September 07, 2005

The Exorcism of Emily Rose reviews

There's been a lot of controversy about this movie, and mainly from a still running discussion on this site (check the related articles at the bottom of the screen) however it seems to be doing pretty well when it comes to reviews.

From Rotten Tomatoes the current rating is kicking at 64%, and considering some of the scores for movies of late I think that's pretty good.

Some of the comments on the site are:

"“The Exorcism Of Emily Rose” must inevitably be compared to “The Exorcist,” and pales drastically in the process." -- Cole Smithey, COLESMITHEY.COM

"From what I can tell, Emily Rose died from a terminal case of bad screenwriting. "
-- Brian Juergens, BLOODY DISGUSTING

"Full of original ideas and chilling moments of horror, but far too schizophrenic for its own good"
-- Edward Douglas, COMINGSOON.NET

"An unusually intelligent genre item that manages to mix full-bore horror with courtroom drama."
-- Derek Elley, VARIETY

Not too bad then, but it's always difficult to tell who to trust. I'll tell you, trust us! When we review it then you'll know! Alternatively if you've seen it, why not drop in a few comments about how you found it?

Posted by Richard Brunton at September 7, 2005 07:00 AM


I'm going to trust myself, and it's a shame more people haven't got the good sense to trust their own brains as well.

Posted by: Mark Taylor at September 7, 2005 09:28 AM

From everything I hear this is a well made movie and many people liked it. The problem I see is not the quality of the film by itself, but the fact that the authenticity of it is in question and that it is being mis-marketed by the film company as a Exorcist type straight horror movie. Many of the critics who have liked it have stated that many people won't like it simply because they will go expecting something else.
This is a HUGE problem in hollywood right now that needs to be addressed. There have always been problems with film companies meddling with films and mis-marketing them, but it is the worst it has ever been. IF a movie company doesn't like how a film turns out, they will use marketing to change it into a film THEY think people will go see. It is happening! Look at Wicker Park!!! This is the biggest example of a company backfire. They took a mis-communication relationship drama and turned it into a swim-fan type stalker thriller. Hollywood can use a trailer to make a film look like whatever kind of film they want.
Look how easy it was for them to take all the "horror scenes" from Emily rose and make the trailer look like the Exorcist. Why are they hiding the fact that 75% of this movie is a courtroom drama? could it be that courtroom dramas as a genre are OUT and Horror movies are now IN?!!! hmmm I wonder?!!!

Posted by: Jason Presti at September 7, 2005 09:45 AM

trust you? right. as mark taylor said above, i'll trust my own judgement.

Posted by: bigwig at September 7, 2005 10:33 PM

Horror movies are not meant to be analyzed,scrutinized for the art direction, screenplay and all of that movie stuff. My idea of a good horror movie is one that makes me jump out of my seat a time or two and makes me, against my better judgement, look under the bed before I quickly jump in and pull the covers over my head. I liked the movie because it made me do all of these, and it made me turn my clock around!! People sometimes take horror movies too seriously, they are,in my opinion a fun way to scare yourself for a little while.

Posted by: paula at September 9, 2005 10:31 PM

this movie is not meant to be a cheap horror thrill, but is a thought provoking movie meant to make you wonder if there really are supernatural forces at work around us. It has its scary moments as well so does fulfill the scary thrill you seek, but is also an intelligent and very well-acted movie. I recommend it.

Posted by: Jenni at September 10, 2005 11:39 AM

What film makers do just to make a sad lol

Posted by: Mariam at September 10, 2005 12:30 PM

If you view the trailer before watching the movie you will probably compare it to The Exorcist and come to expect something similar and something just as frightening. Those with those expectations may not leave satisfied. I personally compare every horror movie to The Exorcist because I feel that it's the scariest movie of all time. Nothing have even come close, until now. I won't go as far as saying it's as scary as The Exorcist, but it's very, very close.
And without comparing it to any other movie, it's a very, very good movie. I'd have to give it a 9/10. Not quiet a 10 because it spends too much time in the court room.

Posted by: Kazuya Mishima at September 10, 2005 02:31 PM

This movie was very good. Yes it is about an exorcism. Yes it is about religion v. science . . . somewhat. But mostly it is a very compelling movie not just about the possession itself, but the fact that God and the Devil exist, and those who just can't fathom that possibility. It is unfortunate that Hollywood couldn't tell Anneliese Michel's real story, the years of torment, the failed medical treatment, the true length of the exorcism at issue. IT was smoothed over to support a certain point of view. But to me - the essence of the story was told - and I believe the movie is a "must see." [Unless you are the type who can't handle dialogue, thinking and just want blood - this movie is not for you despite the ridiculous marketing scheme].

Posted by: Kathy at September 10, 2005 07:42 PM

I saw The Exorcism of Emily Rose last night. I really was dissapointed in the movie. It's really not scary at all cause all the good parts are put in the previews so I had already seen them 10 or 20 times. Nevertheless some of the parts are very disturbing but they're few and far between. Most of the movie is in court with big words and mean lawyers, which sucks! I went to be scared at a horror movie, but I was bored shitless a stupid courtroom drama. It was just a waste of my time and money!>.<

Posted by: Kayla at September 10, 2005 07:51 PM

the movie was good no matter what anyone1 says it was good the actors were gooed it was scareie and incase ppl havent noticed but the movie is telling the stroy of emily through the courtcase that didnt take place in life thats why it shows the court hearing thats the movie duh.. the scenes of emily are flashbacks i hate stupid ppl who dont understand good work understand it before u dis it okay...

Posted by: Amber at September 11, 2005 11:38 AM

you all poor little mortals,dont you see the movie is based on a true story?satan is from above us,he is in every1 of us,he just need to take over the whole body and just "play" with fools.

Posted by: sm0k3 at September 11, 2005 01:00 PM

Well, there is something that people should know...especially them Christians...and everybody. God and the Devil DO exist...but there ain't no such thing as 'the Devil Himself', because if there was, then this world would've been completley different. The Devil is no more than evil can't say that I'm possessed by da devil, anybody can get possessed by da devil...because everybody has a devil inside of him/her...which means everybody is evil...HOWEVER...everybody is NOT evil...goodness is always the triumph in life no matter what happens, and it all depends on you, you, and you!! Nothing can ever control any soul, the belief in demonic possession is nothin but a sickness from the brain and SEEMS to Emily Rose that she was possessed, but there ain't no "evil spirit!". The smoke she smelled coulda' came out from anywhere!! Why do people get themselves to believe that it's the 'Devil' who did it. It was told that the priest or 'exorcist' was the one who caused her death, it's because he ignored her medical condition, why would these people believe that she was taken over! Nothing can ever take over anybody! Life is all about self-control and getting on with your life and surrendering your soul to God, the Almighty, no one is powerful than He is...this is why God gave us a BRAIN, if demonic possession did really exist, then we would have no brains! We are what we are...we could be the devil by doing evil...we can be an angel by doing good...we can be humans by being ourselves and the way we are...if you want to hear more...then e-mail me [email protected]
if you want to stay with your beliefs, then I'll let you alone, and one day you will find yourselves haunted by these insane ideas ... think about it...demonic possession is not what life is about and it can't exist to wreck our lives...the point of life is to be ourselves and to have faith in God...nothing else ...

Posted by: Hani at September 11, 2005 07:27 PM

okay people before i say anything about this movie can i first say, this site is supposed to be reviewing a movie. However we have this guy preaching about how there is no devil and we all need god in our hearts, spare me, this was a movie, i am sure people that want us to care about god and the devil may have wanted it but film companys made it for the money, now back to the MOVIE which it is,not a moral teaching aid.
i can find mothing wrong witht this movie, everything from the costume music and lighting, to the casting acting and cinematography where all top notch. I was very into this movie as i watched it, it fully entirtained me and thats what movies are supposed to do, it even scard me at a couple times, and i know softer ppl could easily be scard of it.
However, as others have stated already, this movie had one very major flaw, the marketing. The company knew exactly what it was doing if they had shown it for what it was that theater wouldn't have been packed and it may have become a cult classic. Instead they made huge money off this movie from ppl that went exspecting a far more midless strait out horror movie that would make their girlfriend scard and get them laid. that is the only reason anyone can say they didn't like this movie, because even i will addmit that is the reason i went to it and if i was not an avid movie watcher and just a mindless one would be walking around saying it sucked to. so there u have it, if u like good movies and not just cheep thrill slasher flicks, GO AND SEE THIS MOVIE.

Posted by: cole at September 11, 2005 09:50 PM

It was definetly more of a courtroom drama than a horror movie. I was a little misled from the trailers of the movie. It seemed that all of the scary snipits of the movie were what the trailers were comprised of. The plot was explained, however, the acting was bad. It wasn't the worst movie I've ever paid to go see, but a recommendation for those who haven't seen it yet, wait until it comes out on pay per view or DVD.

Posted by: Lisa at September 11, 2005 11:01 PM

Great movie. Go in with an open mind and remember...ITS A MOVIE, NOT A MONTAGE OF FACTS

Posted by: Fin at September 12, 2005 03:16 AM


Posted by: Maria at September 12, 2005 12:40 PM

i dont care what anyone says that movie was AWESOME. I love scary movies but i am rarely scared by the movie. Thh Exorcist of Emily Rose is a FREAKY movie. i had chills that entire time. i thought the acting was great, the sound, lights, scary parts everything played into each other very well. i went and saw it the day it came out and it has been 3 days and its still all i can think about. it isnt all about the court room, its about emily rose- yea they are in a court room for part of the time but they are just telling her story. i think it was great, im going to buy it as soon as it hits the shelves, SO SEE THE EXORCISM OF EMILY ROSE!!!

Posted by: Ashley at September 12, 2005 02:52 PM

This movie was very poorly done even for a courtroom drama. I agree with the earlier post stating hollywood need to be more forthcoming about the content of a movie in the trailers. This movie qualifies as a horror film as much as "A Few Good Men" qualifies as a war movie. It should have been called "The trial AFTER the exorcism of Emily Rose." I feel ripped off by the makers and advertisers. Any reviews above that are positive are evidence of the fact that being a PG13, alot of teenieboppers were there for opening weekend. Don't bother seeing it as a horror movie, just watch the trailer in the dark....

Posted by: jadian at September 12, 2005 07:10 PM

Don't make the mistake of camparing it to the orginal EXORCIST by WILLIAM PETER BLATTY. **NOTHING CAN EVER COMPARE**
THIS IS A VERY WELL MADE MOVIE!! I think it could have gone beyond the court aspect of it, and I hardly expected it to be that way, but it was based off of a true story that actually happend so how far can you actually bend the truth??

PS. Christians are Hypocrites! :-)

Posted by: -6 FT. at September 12, 2005 07:58 PM

This movie is not even a true story at all! Anyone who thinks so is fooling themselves. And the whole court room thing that no one knew about, because there was nothing about it in the previews, really sucked. I was pretty dissapointed!

Posted by: Marie at September 12, 2005 09:40 PM

The movie was alright...didn't find it scary just got goosebumbs from da scene where the classmate face poured in black goo or whatever the stuff was lol...Its a good movie to take interest about Demons and Jesus Christ but not scary.

Posted by: Mike buff at September 13, 2005 04:26 AM

If you had an open mind about the movie and accepted that it does require half a brain to comprehend the courtroom scenes, and that it's not all about blood and guts and pea soup, you would enjoy it. But if you're one of those people who just wants to see the movie for the gore of it, then I'd save your money. Everyone else, I'm sure you will enjoy it as I did.

Posted by: lisa at September 13, 2005 12:07 PM

I wasn't sure what to think when I was going to see this movie. I knew I wanted to see it, but didn't know exactly what to expect. However, after seeing the film I have to say that it was a very well acted movie and even though you had the court room drama, you also have the horror feel. It is a thought provoking film that not only has you questioning what is real and not real, but keeps your skin tingling with suspense while you wait to see what will happen next. I enjoyed the movie and recommend it.

Posted by: Paul at September 13, 2005 05:45 PM

Well I did a tad bit of research on the true story before I went to see it, so I expected the trial, but I did realize that the marketing was very deceptive. I had more nightmares from the trailer than the actual movie.

It was good as far as drama goes, and it did have some scary parts and part of me was wanting to be freaked out so in a way it was just as satisfying as drinking out of a can of Pepsi just to find out its actually Cocacola but anyways I just wasn't expecting an intelligent film, had I known better I probably would've waited another week to go see it, so I guess I took the bait. *shrug*

Posted by: Lissette at September 13, 2005 08:02 PM

i went to see this movie monday sept 12 and i thought it was an excellant movie. Now i did not see the previews on t.v. for it all i heard was some radio advertisements. You can not compare this movie to the excercist because it is a true story. When everyone saw the excercist we believe that was really what possession was like so seeing this movie in complete contrast reversed that thinking process. I had no expectations when i went to see this movie which made it even better. I don't agree that you can call this a horror film because it is not. There are some scary/unexpected parts but its not anything gory. To see the things that girl went through was unbelieveable to me because i am 19 and i could not imagine going through that. i think everyone should go and see this movie but do not go with the intention that it compares to the excercist but it does not. And i would encourge for you not to go alone.

Posted by: cathie haney at September 13, 2005 09:37 PM

I saw the movie last night, and thought it was great. too many people read too much into a movie, take it for what it's worth, entertainment..

for the people who say possesion doesnt happen like this, how do you know that? were you or someone you know possessed? this like the Excorcist is just a movie based on a "story" or "facts" the Excorcist was based on an incident that happened to a little boy..

Posted by: Rizz at September 14, 2005 11:46 AM

The movie tripped me out. Take it for what it is and understand that the movie was "Hollywoodized" for your entertainment and the director was thoughtful enough not to reveal all the horrible things that supposedly happened to this poor girl. If you research the story, theres some things that happened that would of bumped the PG-13 up to a R rating.

Posted by: HotDamn at September 14, 2005 01:02 PM

Me & my husband went to see The Exorcism of Emily Rose...I liked the movie, it was freaky as all get out, especially when Emily's boyfriend stayed the night with her and woke to find her on the floor all contorted, and the look in her eyes was sheer evil.
I personally believe a person can become possessed by opening a spiritual portal to the the degree or magnitude of the possession that is taking place.
Before the movie was released my husband and I did alot of research on Annielise Michel, most of what you see in the movie is fact, with one minor exception, the trial was held in Germany, not the USA.
A MUST SEE MOVIE ! It is scary, but an eye opener, it shows you that God and His --> (Angels) and Satan and his-->(demons) do exist, and it's a battle for souls.
Who's side are you on ? Mwahaaaaaa

Posted by: Stormy at September 14, 2005 10:29 PM

My wife and I, saw the movie last night. The movie is exceptional and a MUST SEE for everyone. It touches base on the fact that God exists and his fallen angel Satan exists too.
The movie is based on fact from a 19 year old girl named Annielise Michel, and the horrendous spiritual and physical torture that she went through, the medical field thought she was physically ill, while the religious side knew better.... THERE ARE NO INJECTIONS OR MEDICINES TO CURE POSSESSION OR AGAINST THE DEVIL.
Possession is VERY REAL. To this day it happens more often than we like to verbally recognize.
Satan wants your soul, but God gives us free will to be who we want to be. In doing so it is up to us to make decision with our lives and our souls. The movie Emily Rose showed that.. she choose the path of possession to let the world know ... DEMONS and the DEVIL do EXIST.
We are living in the end of days, one of the signs has been revealed through this movie.. if you read the bible and have any knowledge of the book of Revelations one of the signs is a MARTYR.. I believe that Emily Rose is that person.
My conscience and soul has been cleansed has yours?

Posted by: Draco at September 14, 2005 10:51 PM

If you go to the theatre with a perception that this movie is based on a true narration of an event that really occurred, then you will find it very disturbing and intriguing at the same time. From my personal experience with supernatural powers and by dealing with exorcism cases myself, this movie portrays it really well, except for the way the exorcism was performed according to the bible ritual.

I think the movie is really entertaining and would recommend everyone to go and watch it.

Posted by: kingoflove at September 15, 2005 10:12 AM

i went to see the movie for many reasons, its ok to have an opinion, but when people just say "it was a stupid horror movie on low budget" just pisses me off. first of all its rated 13r, so u know its not a horror...second its about a poor girl that really suffered, and her family suffered with her. just few things really hit me, like the 3am moments and its meaning, just the way her body was used, and no one can really say she was crazy, cause she wasnt. u need to hear the tapes that were recorded, her family recorded them as well, and there is no way a 19 yrs old girl can speak sooo many languages in different toned in the 70s. people that laugh about this are just people with no brains or heart, and should think before they say things like... "the original exorcism was better than this one". this movie isnt about the exorcism but about a girl that had problems, and no one really understood what happened. i just hope shes in a better place... GOD bless

Posted by: Alfie at September 16, 2005 07:28 AM

Here's an interesting article on what really happened:

Posted by: Jeff at September 16, 2005 12:18 PM

Excellent movie. I think many people go expecting to see a horror movie and instead find an actual story and are disappointed. I too went thinking it would be a horror movie, but instead, I was much happier to have found a good movie with an actual story.

If you believe in the spiritual realm, you'll probably like this movie. If you don't believe, you probably won't.. and you're not using the common good sense that God gave you.

Excellent story on what really happened:

Posted by: Jeff at September 16, 2005 01:00 PM

PEOPLE! THIS IS A MOVIE REVIEW NOT THE DESCRIPTION OF WHAT BIBLE SAIDS ABOUT GOD AND DEVIL...jeez =.= so many people are saying all these crap about God and Devil existing or whatever, IT'S A MOVIE!!!
I'm planning on watching it tomorrow and hoping it won't be that scary since I don'tlike scary movies but oh well, movie is a movie

Posted by: Jason at September 17, 2005 12:51 AM

i just saw Emily Rose tonight. It's not such a scary movie like OH MY GOODNESS MY EYES!!!! it's more of a mind thing. The images scared the Hell out of me. It WAS too much courtroom scenes but the rest was briliant. Yeah, so it IS just a Movie, but also based on a true story. "Demons do exist whether you believe in them or not" SO GOOO SEEE THE its freakin hilarious, and its nothin but 5? 7? dollars, its worth it

Posted by: Megan at September 17, 2005 11:02 PM

you have to see it is a asome movie and it is about a girl that is 19 years old that gets possessed by the devil but it is a really good movio when you go in just think that could have been you so just be lucky that it didn`t happen to you im sure emily was a good friend and a good sister and im sure she is deeply missed

Posted by: julie rose at September 18, 2005 01:58 AM

I just watched this movie the other day, and I think it's decent and it's obvious that some of you can't understand what a good movie is when you come across one. Certainly, this wasn't a Golden Globe production but it wasn't half as bad as some of you people make it. Damn, it didn't match up with your religious beliefs? Now it's a bad movie? Not everything I watch matches up with my own beliefs, in fact I'm doubtful of the supernatural. This movie was still good, regardless, and whether you like it or not it wasn't a failure as a film.

Posted by: Brandi at September 18, 2005 11:50 AM

I saw the movie yesterday and thought the acting was good. There was a good balance between the supernatural scenes and the court room drama. The excorcist scene in the barn was extremely intense and terrifying. In my opinion, I have no idea if this girl was really possessed, metally ill, physically ill or had a combination of all the above. All I know is, and all that really matters is that she died from starvation. The priest and her parents should have gotten her medical attention and their failure to do so righlty resulted in their criminal prosecution.

If you are into learning more about exorcisms, "Hostage to the Devil" by Malachi Martin is an excellant read. It provides the true, unedited version of the exorcisms of four americans. To be honest, this book makes the excorist and this movie look like a picnic in the park on a sunny day.

Posted by: frank at September 18, 2005 12:16 PM

I thought it was so hilarious when the possessed girl crashed through the window then kept running! Like, why wouldn't she just fall on the ground after that? was seriously 5 minutes later and I was still laughing.

Posted by: stephanie at September 18, 2005 02:11 PM

gggooooo oggggg

Posted by: ha not funny at September 18, 2005 06:02 PM

This whole courtroom drama thing was very essential to the movie, I thought. The whole idea of an exercist is a battle between good and evil (as cliche as it is). The court scenes explained the reason for certain things happening to Emily Rose. This gave good information from both an agnostic/scientific and a christian point of view. From hearing both arguments you start to question your own faith. Otherwise, this movie is still freaking me out... I woke up last night at exactly 3:01! haha I was safe!

Posted by: Jessica at September 20, 2005 02:10 AM

I think that the movie was great. a top notch thriller. It might have had a little too much in common with "The Exorcist" but thats alright

Posted by: Deshawn Jackson at September 20, 2005 05:07 PM

The Exorcism of Emily Rose
by Fr. Brian W. Harrison, O.S.

Some of you may have seen over the last year or so that I have sounded the alarm in several Catholic magazines about a couple of viciously anti-Catholic movies disguised as "history": "King Arthur" (2004) and "Kingdom of Heaven" (2005).

I have just been to see another new movie about the Church, with the full expectation of being provoked into circulating yet another "thumbs-down" warning about it.

Well ... Halleluiah! Would you believe that that particular expectation of mine has just been smashed — astonishingly, wonderfully! — into smithereens? Can anything morally or spiritually good come out of Hollywood — especially in this day and age, more than half a century after the "good old" days when some movie moguls were (putatively at least) "on our side"?

To my utter amazement, I now have to admit that the answer is 'Yes"! Divine grace — actual, if perhaps not yet necessarily sanctifying — may be having its effect even in Tinseltown!

Ever since the big box-office success of the original version of "The Exorcist" more than thirty years ago, exorcism-flicks have become a sort of sub-division of the horror movie genre. Most of them have been pretty trashy, depending mainly on sensational special effects and frequently embodying malicious and embarrassingly ignorant caricatures of Catholic beliefs, rites and practices.

Not this time. "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" gets it right. Scarily, yes, but at the same time beautifully, powerfully — inspiringly. This one is the real thing, folks. (I speak as a priest who has had direct experience with real-life exorcisms: in Rome, with Fr. Gabriel Amorth, the Pope's leading exorcist and author of several books on the subject.)

Like "The Exorcist", "Emily Rose" has its basis in a true case-history, but is far superior to the former movie in just about every respect. It's about a 19-year-old Canadian girl from a conservative/traditional Catholic family, who becomes possessed and eventually dies in that state after an unsuccessful exorcism. The family's parish priest who attempted the exorcism, Fr. Richard Moore, is then charged with criminal negligence leading to her death. This is because, having being totally entrusted with Emily's welfare by her devout family after psychiatric treatment and medication had proven fruitless, the priest decided to suspend all natural treatments in order to rely on the spiritual power of Christ and His sacred priesthood.

That forensic context alone makes fascinating watching for those who — like most of you reading this — are very conscious of the exclusion of Christ's social kingship from modern societies dominated by the "wall of separation" between Church and State. The superbly acted and directed court scenes in "Emily Rose" present a kind of microcosm of this radical internal conflict at the heart of post-Enlightenment Western culture. They effectively portray the legal dilemma that now arises when an officially agnostic political/judicial system is forced to come to grips with evidence that radically calls in question the secularist orthodoxy which dogmatizes that all possible events must — at least in the public, civil forum — be explained in terms of natural, scientific laws. This dilemma is highlighted in the gripping, brilliantly-written, dialogue confrontations between Fr. Moore's defense counsel (Laura Linney) and the prosecutor bent on persuading the jury that the priest's "archaic superstitions" were responsible for the girl's death. And the drama is ingeniously heightened by the paradox that while this publicly secularist prosecutor boasts that he is privately a "man of faith" (have we heard something a little like that before?), Fr. Moore's attorney has to openly admit that she's personally an agnostic. (The screenplay throughout this movie is excellent.)

That old "with-'religious'-friends-like-these-who-needs-enemies?" scenario will certainly resonate with the so-often-frustrated experience of so many of us traditionally-inclined Catholics in recent decades. A further touch of the same post-conciliar realism comes to light quickly when we learn that the accused Fr. Moore, an honest-to-goodness, orthodox Catholic priest, finds the rug being pulled out from under him by — you guessed it! — the modernist, politicking archdiocesan chancery officials who don't really believe in all that stuff about the devil and possession, and are just plain embarrassed by the whole business! (Yes, folks, this decidedly non-liberal script is actually coming from an 'establishment' Hollywood movie! Mel Gibson had nothing to do with it.)

As a matter of fact, Fr. Moore (played by Tom Wilkinson) comes across as more than just an honest-to-goodness, orthodox priest (wearing his clerical suit and collar whenever he's out of his prison uniform). He's an exemplary, prayerful priest. A holy priest. A old-style priest who knows how to talk back sternly in Latin when the demon croaks at him mockingly in the Church's language. He is quietly dignified in his humiliation in prison and in court. This priest manifests true Catholic pastoral charity and zeal for souls, and a Christ-like willingness to sacrifice his own temporal reputation and freedom for the sake of telling the truth about Emily. Moreover, Wilkinson's portrayal of this character is totally credible, with his acting rising to a superb level in the last court-room scene where he gives his final testimony about Emily. For my money, Wilkinson's Father Moore — here in the dark Third Millennium, no less! — is a thousand times better than Bing Crosby's superficial "cool", crooning priest characters from the supposed golden days of the 'forties and 'fifties. In short, this was a film that left me feeling proud to be wearing my Roman collar as I exited the theater!

Even though the Catholic-influenced Legion of Decency which vetted movies back then has long since disappeared, "Emily Rose" has no foul or blasphemous language (even though it's about demonic possession), no sex, and no nudity. So the most deeply traditional Catholic parents can see, and allow their kids to see, this film, provided only that the latter are old enough not to be traumatized by the scary scenes. Indeed, such families will empathize with the Rose family, whose devout, orthodox Catholic convictions are treated with sympathy and respect throughout the film.

Maybe you are thinking by now that in spite of all these merits, "Emily Rose" still sounds overall like a pretty depressing movie: after all, we're talking about a FAILED exorcism which ends in the hideous death of the possessed girl. If that's what you're thinking, then never fear! You should know that there is a simply wonderful, profoundly moving, surprise ending to the film which puts that whole scenario in a totally unexpected, supernatural light. I assure you you'll leave the theater after seeing "Emily Rose" with your faith strengthened, your spirit elevated — and probably with tears welling in your eyes. All the more so because we are assured at the end that this story is basically history, not fiction. (The real-life events on which the film is based actually took place in Germany in the mid-1970s.)

One final comment. I said above that Mel Gibson had nothing to do with this movie. On second thought, maybe he did — unwittingly. Could it be that the box-office success of "The Passion" last year is finally getting the message through to some Hollywood studios that there is a huge potential market out there for films which respect, rather than ridicule, traditional religion? If so, we traditional religionists should confirm this message for them by going to see "The Exorcism of Emily Rose". I urge you not to miss it — and take your older children along too. As far as I'm concerned, it is a masterpiece: one of the finest and most moving films I've ever seen in my life, and indeed, a worthy companion to "The Passion of the Christ".

Posted by: Crusader at September 21, 2005 12:27 PM

I have never seen this movie, my boyfriends sister had invited me to come over and watch it with her boyfriend and her, plus my boyfriend. But ,her jack-*** mom made her brake up with him. So I am waiting for her to tell me what the plans are

Posted by: Timmy at October 18, 2005 12:38 PM

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