September 19, 2005

The Simpsons Movie Talk

Yes, The Simpsons has decreased in quality over the last couple of years, but even at it's worst it still makes me laugh like no other show on television. So you can understand my glee when I first hears last year that "The Simpsons" movie was given a green light.

The nice thing is that they obviously aren't rushing it. They're taking their time and making sure they come up with the best possible product that us Simpsons fans have come to expect. Just think about it. They have to pump out 20+ Simpsons episodes a year... but they're talking 2 years to develop the script for just 1 90 minute movie. I'd say that bodes really well.

It seems they're also talking about doing some different things for the animation style for the film too. The good folks over at Cinema Confidential give us this:

...the animation will be altered slightly but not by much from how it's done on television now. "We're looking at various tests to get the right look. We're taking it into the realm of cinema but not too far from how it looks on the show."

Mirkin would not reveal any plot details. "The Simpsons" movie will feature the cast of the long-running television series, as well as the writers over its 17 year history, including creator Matt Groening, James Brooks, Greg Daniels, Jon Vitti, Al Jean, and Mike Reiss.

I think this is all good news. Personally I can't wait for this one.

Posted by John Campea at September 19, 2005 10:09 AM


If a Simpsons movie came out around the 5th or 6th season I would have cared but hate the Simpsons so much now I could care less.

Posted by: Alfredo at September 20, 2005 08:13 AM

The Simpsons will ALWAYS be funny! Get the message? 'Nuff said!

Posted by: Bartzeena Jones at September 20, 2005 10:33 PM

yo honestly, the simpsons is #1, family guy will soon take its place, its the truth, i love both shows, but family guy is only going up, as far as the movie goes, ive been waiting for this for years, and alfredo, if u hate the simpsons, why are you at this website? no one cares what you think

Posted by: Luis at September 20, 2005 10:56 PM

this is a bad idea...

Posted by: kt at September 20, 2005 11:10 PM

I can't believe that they are doing this now when the quality and fearless originality are so completely gone. Family Guy reminds us all just how badly The Simpsons have fallen and how painfully unfunny they've become. Go see a Simpsons movie? I'd rather pop in my season three DVD, thank you very much!

Posted by: OhHomer... at September 20, 2005 11:10 PM

rated R yes?

Posted by: PhillipJennings at September 20, 2005 11:15 PM

"Yes, The Simpsons has decreased in quality over the last couple of years".

WOW. If someone gave me a buck everytime I heard or read something like that, I could buy the EARTH right now. The EARTH I tell ya! xD

What I mean is that that phrase has been so overused over the last 10 years or so that it means nothing to me anymore. For me, hearing "The Simpsons has been downhill since season (insert number of season here, it really doesn't matter which one)" is like hearing "Everything's OK, nothing has changed".

Posted by: Bender El Que Ofende at September 21, 2005 11:26 AM

.... off THE SIMPSONS RULE OK!!!! and the movie will kick ass!!!! i don't care what any body thinks!

Posted by: Bj at November 24, 2005 11:15 PM