September 14, 2005

Stompanado Casts Keanu Reeves

The story of Stompanado is a riveting one... which makes the news of Keanu Reeves getting the lead role something of a mystery to me. Stompanado is based on the true story of the mobster/wannabe actor Adrian Lane (who was also the boyfriend to legendary actress Lana Turner). Lane was killed by Turner's daughter who stabbed him to death.

So why is this a mystery to me? Well the good folks over at filmfodder put it mildly when they say:

At first glance it seems a bit of a stretch for Reeves, who isn't quite the menacing thug type.
I would go one step further... I'll say that Reeves isn't much of an actor at all when he wanders outside of his "I'm stunned and clueless and not really sure what's going on" type of roles. My god have you ever heard the man try to fake an accent? It's enough to make you roll your eyes and roll on the floor at the same time.

So yes... playing a rough mobster type just doesn't make sense to me. Oh well... who knows? Maybe this will be like some sort of "break out" role for him where he proves us all wrong.

Posted by John Campea at September 14, 2005 11:03 AM


This kinda does make sense to me. He was pretty menacing in Raimi's The Gift.

Posted by: logster at September 14, 2005 11:51 AM

I agree with logster, he was menacing in that role.

With that said I also don't think he's a very good actor and if not for the luck of a few decent roles opposite good actors he'd have faded into the background. A good portion of me wishes he had.

Posted by: Meli at September 14, 2005 05:56 PM

I also agree about his role in "The Gift". I've never understood why Reeves catches so much flack. People act like he's some guy who lucked out. He's been enough hit movies that you have to give him *some* credit. If movie stars were so easy to manufacture guys like Paul Walker, Johnny Knoxville and Chris Evans would be huge stars right now.

Posted by: screamwriter at September 15, 2005 08:01 AM

Here we go with Keanu bashing again.

Just picture Russell Crowe playing Neo, how great that would have turned out to be.

He might not be a great theater actor but certain roles are made for him (like Matrix). Give the guy a chance, so far he has proven to me a decent human being.

For those who think Russell Crowe is one of a kind take a look at theater actors nad you will find quite a number of people who can demolish Crowe.

Posted by: Gene ariani at September 15, 2005 12:40 PM

"Either You Dig Me, Or You Don't"

Ummmm Menacing Thug...

If you want the Keanu Reeves Multi-Dimensional Matrix touch,
then check out
Movie Download

Posted by: Reeves at October 18, 2005 02:42 AM

Follow the white rabbit...wink...Here it is....

Posted by: Reeves at October 18, 2005 03:13 AM

They've said it already, he was very good in "The Gift". I have no problem with Keanu Reeves now, I think he is a way better actor than Ben Affleck.

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 18, 2005 07:00 AM

Ah yes Johnny Stompanato.

As I understand it back in the late 50's Lana Turner was making a movie entitled "Another Time, Another Place".

Johnny got upset with her co-star an unknown young British actor and pulled a gun on him. The actors name was Sean Connery and he promptly punched Stompanato's lights out! :-)

Keannu will be fine in the film, as long as no acting is required!

Posted by: Morbius at October 18, 2005 08:41 AM

It'll be interesting to see who will play Lana Turner.

Do you guys remember that scene in L.A. Confidential showing Johnny ΞΎ Lana? That always cracks me up. LOL

Posted by: Simone at October 18, 2005 10:18 AM