September 12, 2005

What Does Joss Whedon Know About Wonder Women

wonderWomen.jpgCinematical and Super Hero Hype bring us some small insight on the Wonder Women movie which is to be released in 2007. Joss Whedon spoke on his new film Serenity to Australia's ABC radio, following the discussion he answered a few questions on the Wonder Women front.

"We'll meet a Wonder Woman who is similar to the one from the original comics and from the TV series to an extent," said Whedon. "Neither of them are really a template. I've never loved the comics and I didn't watch the television series, but I loved the character very much."
This may be good news to some who were upset about past rumors of Wonder Women being younger, but the comment which bothers me slightly is that Whedon admits to never reading the original comics or watching the TV show with Lynda Carter. Call me crazy but it seems that Whedon has some homework to do before he gets this project rolling. This is a big deal in my mind, Wonder Women is a classic comic book iconic character, like Superman -minus the testicles-. Fans from all over the world are going to be expecting a certain amount of accuracy, and do you truly think that accuracy can be met after a few months of research? When I crammed for exams in college I passed, but I wouldn't say I became a expert in any way.

The part of Wonder Women has not been decided. So until there is a face to the name, I will have to continue using imaginary faces when I fantasize about Wonder Women capturing me and tying me up with her lasso of truth. While unable to resist, I belt out all of the sexual things I want her to do to me ... wait; perhaps I've gone to far?!

What are your thoughts on a directors knowledge of the subjects in their movies? And who would you like to see darning the tight, low cut, reveling and saucy costume of the worlds most famous female crime fighter?

Posted by Brad Shipston at September 12, 2005 08:18 PM


I think that it's critical. How can you build a movie around a character that you are "interested and in love with" but don't really know. Especially when there's been a beloved version of that character? Methinks that this doesn't look good.

Posted by: furstadam at September 13, 2005 02:19 AM

Do you honestly believe that Sam Raimi had read all the Spiderman comics when he was younger, or Richard Donner all the Superman comics? Peter Jackson had to do some reading sessions too just before he started Lord of the Rings. Peter read the material but forgot a lot about it. So no, I don't think it is a problem, at least if you do an intensive pre-production that is.

Whedon is just honest about it. Still, Wonderwoman is so basic as a character. Even a dumass director like Uwe Boll would have no problem handling it.

Posted by: Derrick at September 13, 2005 03:54 AM

He doesn't say he never read the comics, he said he never loved them. Frankly I'm glad he never really watched the TV show or was a fan of the comics, they both suck. I like the "idea" of Wonder Woman and the basic mythos I know about her, but have yet to see the character executed in a way I like.

Posted by: Ryan at September 13, 2005 12:51 PM

How about Sandra Bullock as Wonder Woman ?

Posted by: JAY MEDLEY at September 13, 2005 01:54 PM

Love is power, Love is justice, Love is Wonder Woman.

Posted by: B Roll at September 13, 2005 07:13 PM

Okay, I am a huge wonder women fan (I keep taking the action figures from my boys that come in the justice league sets and putting them in my cubicle.)...I cant wait for this movie.

As for the role...I say Kathrine Zeta Jones is perfect...dark haired, older, curvy...perfect.

After having three babies, I have been diligently working out at the gym with one goal in mind, wearing a wonder women costume at halloween. This is a movie I have waited for, for a long long time.

Posted by: Deda bets at September 14, 2005 08:34 PM