September 26, 2005

Spike movie a go?

Spike.jpgThere's been a bit of speculation about a Spike movie coming from Joss Whedon, but it actually looks like it might be more than rumour.

In an interview over at E Online through Coming Soon, Amy Acker talks about her new role in Alias - love that show, and watch out Alias audience abroad, there be spoilers afoot - but at the very end she says...

...Joss Whedon has spoken with her about resurrecting her role as Illyria. "He has mentioned it a couple of times," she told me. "I mean, the last time, I talked to him a couple weeks ago and said that I had heard that Tim Minear was gonna write and direct the Spike movie, the Spike-Illyria movie, so he said that they want to do that still. I think he's just overwhelmed a bit right now with the press for Serenity and everything!"

Sounds damn good, and the best confirmation I've seen so far. I hope when they do write it that the emphasis is more on the darker side of Spike and not the more jocular Buffy side...Is this the kind of hint you've been looking for? How would you like to see Spike on the big screen?

Posted by at September 26, 2005 05:56 AM


How would you like to see Spike on the big screen?

i do think illyria rocks tho.
and i would like to see illyria on the BIG screen in her birthday suit.

dont like what me did with spike. -lame.

Posted by: bond, james bond at September 26, 2005 06:19 AM

Yeah, so far everybody seems to agree there should be a Spike movie. Joss Whedon is OK with it, Time Minear is OK with it, James Marsters is OK with it etc etc. After Serenity comes out, I hope they'll finally announce it officially.

Concerning Spike on the big screen - it would be great, of course, but I think they intend to do only a TV movie.

Posted by: T-Jax at September 26, 2005 06:20 AM

yeah...i would love to see a movie with a darker would be sweet.

Posted by: reuben at September 26, 2005 09:05 AM

Don't expect any sort of official Spike movie anytime soon. When Serenity is done (released, publicized, DVD production), then Joss jumps right into Wonder Woman... and after WomderWoman he's already set to go With his new one "Goner".

As far as Spike goes... I've always liked him as a character... but as a good supporting character. I would much rather see him in a supporting role in an Angel or Giles movie. Just my two cents.


Posted by: John Campea at September 26, 2005 10:11 AM

I agree that Spike is a great character, but more so as a supporting character. But the only main character in a Joss Whedon movie should be Buffy/Sarah Michelle Gellar. She was perfect for the role and I miss her!!! Buffy is the only one that makes this vampire story a unique one. I wish Sarah would just do one last Buffy project. But I doubt it.... If there is no Buffy movie then there should be no other... any of these characters without Buffy aren't anything that special.......sigh!

Posted by: BuffyFan at September 26, 2005 12:16 PM

I loved them all, but the series did come to an end, so they'd need to change things around a bit. As far as I can see, Sarah and David are done with it. If we are to assume Wesley and Gunn are dead, then it would make sense for Spike and Illyria to hang out together doing violent good stuff, in a pissed-off way,while Angel goes off to join with, maybe Groo and/or Conner, and we only hear about them.
Be nice to bring in a watcher-stle charachterand maybe the occasional occurance of Faith as well.
I agree Eliza deserves more attention than she is getting.

Posted by: Tim at October 15, 2005 06:44 PM