October 07, 2005

Confederate States of America...what if?

Another excellent story from Cinematical is regarding a "what if?" movie in that most horrible of genre labelling called mockumentary. It shows what would have happened to the US if the Confederates had won the Civil War.

Well, that's what it says it does but it looks like it falls way short and instead decides to focus entirely on the slave issue. That's a bit of a disappointment for me as the ramifications of the affect on other countries and world events in history would have been really interesting to see. It does do some of this, but all seems to be connected with the issues of slave and race. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I'd just have liked to have seen the idea expanded and a look at how it would have affected world history.

Check out the main site here, however be warned it starts off with a fake ebay page called "eslave", which is harsh in its language and very un-politically correct. Select anything to move onto the website itself.

Though the film was produced by Spike Lee and is currently enjoying a very successful run in Spain (it won the audience award at the Malaga film festival) and will soon open in the UK, its presence in the US as been quite limited.

What are your thoughts once you've seen the trailer?

Posted by Richard Brunton at October 7, 2005 05:34 AM


There's been some "what-if" b-films regarding what would happen if the Nazis had won the war too. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Posted by: Drewbacca at October 7, 2005 06:00 PM

Fatherland was a good book and an ok movie, which takes place in the early 60's and the Nazis had taken over Europe. There are a series of books by Harry Turtledove about an alternate history including the Confederate states becoming an independant country. I have never read them myself but they look interesting.

Posted by: Terry at October 8, 2005 01:34 AM

Wasn't there a television show based on this idea? I think it was called "The Dukes of Hazzard". On a serious note, I think it sounds like it could be an interesting picture.

Posted by: SP at October 12, 2005 07:01 AM

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