October 06, 2005

Alpha Dog Trailer

Well, possibly. Over at Twitch they are hosting what may be the first trailer from the movie Alpha Dog. You know that on, off, on, not sure movie with Justin Timberlake and Bruce Willis?

Well go check it out from their link, it's a 22.3Mb AVI file. Head back here and tell us what you think. I've seen it (still on holiday) and I thought it looked a lot more promising than all the troubled past the film has carried to date. Timberlake looks okay in it, although the big nod goes to those great trailer maker heroes who can make any film look great.

What do you think though? That's the important bit.

Posted by at October 6, 2005 06:12 AM


Well I just watched it, and I must say, it looks great. I cant wait for this to finally come out, who knows when that will be though. But yeah, in my opinion, it looks very good. The trailer was great, also... loved the song.

Posted by: Joey at October 06, 2005 16:54

I just watched the trailer as well. It looks really great, I can't wait for the legal one.

Posted by: LostCommonSenses at October 17, 2005 23:12

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