Today I was browsing through my guilty pleasure site, and I saw something that made me put my hand over my mouth in shock. Take a look at the full page ad Corey Haim put out in Variety recently:

After viewing this, I felt like I had just witnessed two hours of bad auditions on ‘American Idol.’ I feel so humiliated….for him. Honestly, this article should make you feel better about any embarrassing thing you’ve ever done in your lifetime.

This ad will NOT help his attempt at career, however, at least he got a small role in ‘The Lost Boys 2′ after all. :)

No word yet on when the writers will actually get back to work, but the leadership of the WGA have issued a release to their members announcing a tentative agreement with the Producers. On first reading, it has panned out pretty much the way I (and most of us) thought it would. So why these two sides couldn’t just get to this deal 2 months ago is a testament to how stuborn human beings can me while other people suffer. Oh well… at least it appears to be done now.

Here is the letter from the WGA. Obviously this letter is one sided and biased in its spin, but so will the Producers letter once it comes out (I’m keeping an eye on the AMPTP site for an update there):

To Our Fellow Members,
We have a tentative deal.

It is an agreement that protects a future in which the Internet becomes the primary means of both content creation and delivery. It creates formulas for revenue-based residuals in new media, provides access to deals and financial data to help us evaluate and enforce those formulas, and establishes the principle that, “When they get paid, we get paid.”

Specific terms of the agreement are described in the summary on our website and will be further discussed at our Saturday membership meetings on both coasts. At those meetings we will also discuss how we will proceed regarding ratification of this agreement and lifting the restraining order that ends the strike.

Less than six months ago, the AMPTP wanted to enact profit-based residuals, defer all Internet compensation in favor of a study, forever eliminate “distributor’s gross” valuations, and enforce 39 pages of rollbacks to compensation, pension and health benefits, reacquisition, and separated rights. Today, thanks to three months of physical resolve, determination, and perseverance, we have a contract that includes WGA jurisdiction and separated rights in new media, residuals for Internet reuse, enforcement and auditing tools, expansion of fair market value and distributor’s gross language, improvements to other traditional elements of the MBA, and no rollbacks.

Over these three difficult months, we shut down production of nearly all scripted content in TV and film and had a serious impact on the business of our employers in ways they did not expect and were hard pressed to deflect. Nevertheless, an ongoing struggle against seven, multinational media conglomerates, no matter how successful, is exhausting, taking an enormous personal toll on our members and countless others. As such, we believe that continuing to strike now will not bring sufficient gains to outweigh the potential risks and that the time has come to accept this contract and settle the strike.

Much has been achieved, and while this agreement is neither perfect nor perhaps all that we deserve for the countless hours of hard work and sacrifice, our strike has been a success. We activated, engaged, and involved the membership of our Guilds with a solidarity that has never before occurred. We developed a captains system and a communications structure that used the Internet to build bonds within our membership and beyond. We earned the backing of other unions and their members worldwide, the respect of elected leaders and politicians throughout the nation, and the overwhelming support of fans and the general public. Our thanks to all of them, and to the staffs at both Guilds who have worked so long and patiently to help us all.

There is much yet to be done and we intend to use all the techniques and relationships we’ve developed in this strike to make it happen. We must support our brothers and sisters in SAG who, as their contract expires in less than five months, will be facing many of the same challenges we have just endured. We must further pursue new relationships we have established in Washington and in state and local governments so that we can maintain leverage against the consolidated multinational conglomerates with whom we bargain. We must be vigilant in monitoring the deals that are made in new media so that in the years ahead we can enforce and expand our contract. We must fight to get decent working conditions and benefits for writers of reality TV, animation, and any other genre in which writers do not have a WGA contract.

Most important, however, is to continue to use the new collective power we have generated for our collective benefit. More than ever, now and beyond, we are all in this together.


Michael Winship
Writers Guild of America, East

Patric M. Verrone
Writers Guild of America, West

And here is a summary of the tentative deal:

(Click Here to see the terms of the deal)

The good folks over at Superherohype have scored what appears to be our first look at Hulk and Abomination pictures. Well, at least what Hulk and Abomination will look like in the upcoming Incredible Hulk film. Seems the toys are already to be shipped and sold.

Ok, now for the Hulk, I think they nailed it. Very classic look of the character and I think that’s going to score well with a lot of the people who didn’t like the look of the Hulk in he last incarnation (the Ang Lee film that so many people, except me, hated).

But Abomination… who is the film is supposed to be even a little stronger than The Hulk… looks WICKED! I love it! I don’t want to get too hyped up, because it is just a toy, and I do want to see it on screen… but in principle the design of the character is fantastic. Nightmarish, yet tangible. Holding a giant pipe in his hand for good measure is top notch too!

I can’t wait for this movie. I think Hulk will end up being the surprise film of the summer.

Thanks for checking out our In Bruges review!

The General Idea

Plot synopsis from IMDB: Bruges, the most well-preserved medieval city in the whole of Belgium, is a welcoming destination for travellers from all over the world. But for hit men Ray and Ken, it could be their final destination; a difficult job has resulted in the pair being ordered right before Christmas by their London boss Harry to go and cool their heels in the storybook Flemish city for a couple of weeks. Very much out of place amidst the gothic architecture, canals, and cobbled streets, the two hit men fill their days living the lives of tourists. Ray, still haunted by the bloodshed in London, hates the place, while Ken, even as he keeps a fatherly eye on Ray’s often profanely funny exploits, finds his mind and soul being expanded by the beauty and serenity of the city. But the longer they stay waiting for Harry’s call, the more surreal their experience becomes, as they find themselves in weird encounters with locals, tourists, violent medieval art, a dwarf American actor shooting a European art film, Dutch prostitutes, and a potential romance for Ray in the form of Chloë, who may have some dark secrets of her own. And when the call from Harry does finally come, Ken and Ray’s vacation becomes a life-and-death struggle of darkly comic proportions and surprisingly emotional consequences.

The Good

This is an extremely well written story. Amazing call backs, fantastic tie ins, and an ending that … I would love to discuss, but cannot without giving something away. This is a dialogue heavy film that pits different characters together at different times. In a short amount of time we have in jokes, back stabbing, double crossing, good natured ribbing, enemies becoming friends, friends becoming enemies all the while remaining wildly entertaining. The characters in this film are all interesting, unique and it is a pleasure to see how them mix it up in varying combinations.

The film focuses mainly of the characters Ray (Colin Farrell), Ken (Brendan Gleeson) and “the boss” Harry (Ralph Fiennes). For most of the film we are following Ray and Ken around town, listening in on their discussion. This would normally be insanely boring fare, but Bruges is as beautiful a setting as you could hope for, and the 3 aforementioned heavy weights use language like they had a black belt in it. With words like whips they lash each other back and forth without skipping a beat, it was an absolute pleasure to watch these thespian masters speak with power, emotion and legendary timing.

We witness the “wind down” time of surly assassins and get to share in their post-murder day to day . Usually a film about assassins is all about “the job”; this film picks up where most finish. This was a dark drama, and the comedic moments were an equal shade of space. The theatre was packed and people were laughing throughout the film; well and often. So many of the conversations were packed with jokes, this is common in life, but is rarely done so well in a film. The chat was natural, funny and jam packed with profanity. You swear at work, I swear at work, these gents simply follow suit. The language is irreverent, crass and exactly what you should expect from people that kill others for a living.

The Bad

At 107 minutes I feel this film could have done with a slight trimming. The dialogue never got boring and in fact the film itself didn’t seem to drag, but a more liberal use of the editing shank may have made this just that much more. This however is my only quibble with this however. I have more problems with Mother Theresa than I do with this film.


I loved this film and could not recommend it enough, if you see one film this weekend - may this be it. I had high hopes for this movie and it did not disappoint in the least, it tickled me in the blackest regions of my heart; and for that, I thank them. Out of 10 I would gladly give this film a 9, and declare it Routh.

Superherohype has a fantastic write up about these 3 characters today and I recommend that you go and read the article. For our readers, I have included pictures and short descriptions 2 of the charters discussed in the article.


Wink is a cave troll that will be an enemy of Hellboy’s in the upcoming film. He has a metal hand that can be shot out like a missile and the reeled in with a chain!!!! If that was not awesome enough - they have actually created a working plastic, shoot-able and reel-able hand for the film!!!!! This attention to detail drives me bananas with excitement!

Johann Kraus

After a seance goes horribly awry Johann Kraus is transformed into a cloud of ectoplasm. His suit holds him together and allows him to function in a tangable world. Of all the news that has come out from the Hellboy camp - I am most excited about this character. I am glad we are going to see a lot of him, this character is creative as fuck! Magnola really outdid himself with this one.

I am very excited about this upcoming Hellboy film. I have seen the trailer on the big screen and it looks outstanding! I loved the first film and cannot wait to see what we have in store for the next. Please make sure to check out the article at superherohype, they have ongoing coverage and stories from the HB set and it is a good read.

Yes, you read that headline right! Men around the world will be able to see one of their wildest fantasies come true in Woody Allen’s upcoming film, Vicky Cristina Barcelona.

Slashfilm gives us these steamy details:

A source tells the NY Post that the scene is “extremely erotic” and that “people will be blown away and even shocked.” Apparently, Penelope and Scarlett go at it in a red-tinted photography dark room, and “it will leave the audience gasping.” The duo later have a threesome with No Country For Old Men star Javier Bardem, who plays Penelope’s husband.

Honestly, when I first read this news story, I thought it was a joke. However, it might not meet the hype. Look at the period piece Charlize Theron, Penelope Cruz, and Stuart Townsend were involved in. There was so much talk about steamy threesome and lesbian scenes, and after I viewed the movie, I could honestly say, there wasn’t anything really “steamy” about those scenes.

I’m sure this news pleases many men out there, even though the idea of Javier Bardem (Penelope Cruz’s off screen boyfriend) in the middle might ruin the fantasy for most.

So what are your thoughts on this news?

Has this peaked your interest to see this film? ;)

True Love WaitsParody films will eventually start to outnumber original films at this rate, it appears the teen sex comedy has been spoofed in Extreme Movie. We get the scoop today from the WEBMASTER at filmjunk:

Extreme Movie “follows a group of high school geeks on their journey through the joys and embarrassments of teen sex… but mostly the embarrassments”. Now, at this point it would seem to be a low brow parody of recent teenage sex comedies, and considering the directors Adam Jay Epstein and Andrew Jacobson also wrote Not Another Teen Movie, there’s no reason to think otherwise. However, let’s take a look at the long list of writers involved in this; among them: Lonely Island members Andy Samberg, Akiva Schaffer and Jorma Taccone, and Clone High writers Erica Rivinoja, Phil Lord, and Chris Miller.

The weirdest thing of all is that the movie appears to be going direct to video in the near future. Amazon says Dimension Extreme will be releasing it on April 1st.

Because this is going straight to DVD, there is a good chance I will never see this. I do not particularly fancy spoof films, and the teenage sex comedy is spoof enough. With so many writers on board, I would have preferred if they just wrote an original high school hump film. The direct to DVD film is now commonplace and we will see all sorts starting to flood the bins at our supermarkets and video stores.

It could be fun sifting through the direct to DVD films and reviewing them, but the idea is not quite tempting enough to motivate me. I just do not think the risk is worth the reward. I do not know why they keep using the word “movie” in all the spoof films. It is really tired, you could have called this Dry Hump High or Jailbait Vandals, a host of names but they have settles on the stale and the uninspiring.

If you get a chance to see this - feel free to send us a heads up.

Under the file of “My dear sweet lord WHY!?!?” comes news of the upcoming Fast and the Furious 4. Why anyone continues to watch this nonsense is beyond me, but film is subjective, so there you go.

Anyway, the site “vindieselgallery” got their hand on a whole ton of pictures of the cars that will be used in the up coming movie, including the ones that will be used by Vin Diesel himself and also the one to be used by Paul Walker.

The folks over at Ropeofsilicon have this quick synopsis:

Brian (Paul Walker) is freed from prison (the authorities found out that he let Dominic played by Vin Diesel go at the end of the first film) to help the feds stop a heroin importer known as Braga. With the help of an informant named James Park, Brian – and ultimately Dominic Toretto – wins a place on the criminal’s team, where he – and his flashy Nissan plan to catch the man red-handed.

Here are a couple of the pics:




You can see more of the car shots over here

When one thinks of what an upcoming Darren Aronofsky film might be, you would be forgiven if your mind didn’t instantly went to ideas such as the world of professional wrestling. However, for some time now we’ve known that his next project is indeed taking place in that world (although I’m sure with a lot more depth and human condition angles) in “The Wrestler”.

ComingSoon gives us this little synopsis of the project:

The drama centers on Randy “The Ram” Robinson (Rourke), a 1980s-era star pro wrestler who has become a burnt-out shell of his former self. After he has a heart attack during a small-time match, a doctor tells him he could die if he fights again. But the prospect of a rematch with his old nemesis the Ayatollah proves too tempting to resist, even if it means risking his life.

Have to admit, it sounds like somthing WWE Films would do. But I have a lot of trust in Aronofsky and I’m sure the film will end up being something quite different than what we all may be expecting.

Anyway, they’ve dome some filming with the help of some low tier wrestling federation called the WXW, who have put up our first picture of Mickey Rourke in his wrestling get up. I’ve become a huge fan of Rourke over the past couple of years and I’ll basically see anything he’s in. Check it out:


We have news today that a Mortal Kombat re-envisioning is in the works?! We get the skinny this afternoon from moviesonline:

Today Clint Morris from Moviehole spoke with the new director behind the “re-envisioning” of the film, mink (Yea his name is really mink). Anyway he revealed that the Producers are working everything out at this point with the studio. He went on to talk about the project a little more:

“Todays audience is a savvy involved group so the film must be A plus plus in every area in order to capture the magic of the first film. It is taking the entire concept to the next level across the board in every area visual design, story, cast, FX, photography and most importantly the fighting scenes. The original Mortal Kombat game was born a child of many visual loves by the creators at midway so this latest version borrows heavily from that pioneering spirit and must be thought out and executed at the highest level in order for it succeed in today’s market place. This is no overnight task.”

I dislike Mortal Kombat. Other than the fatalities, nothing about the game excites me. The playability is horrible, the animation is strange and I just never got into the game. The first Motal Kombat film was bad, but was enjoyable in a “this is so bad” kind of way. The soundtrack was pretty good, it included a song by Napalm Death and i will certainly give them props for that.

I don’t think Mortal Kombat is a film that needs to be remade, and I am not certain that a Mortal Kombat movie would even draw people anymore. But if they told the story as a tournament style film, that would be the best possible option, and I would certainly gain interest. The elimination fighting tournament makes for very easy, and enjoyable action plot lines. Don’t clutter up the film with side stories, just stick to the tournament and have the film end with a champion. We will keep you posted on the news as the story develops.

It looks like Hillary Swank has scored the lead in an upcoming Amelia Earhart biopic. We were made aware of this news, thanks to the professionals at Variety:

Hilary Swank is set to play aviatrix Amelia Earhart in “Amelia,” a biopic that will be directed by Mira Nair. Ron Bass wrote the script. Swank will play Earhart in the formative stages of her career. George Putnam, a publisher and publicist, was engaged by society denizen Amy Guest to set up a daring nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean. When Guest was talked out of trying to become the first woman to make the trip, she dispatched Putnam to find a female pilot, and to turn the flight into a media event.

Amelia Earhart is a legendary figure, and her story is one that lends itself to film very well. Amelia was snatched away, whist attempting to circumnavigate the globe. To this day people still spin tales about what really happened to her plane. The mysterious disappearance of this historic figure secured her a place as legend till the end of time.

I think swank is a great casting for this. When I look at pictures of Erhart I can totally see Swank portraying her. I will not say the two look like twins, but it is a pretty good match, that is for certain. The “look” is important to me and I am ready to see Swank in some pilot goggles.

Filming for Amelia is set to begin in April and we will be sure to keep you abreast of the progress!

International Friends: What do you think really happened to Amelia? My guess is that she stumbled up the airspace of Dinosaur Island, and was taken out by a gaggle of beefy Pterodactyls!

Uma Thurman is set to star in ‘Eloise in Paris,’ a movie which is based off the popular children book series. gives us this “exciting” news:

Thurman will play Nanny, caretaker of the precocious title character who was the central figure in the series written by Kay Thompson and illustrated by Hillary Knight.

Production will begin filming in June in London , Paris and New York.

Okay…what the f*ck has happened to Uma Thurman’s film career? If she doesn’t have Quentin Tarantino giving her a comeback role, she seems to make horrible decisions when it comes to picking movies.

Honestly, I haven’t seen one movie starring Uma Thurman in the past few years which I didn’t think was complete horsesh*t. Nothing as bad as ‘Batman and Robin,’ but bad enough to let me know that the projects she’s picking are purely for the paychecks. (Hell, she even starred in movie by the name of ‘Paycheck.’) I’m not saying THIS movie is going to be bad, however, I think she would have more promising movies to choose from, if she made better decisions in regards to her filmography.

Anyways, that’s just my two cents. What are your thoughts?

Gary Oldman (a.k.a. one of the greatest actors in the WORLD) has signed on to star in supernatural thriller directed by David S. Goyer. (the ‘Blade’ series) The film will also star ‘Cloverfield’s’ Odette Yustman.

YahooNews! give us these details:

The untitled project follows a 19-year-old girl (Odette Yustman) who is haunted by a dybbuk, the soul of a dead person barred from heaven, in the form of a young boy who perished in Auschwitz. Oldman would play the spiritual specialist who helps the girl.

Honestly, even if this project turns out to be pure crap, it is pretty much guaranteed that Oldman will give a worthy performance. (If he can do it in ‘Lost in Space,’ he can do it in anything!) Besides John Malkovich, Gary Oldman in my opinion is probably the most versatile film actor out there. Having him in this project has definitely peaked my interest. It’s also good to hear (and not surprising) that Cloverfield’s Odette Yustman is on the rise.

The film is set to start shooting in Chicago next month.

Your thoughts?

I would have thought this would have been out by now, but the teaser trailer for this summer’s Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull will come out next week.

ComingSoon says:

Par will attach the first teaser for “Crystal Skull” to fantasy pic “The Spiderwick Chronicles” on Feb. 14, with the spot to hit the Web shortly thereafter.

Reason for the delay is that the film only recently wrapped, so much of the material that would go into a memorable trailer just wasn’t ready until now.

Awareness and anticipation also is already high for the pic, so producers didn’t feel the need to show too much too soon.

I find this a little contradictory since they say they dont want to show too much, but only the most notable scenes that they intended to use were available late in the game, and then tell us its just a teaser trailer?

They couldnt find anything to tease us with out of all the previous shots they had filmed?

Teasers tend to be very short and don’t show much at all. Perhaps this is why Paramount had the leaked Crystal Skull picture pulled from the net. It might be the best thing they have to offer in this teaser.

Its playing before Spiderwick, and I just finished reading that book with my kids, so I am likely to go see it.

Sony has launched its ad campaign for their latest geek chic heist/scam movie “21″. I guess there are not that many of those.

Cinematical describes 21 as:

21 centers on “Six MIT students, in a blackjack team, [who] train to become experts in card counting and subsequently take Vegas casinos for millions in winnings. However, casino workers become suspicious and attempt to take down the team, using any means necessary.” Sturgess plays Ben Campell, a numbers genius who is struggling to pay his bills. He is recruited into a team of card counters by his professor (as played by Spacey) and as to be expected, the good times don’t last long. Ben starts to lose control and his mentor and friends turn on him just as the casinos are starting to catch on to the scam.

Somehow this movie lacks any real appeal to me. I typically like these “brainy kids find a way to screw over the system” kind of movies or the complicated heist movie, but this doesn’t sound all that interesting.

The site is busy and a little intimdating at first, but there are lots of little videos to make you want to get to know this group. I just don’t.

You can visit the site for 21 by clicking here

Stallone may be setting the stage to return as the next big action star of a new kind. Old. Charles Bronson was older when he did all of his hit action films, so why not. It only seems fitting that it looks like stallone may remake a Bronson movie.

Cinematical says:

Not long ago, Stallone expressed interest in remaking Death Wish, and now Dark Horizons tells us the aging action star will star in a remake of the 1972 Bronson flick, The Mechanic

I was never a Charles Bronson fan. He sure is one scary looking guy I wouldnt want to meet in a dark alley but I felt he really lacked any real “personality” to the screen.

My father on the other hand thought he was great. So most Bronson films that I have taken in were by osmosis while I played with my legos and dad watched this badass calmly kick the shit out of the badguy.

Stallone is getting on in the years so he had to find a role of an aging action star. Bronson films would seem to be right up his alley. In The Mechanic Bronson was 51, but with that leathery face Stalone’s current fit 61 he could easily pass.

Stallone had already said Rocky and Rambo were done. Then we heard news that he was setting up for at least two more flicks. (I am sure he was counting his money during that announcement) but people assumed it was going to be Rambo or Rocky again. This is good news to me to see that he is leaving those franchises alone as he seemed to have set them up as finales.

Continuing a movie that had a clear “finish” to it is just suicide. Remember? “There can only be one? I rest my case.

It looks like Rob Zombie might be setting himself up to take over a remake of conan the Barbarian.

MovieHole says:

According to Bloody Disgusting, Zombie is taking meetings with Nu Image and Lions Gate, the dual shingles behind the relaunch of the “Barbarian”, about possibly being the man to give audiences their first Schwarzenegger-less “Conan” movie (Does this mean Danny Trejo’s in with a chance to play the sword-yielding hero? Yes, Conan has muscles… just not sure about those tattoos).

I grew up watching Conan movies on Sunday afternoons when they would air on TV and at my friends house who had hundreds of movies taped poorly on a VHS. So to see someone OTHER than Arnie throwing around that sword seems odd. I am not even going to get into who they could get to play Conan.

But Hollywood seems to be out of ideas, and not EVERY movie can be about a comic book, so they are reinventing the old ones. Zombie’s adaptation of Halloween was met with mixed reviews. I wonder if they will change everything for a new feel of Conan or will the silent warrior stand proudly in the midst of the bodies of his fallen attackers.

I am all for a new Conan movie. I think those epic medieval movies that DONT star dragons and noble knights deserve a comeback. Next stop BEASTMASTER!

One of the problems with all the recent Iron Man pics coming out over the last 6 to 8 weeks is that they’ve all basically been the same ones. Either Iron man striking a pose, or Tony Stark doing various poses of the Hitler salute (I can just hear him yelling “Sieg Heil” every time I saw it)

But now Gizmodo is carrying a new batch of pics, and a couple of them are just SWEET (I put the best ones below)

The most overlooked strength of the Iron Man movie is this picture right here. Jeff Bridges, I contend, will be the key to this film either being just another “good” comic book flick, or a truly exceptional one.

Cool! I didn’t realize Favreau was actually putting himself in the flick


I swear, it looks like he’s saying “I have to make sure there’s enough room for my balls”


Sweet. If you want to see the other ones, you can check them out at the Gizmodo site

Monica BellucciWe nave news today of a star studded cast for The Private Lives Of Pippa Lee; thanks to our friends at cinematical for the heads up!

Based on Rebecca Miller’s upcoming novel (that she adapted and will direct), the pic will focus on “a dutiful wife whose husband falls for a younger woman, freeing her to explore her buried sensuality and leading to a very quiet nervous breakdown.” It’s been confirmed that Robin Wright Penn is the wife, and Winona Ryder is the younger woman. Adding to the tasty cast is Keanu Reeves, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Alan Arkin and Monica Bellucci.

Arkin will, of course, play the husband who leaves Wright Penn in the dust, and Bellucci will play his first wife.

This sounds like a great cast! I look forward to a story about a freshly divorced woman looking to fill her coffers with revenge sex. I have said it before and I will say it again, divorce is a slut factory. When some women leave a marriage, they seem to get great satisfaction from humping like possessed werewolves. Good for them I say! Post divorce must be a stressful time indeed and I can think of no better remedy than sexual healing. In this film the healing doesn’t appear to solve the problem and eventually leads to the looney bin.

The cast listed above features the delightful Monica Bellucci. It is always a pleasure to see her involved in a project, she is a legendary coug and we are big fans of her work, and her person. Filming for this project begins in April and we will be sure to keep you updated with news, pics and clips as soon as they are made available to us.

PirateWell it looks like they are going ahead with another Pirates film. Today Jim Hill shares some of the ideas being thrown around. We get the scoop from our friends at cinematical:

No source knows Disney better than Jim Hill Media, which is why anyone interested in the future of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise should pay attention to this new info. The fourth film, according to Hill, will “toss the Elizabeth and Will characters over the side in favor of doing a bawdy buddy picture which would star Jack Sparrow and Barbossa. Where both captains of the Black Pearl would initially be competing for the exact same prize.”

“Eventually, all the double crossing would have to stop as these two rivals were then forced to join forces in order to defeat some supernatural terror.”

I am not a fan of the Pirates franchise, but often on TMB: Uncut we have said that if they have to do another film, less romance and more piracy is the way to go. I must admit; this information is probably the best news we could have hoped for when dealing with POTC 4. I am still not excited to see this film, but will give it a chance like every film before it, with hope of swashbuckling excellence.

Pirates are awesome and we should really focus on them raiding boats and stealing treasure. I am not interested in Piracy as a backdrop for a lame love story that is 3 hours long. It is good that they have “tossed Elizabeth and Will”, this shows a step in the right direction; now we wait and see if it makes a difference.