that rough edge to give the boost this franchise needs. The last two Bond movies were kind of a snoozer for me, so I'm looking forward to how this next one will develop.

Posted by: Meli at October 14, 2005 01:06 PM

Is it me, or did he look just like a modern day Steve McQueen in Layer Cake? I think he is great. Sexy, dangerous and witty. Blonde, James Bond is fine by me.

Posted by: funnybunn at October 14, 2005 01:18 PM

I hope that Craig will be the best Bond ever but he has a great deal of weight resting on his shoulders but more important is Martin Campbell. If he keeps the film dark and reality based than he stands a chance but if it is another special effects dissaster like the last Bond film than no matter how good Craig is as Bond he is just a puppet for the director to use. I hope they keep the movie real instead another video game like they were becoming. I don't blame Brosnan I blame the directors and the producers for letting the franchise depart from Flemming's Bond. I will certainly keep following the developments until the film is released.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 14, 2005 01:19 PM

Hey funnybunn, I agree! He does look like Steve Mcqueen, have yet to see Layer Cake though!

Meli, we can share Daniel of course. LOL Miss ya girl!

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 14, 2005 01:54 PM

i think he'll do a fantastic job as bond. if you need any proof, just watch layer cake, it shows his talent on so many different levels. and if you need even more, watch road to predition, he's amazing is that. with all that said, i can't wait to see the next bond.

Posted by: Jack at October 14, 2005 02:23 PM

It's in Archangel, a made for tv-movie based on Robert Harris' novel that made me think about Craig's potential as the new James Bond. He should be great!

Posted by: Simone at October 14, 2005 03:35 PM

Again...old news.

Posted by: Drewbacca at October 14, 2005 03:43 PM

Daniel Craig is Bond?

That's for the audience to decide I think.

Posted by: Morbius at October 14, 2005 05:51 PM

I've only seen him in Tomb Raider and Road To Perdition, and a wee bit of Layer Kick, so it's difficult for me to judge either. Although I wouldn't mind Clive Owen, I think he has already became too, er, big, to be James Bond... being an Oscar-nominated actor and all. Better to get someone who is less well-known.

Posted by: Edmund Yeo at October 15, 2005 04:01 AM

Casino Royale should be great now. Craig looks like a real bloke, not some poncy fashion model like Brosnan. I'm a long term Bond fan, not just the films, but I've read all the books too. It would be unwise to film the novel as its written, though suspenseful, its low key, and there is no way the gruesome torture scene would make it past the censors. The best way to do it would be to borrow elements from the book but make it a little bigger in scope, even camp up the villain, Le Chiffre, a little bit. The director should watch the first six Bonds to get the right feel, and strictly no others.

Posted by: Jack Black at October 16, 2005 06:10 AM

He was really good in L4yer Cake too. I think its a promising choice. You just have to approach it from the perspective of not having any expectations.

Posted by: Jeff at October 18, 2005 04:00 PM

Bond is starting again from the start all over again, as we see with then new Bond Pick. He looks just like the first guy. That means more Bond movies, more Bond charectors, more everything. Thats why this pick is good. Im ready to ride the Bond train all over again!!!Brosnan messed it all up now we can do it again from the start in real Bong fashion. No more of this gamer Bond, we want substance and we got it with this pick.

Posted by: Libertylane at October 20, 2005 09:22 PM