September 05, 2005

Superman Returns Teaser Trailer

The other day I put up a post that had some footage from the new Superman Returns film. Today Chris sent me a link to what claims to be the official teaser trailer for the film.

Now, let me say right up front that I have no idea if this really is the Superman Returns teaser trailer or if it was just edited together with the footage that was already online by a fan and made to look like the official trailer. Either way, it looks really good to me and has a fantastic feel to it.

To see the Superman Returns trailer you can just click here. Let me know what you think of it.

Posted by John Campea at September 5, 2005 04:07 PM


It's definately a fan trailer. There isn't anything there that hasnt' already hit the net. Still good though.

Posted by: Mantiss at September 5, 2005 05:50 PM

I'm definitely pumped. Fan-made or not.

Posted by: the rocketboy at September 5, 2005 09:42 PM

It's fan-made and I'm glad, if that was official I'd be very worried, it looks lame.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at September 5, 2005 10:24 PM

It's not really a trailer. The scenes were put together from the Comic-Con event earlier, also on the bluetights website. Reading the other comments, I'm guessing it really is a fan made trailer.

I've been looking for the actual trailer for a few weeks now, because it really does exist.

"Someone has it on some website somewhere, if anyone knows where, plz feel free to share"... :o)

- TM

Posted by: TM at September 6, 2005 10:35 AM

saw John Williams conduct the LA Philharmonic Orch over the weekend and the ochestra played a snippet of his Superman fanfare and it gave me goosebumps (along with all his other great cinematic scores Williams conducted that night.) Does anyone know if any of John Williams' original Superman score will be used for Superman Returns?

Posted by: showtime at September 6, 2005 11:44 AM

I love the music in this fan made trailer.Does any one know if it is old john Williams material or new John Ottman and if it is in the new movie? Thanks.

Posted by: Roy Munson at October 12, 2005 11:48 PM

The original score will not be used. It will still have the melody of superman but it will be a new score for a new movie. Enough with the lame questions.

Posted by: Superman at October 24, 2005 05:25 AM

oh you have some nerve, lame questions? Howabout you calling yourself Superman, how lame is that?

Posted by: fudrom at November 13, 2005 12:06 PM

I can't wait to see superman returns in theatre, i'm a big fan.And please...Can anyone tell me where and how can i download superman returns trailer or teaser trailer?thank you

Posted by: Poseidonx at January 9, 2006 06:15 AM