September 21, 2005

Tarantino talks of Kill Bill 3!

QuentinTarantino4.jpgComing Soon are carrying an interview from MTV from Quentin Tarantino where he discusses various projects...

Grind House, which he is directing with Robert Rodriguez. The film consists of two one-hour segments.

"[Rodriguez's] movie is called 'Planet Terror,' and mine is called 'Death Proof,' " Tarantino said. "Mine is sort of a slasher film, but instead of a knife, it's a car. ... His, he's dealing with zombies and all that stuff. I think his might end up being more violent, but I'm not finished with my [script] yet, so you never know."...

...also mentioned that he'll likely start the World War II film Inglorious Bastards after completing Grind House. He says he's been writing the script for five years and needs to add one more year to it.

The filmmaker is still planning on making a third "Kill Bill" film in which the Bride's daughter, B.B. (Perla Haney-Jardine), becomes an adult and confronts the violence from her youth. "I'd have to wait about 10 years. Uma's got to get 10 years older, the little girl has to grow up and everything. And then we'd do the next chapter in the 'Kill Bill' series."

Great on the other two, but another Kill Bill, and he's really discussing it? Well he's talked about projects like this before and they've never really come to anything, and look how long IB has been taking to write...we could be in for a real long wait, if ever.

What of these three bits of news really hits the mark with you? Excited more about IB than Kill Bill?

Posted by at September 21, 2005 09:52 AM


Concerning the really long wait - isn't he saying that we have to wait 10 years for Uma to get old and the girl to grow up? At least that's what I understand. So the next Kill Bill movie will happen after at least 10 years.

Posted by: T-Jax at September 21, 2005 10:25 AM

I wouldnt hold my breath on KB 2. Didnt he say before that he would do it down the line with the other little girl who sees her mom die?

Posted by: Pudie at September 21, 2005 10:54 AM

couldn't care less..Personaly think that Tarantino is the most overated film maker ever...hi is just a bad director and complete geek

Posted by: Tomislav at September 22, 2005 09:03 PM