October 28, 2005

Bubba Ho-Tep sequel dead?

bubbahotepdvd.jpgOh I wish it wasn't true. For those of you who haven't seen the amazing Bubba Ho-Tep you have to go and see it. It's a wonderful movie which is about something much more than all the marketing material says. It's, I beliveve, Bruce Campbell's best role to date, one that is heart warming, touching, and a wake up call to show us how lonely getting old can be and that losing self belief and purpose is more or less giving up.

I loved this movie, it's one of my all time favourites, and Cinematical have the story that its sequel might just never get made.

Cult hit director Don Coscarelli, the man who brought the world Beastmaster, Phantasm, and Bubba Ho-Tep is a kingpin of culture’s geek underbelly. During a recent appearance at the NYC Horror Film Festival, Coscarelli discussed the possibility of returning to two of these franchises with Icons of Fright. Sadly, recent rumors claiming a new Phantasm movie...have since fallen through. As for the rumored sequel to Bubba Ho-Tep, Coscarelli stated that he would love to return to the story, and indicated that Bruce was “rarin’ to go again.” Unfortunately, the studio that funded Bubba Ho-Tep is no longer in existence, so money needs to be found elsewhere if a sequel is to ever happen.

I'm glad Mark over there is as passionate on this project as I am, I just hope someone has the vision to bring this one back. If the sequel is anywhere near as good as the original then it would be fabulous. Let's start the rallying call here.

Posted by at October 28, 2005 09:02 AM


I hope that the funding will be found.
If I had the means of funding I would jump in because Bubba Ho-Tep was a fantastic film!

Posted by: Meli at October 28, 2005 16:01

i remain optimistic tht alternte funding can be found. i mean, it's not exctly an expensive type of film, and the previous one had great success, so why not?

does lions gate not finance films, and only distribute? it seems a shame since they seme to pick up all the edgy/quirky stuff that the majors won't, and make a good return on as well.

Posted by: Psych at October 31, 2005 19:05

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