September 09, 2005

Spiderman villian news

Who?! WHO??This is getting as bad as the Bond rumours, but I have to, everyone is carrying it and I know that this is a really contentious issue on this site with you all, so I'm going to break some gossip on who Topher Grace may be playing in Spiderman 3, and to save some of you who may not want to know I'm not putting it in the main story, click to see...'re still here? Okay, from all over the Interywebby, but I've chosen Film Fodder:

Freeze Dried Movies is reporting that Topher Grace will be playing Venom in the third installment of the Sam Raimi helmed Spiderman franchise. They're citing anonymous sources, but they stand by the report.

Sigh...if this one is true then I think it's a pretty good choice. Now could it be true? What do you think? I know a lot of you have been wanting Venom to be the one...well?

Posted by at September 9, 2005 04:14 AM


I thought Topher Grace could be a good Spiderman, not Venom! LOL

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 9, 2005 04:16 AM

idk sounds kinda iffy to me i mean dont get me wrong but yeah rich this is getting like the bond rumors ... its crazy and plus they already had a rumor that he was playing the chamelion b4 so idk about this one we will just have 2 wait for the truth

Posted by: venommm at September 9, 2005 06:26 AM

I'm not buying the Venom-rumor until I see it, since Sam Raimi has stated that he hates the character. I could se Topher play Eddie Brock, that's possible, but not Venom.

Posted by: Fredrik Adolvsson at September 9, 2005 06:55 AM

Having Venom in this would be, just no. If this is corect he will be Ediie in this and turn into Venom in the next movie

Posted by: me at September 9, 2005 07:06 AM

When Grace was named to the cast I automatically thought of the Venom, and Carnage era.. Except Grace would play carnage.. But its all good GO VENOM!

Posted by: Ray` at September 9, 2005 07:31 AM

im all for venom Sam will make it work....he has twice allready

Posted by: reuben at September 9, 2005 08:38 AM

Why do so many people think that introducing Eddie Brock and having Venom will take 2 movies to do???
They introduced Osborne and had Goblin all in one film.
They had Dr. Octavious and Doc Ock in one film.
They had General Zod introduced in one film
They had Eric Lencher and Magneto all in one film

They ALL have the bad guys (and heros) all introduced and play out in one film. Introducing Eddie Brock and having Venom in just one film would not be a problem at all if these rumors are true (and I hope they are).


Posted by: John Campea at September 9, 2005 09:15 AM

Because Parker needs to have the symbiote first, that's why

Posted by: me at September 9, 2005 09:26 AM

Hey there "Me"

I have to disagree. Parker does not "NEED" to have the sybiote first. It's not nesessary any more than it was nesessary for them to have Gwen Stacy as Peter's first love in the original movie.

They can easily take some creative license on this point and no one will care if it's done right in my opinion.

Cheers mate!


Posted by: John Campea at September 9, 2005 10:16 AM

I like Topher, but Eddie Brock / Venom is a muscle-bound gorrilla - Topher looks like a twig! I don't see it being true.

Posted by: Shivez at September 9, 2005 10:22 AM

I agree with you John, 1 movie would be long enough.. I wouldnt put to much trust in this rumour, As Shivez has said, Topher is nowhere near the right build for Venom, then again like I said in my previous post.. maybe hes gonna play carnage and chruch play venom, that would be a good way to go witht he movie in my opinion..give the majority of fans what they want..

Posted by: Ray` at September 9, 2005 11:30 AM

he's gonna be chameleon, theres no way they'd make him Venom of all people.

Posted by: Goon at September 9, 2005 12:17 PM

In my opinion, Venom is too great of a character to just appear and be killed in one movie...even if the whole movie revolves around him. Of all the superheroes and villians, Venom was always my favorite because he is a true villian...the pure emobodiment of rage and control (or uncontrollable if you want to look at it that way). Visually, I cant wait to see how they bring him to the big screen. There are so many questions that arise as to how he will be portrayed. I believe he is Spidermans greatest adversary (I never read to much about Carnage so I cant comment there) and he needs more than one movie to be fully brought to life.

Posted by: MechoPower at September 9, 2005 01:12 PM

I have to say Raimi is a genious. Telling everyone who he has cast but not saying what characters. Pure Genious. He has created so much hype with his casting. Wouldn't it be great if Topher and Hayden were just side characters and he hasn't revealed who he cast to be the main villain? I do recall in part 2 they showed Parker's science profesor sporting only one arm. I would love to see everyone going nuts over Grace and Church when all along it is Dylan Baker as Dr. Curt Connors aka The Lizard. I guess he's a bit lame as a villian at least for film sake but I would love if this casting was just a smoke and mirrors act.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 9, 2005 01:55 PM

Well, he is training hard to bulk up for a villian role in SPider-Man 3, we know that much for sure. His hair color has been changed to blonde, that much we know. Hmmmmmmm, Grace would make a good Eddie Brock, dammit all, these rumors are f*@king killing my opinions.

Okay, as of right now, I could carless what othe rvillians will be in SPider-Man 3, I just hope this movie ends Harrys story well, and adds a level of Raimi darkness in it with the Lizard.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 9, 2005 03:38 PM

I don't care how much he's training. Topher Grace does NOT have the frame to carry the muscle it takes to play Eddie Brock/Venom unless they're really deviating and making Brock less musclebound and prison-chiselled and relying on CGI to make Venom more filled out.

Posted by: yodaf at September 9, 2005 04:09 PM

Well, Venom is a possibility and i've been wanting to see Eddie Brock from the start, his name is mentioned at the Bugle but....that wasn't enough. And i've gotten my hopes up so much for this movie when it comes to the Lizard and Venom, even the possibility of Mysterio. And once again, if you have the right Spider-Man 2 DVD with certain box art of Doc Ock on the back, you see fire above his head and in the flame you can see Venoms head perfectly; in my eyes that is......and Eddie Brock is a rival of Peter Parker, and when Brock becomes infected with a symbiote type thing and becomes Venom, he will be Spider-Mans worst enemy. I'm going to love his movie.

Spider-Man swinging in the city, and instead of web failing making him fall stories down and getting injuried, Venom just comes outa no where and knocks Spidey off his path and the two duke it out thus creating the most amazing fight scene in a movie in history!

And Venom is creepy as hell, this film should be classic Sam Raimi dark and "creepy" Raimi says each film he beats up the Peter Parker/Spider-Man character more and more. SO we have Peter losing his job at the Bugle because Brock is becoming better than him, or vice versa, some conflict there. Then we have Dr. Connors becoming the deadlist villian other then the Goblins curse, which is,*drum roll please* The Lizard! THen we have MJ and Peter having love issues, which right there the Black Cat would add perfect chaos to the mess, as well as help; simply because Black Cat would make 4 villians and Spider-Man would need help against the other 3, oh wait........who would the 3rd villian be, yup, thats right, GG2 or maybe Hobgoblin if someone else takes control (however that would work?)cool anyways. Harry will be a drug addicted alcoholic ready to kill, or hire someone to do it for him.

Can't wait to see how that plays out. Spider-Man shits his pants while staring in the face of the Green Goblin thinking Harry is now a villian, beats the crap outa him, removes GG's mask, only to find its Flash Thompson or some other guy, not Harry. And Peter finds Harry dead, and the Goblins curse will return as The Hobgoblin in later movies, and posible even one day the Demogoblin. *shakes head* getting to far ahead of everything here.

Aunt May finding out that Peter is not a loser and is a hero will leave us with warm feelings so that her death will not be so shocking. Mysetrio still might some into play, along with the Shocker, we'll see, maybe that will occur in the 4th film. We forgot about who Thomas Haden Church could play, now he could be Mysterio, because he can be annoying and can be evil at the same time as well as funny.

We have Bruce Campbell playing a dorky Spider-Man look alike (sweeet!) But as for how Venom will come into play, I tink something will happen with an expeirmen tgone wrong from myabe Connors in which SPidey is infected with a pre substance of what becomes the serum that turns Connors into the Lizard, and somehow Brock later on gets infected. In one of the comic books, or maybe cartoon, ugh, I can't remember my mind always mixes crap around. ANyway, in whatever, Eddie Brock commits suicde by jumping off of a church. He lays on the ground dead, but Connors helped Spidey get rid of the sybiote by finding out that heat and sonic sound waves kill the cymbiote, and SPidey Rings the church bell and the symbiote lands on Brock bringing him back to life, but with an extra evil one with powers similar but greater than Spidey's.

I'm not sure, but they will probably throw out the alien side of it and add something scientific, or even keep the alien thing which brings John Jameson back into the picture. In which he comes back from a moon mission he would have never went on had he married MJ, but has no reason to hold back now thats shes gone...hes now out to prove the man he is, finds symbiote, becomes a big hero, A truck safly ships the symbiote to a facility, the Rhino attack the truck, Spidey swings in to save the day, gets infected, and there ya go.

Well, it would be cool to sit down in the theatre and have the opeing credits roll. In the past 2 films we have seen Comic book style city and webbing with a blue background, we have seen a red background with comic book like paintings of scenes from the first film, now it would be cool to see a black background, or green, or orange maybe? And the webs turn all inky like the symbiote. I hope the music is the same style, if not it could ruin the flow, unless they add a depressing tone to Elfmans original. Its a shame he left for the other spider movie, but oh well. Maybe we'll be treated to a rock beat or something?

After having time to take in the rumor.........I feel good about this film, im excied now more than ever for actual news and photos of the villians. I'm wxcited about sitting in the theare and watching this. I was excited like a 5 year old boy over priveleged boy when waiting for the arrival of the first 2 movies, and finally and can say i'm more excited about this third one than I was with the previous.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 10, 2005 12:05 AM

@Crackerjack; Yes, I was thinking 'Lizard' a week or so ago, since it is a classic villian, and, according to the IMDB, Dylan Baker is in the Spidey cast. Only, in my theory, I took it a step further, that being Church is the Lizard, while Baker is merely Curt Conners. Grace would be Chamelon, as I thought that the possibility of the character is so un-fanboy to be considered. Chamelon could have stolen Connor's formula, and Spidey has to fend off Lizard while looking for a master of disguise. There could be a ticking clock plot going on, a race against time. It could also set up Kraven.

@everyone else

But like most people, despite the Chamelon thing a month ago (even suggesting that Church and Grace would have been Chamelon), I'm set on Church being Sandman. The Sandman character is the one most brought up, and there has been some suggestion that Grace is Electro. This makes sense o many people, and of course, these were the two baddies that were in that James Cameron treatment from early development on the first film.

I do think some minor deception is involved. It isn't uncommon for some drafts of scripts to differ - but note that no early drafts of the Spidey 3 script have been leaked yet, not even decoys. But I'm more than positive that Raimi has drawings and niknaks laying around desks or thumbtacked on boards to bait possible scoopers. More often than not, the bait is taken.

Now, the whole Venom BS. Keep in mind that the 'scoop' is a rehash of one that was reported months ago, and now it's come back around full circle. Did everyone just suddenly forget that the films are about Peter Parker as Spiderman and his relationship with Mary Jane and/or those close to him?If there are Venom fans, and I know there are, would you want him as second banana to Sandman or Green Goblin II /Hobgoblin? I didn't think so.

Now, there could be a Venom storyline, but only if there were an early (possible) cameo by Man-Wolf. It had been established that John Jameson had already been to space and therefore may have collected some samples in the scientific process. Bring these samples back to Earth, unaware the symbiont is in the core samples and you can take it from there. The creature could attach itself to Spidey for a brief period, which amounts to ten minutes of screen time per se. Then it goes to Brock. Easy setup.

But where does that leave Church? When Church was first announced there were basically two camps: one side thought he would make a great Sandman, and gave compelling evidence and reasoning to support this. The other half screamed 'Venom!' due to Church being slightly older, taller and he could have a sarcastic bully-ish quality to the character. The only minor backup was a story on an FX wizard who said he was in early designs of the characters of Venom and Man-Wolf. It should be interesting to note that some 'die hard' Venom fans thought John Jameson would turn into Venom. You know who I'm talking about.

Then a third party started to emerge once Grace was cast. This group was the group that was largely upset when some spoilers-leaks some unknown source claimed that Grace and Church would not be Venom, Sandman or any of the above. That's whenthe Ben Reilly clone stuff comes in. Then there was some minor speculation on Mysterio, then it went to Chamelon and Kraven, then zeroed in on Chamelon.

Then there's party#4, which is, in a nutshell, Harry and The Hobgoblin. This are the voices in the wilderness, and as the 'scoop' mentioned, this is where Sam Raimi deviates from the comics- Harry becomes Hobby and not Gobby 2.

Now, I sort of can see a scenerio where Church and Grace are partners in crime and they steal some artifacts from defunct Oscorp and become two Hobgoblins, Roderick Kingsley and Jason Macendale, only to be chased down by Harry as Green Goblin 2, and Spidey has to deal with it all. Worse, one of the 'Hobgoblins' (the one played by Church) has a nasty side effect to Osbourn's enchanchers- and he grows fangs, his eyes become bloodshot etc. That would be neat stuff, yes, but unlikely. Reason why I give this scenerio is because when scoopers or fans namedrop characters, they get goosebumps, but never (if ever) think of ways where the character(s) could possibly work- and make sense.

Having Venom, Sandman and GG/Hobgoblin in one film is neat stuff, but not if it dilutes the story. You see, the only rumor that has any merit is the Sandman/Electro one. For most of the time, the Sandman idea has mostly been undisputed, and he is Raimi's 'favorite' villian. Raimi also favors characters whose faces can be seen, (or did suddenly everyone forget that, too? Seems to be the case.), now, Grace could "only" be Eddie Brock, and there could b a rivalry between him and Parker. That makes sense. Harry is taking more dangerous steps towards Goblin. That makes sense.

But will Venom be in this film? No. Seeds could be planted, but that's about it.

Posted by: darren seeley at September 10, 2005 12:18 PM

Darren good stuff but I can't see them hiring Church to play a role that they could just as easy give to a stuntman or cgi. No if they are paying Church to act in the movie they will have him be recognizable.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 11, 2005 04:22 AM

I really like Venom, and I like Topher Grace as well. However, I just don't think he's the guy for the character.

If he can pull it off it would be great, but I just don't see it working myself.

Posted by: Jason at September 11, 2005 06:51 AM

There is no conceivable way that Topher Grace will play Venom. If anyone is going to play that character, it would be Church, not Grace. However, I believe that due to the amount of rumors swirling around about Sandman, that Church is a lock for that character. As for Grace, Elektro, Chameleon or perhaps Hobgoblin.

What I could see happening is that Church and Topher's villians would battle spidey throughout the film while a currently unannounced actor plays Brock. During the film Spidey gets in contact with the symbiote, and manages to free himself of it by the end. The symbiote finds Brocks character at the VERY end of the film, leaving the audience in anticipation for a fourth film where Venom is the main villian. However, Raimi hates Venom, so that must be taken into consideration.

Another possibility is that Grace and Church's villians battle spidey in the third film, while Harry Osbourne contemplates filling his fathers shoes. I could see Raimi divering from the comics here and having Harry be the Hobgoblin instead of Green Goblin 2. Then, being that there has been a slight nod toward The Lizard as well, that could be the 2nd Villian for the fourth film.

There are a lot of possibilities, but given Grace's build and Raimi's dislike for the Venom character, I don't see it happening.

Posted by: Miler2005 [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 12, 2005 09:19 AM

I don't care what eny body thinks, VENOM all the way.... no question about it

Posted by: chad Thompson at September 13, 2005 05:44 PM

Yah, shure I said "venom all the way" earlyer, but it posibly, POSIBLY could be Shocker? Or am i the only one to think that? someone Please back me up on this....... PLEASE!!!

Posted by: chad thompson at September 14, 2005 04:48 PM

Shocker is a very good possibility, if not Shocker, then Electro at least. But I would have to then say that Church is perfect for Shocker, and Grace is perfect to play Maxwell Dillion (Electro)so we have two great actors and two great villians, and i'm sure they would pick only one of the two villians, to much electricity based villians is kind of over whelming.

In a post a while back, I wrote about Church's appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. He screwed around and was humorous about avoiding giving away Spider-Man 3 villian leaks. He did tell quite an odd story about a lamp that came apart when he tried putting in a light bulb, he said he's afraid to fix it in fear of being "shocked" and went to a lamp place to have it fixed. The story was kind of wierd but fit into the conversation okay. So whether or not it was a leak, I just don't know, but i'm going to take it as one.

And has anyone looked at the back box art to the Spider-Man 2 DVD. Some DVDs have different art on them but there is one that I have that has the fusion fire above Doc Ocks head and what appears to be Venom's head. My friends all think they see it too, can anyone confirm this, or are our eyes playing tricks on us?

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 14, 2005 07:47 PM

WELL.... I think its safe to say that the vilian in Spidey-man #3 is either *Venom, *Shocker, *(not too likely)-Lizard, *or Carnage, OR posibly even *Camilion. And I think its even MORE safe to say that it DEFINATELY won't be -Misterio
or-Volture becaus those would make for a veary BORING movie, Does Eny Body Agree???????

Posted by: chad thompson at September 15, 2005 05:18 PM

THEY HAVE BARELY MENTIONED ANYTHING ABOUT THEM SOMEONE PLEASE AGREE WITH ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Jonny Thiede at September 16, 2005 05:58 PM

I agree with you to some extent but i HIGLY dont think and/or anyone else thinks that volture wil not be in the movie because frankly, he SUCKS! and im shure everyone will agree. because the fact is that in the OFICIAL comic book Venom, Carnage, Hobgoblin, Doc Oc, Green Goblin, Lizard and Shocker was the greatist rival Web-Head ever had. Notice I did not say that Mysterio Rhino and VOLTURE in my list thats because they only lasted one comic book each and at that they did not give Spidey a chalenge, + there costumes looks like something you would Whear to a Renaissance festival...... Not exactly a hip costume so all -in -all those three and some others that i failed to mintion due to the lack of recognition they may/or may not deserve, are OBVIOSLY not Villian Material, sorry Jonny thiede, but thats what i think and im sticking to it

Posted by: chad thompson at September 16, 2005 06:24 PM

I agree with you to some extent but i HIGLY think and/or anyone else thinks that volture wil not be in the movie because frankly, he SUCKS! and im shure everyone will agree. because the fact is that in the OFICIAL comic book Venom, Carnage, Hobgoblin, Doc Oc, Green Goblin, Lizard and Shocker where the greatist rivals Web-Head ever had. Notice I did not say that Mysterio, Rhino, and VOLTURE in my list thats because they only lasted one comic book each and at that they did not give Spidey a chalenge, + there costumes looks like something you would Whear to a Renaissance festival...... Not exactly hip costumes so all -in -all those three and some others that i failed to mintion due to the lack of recognition they may/or may not deserve, are OBVIOSLY not Villian Material, sorry Jonny thiede, but thats what i think and im sticking to it

Posted by: chad thompson at September 16, 2005 06:27 PM

at lest lern how two spel teh vilens namez write for cyn owt louda

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 16, 2005 09:04 PM

first off i waz in a hurry last time i blogged and second I AM A HUMAN!!!!! duh. but anyway, besides lizardfreak 12, does anyone else agree with me on no Volture, Rhino, or Misterio in Spidey-man 3?

Posted by: chad thompson at September 17, 2005 04:00 PM

IS THERE ENYBODY OUT THER?!?!?!?! Its been 6 days, 6 DAYS!! and nobody has been responding to ANYTHING AT ALL!!! well enyway, for all you nerds living in your parents basement, the new Ultimate Spider-man game comes out today, September 23 2005. (FYI, you can play as Venom and eat people in the streeds of good ol' NYC) and practicaly all the "VIALLIANS" will be in it, but most of them are Renovated, AKA... different. but they all the way from Volture to Rhino(renovated) to Shocker and the Green Goblin(renovated) to Doc Oc and all the way to "DUM DA DUM" Electro!!!!!! And (DUUUUUHHHHHHH)-Venom. P.S. no hard feelings Lizardfreak 12

Posted by: chad thompson at September 23, 2005 05:36 PM

The Ultimate Universe is okay, but not "great" in my book. The game does look fun and I will probably end up renting it soon. I look for fun in video games and don't care too much about the story, I will care a little since its Spider-Man but I don't expect anything to "great" since its Ultimate.

And since this page is about villain news for Spidey, has anyone else heard the news that Larry David might be playing the Vulture? That would be a cool opening for the 3rd, Spidey fighting a crazy old dude covered in feathers; thats just fun! I hope some big news about this film comes out soon, this waiting and wondering shit is killing me! It' fun to wait and guess, but in the end I hope this wait is worthwhile.........

I'm also hopng that they are filming 3 and 4 together just for the sake of having the whole original cast and director for 4 films. If they all stay on for all 6 that would be a cool record!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 23, 2005 11:56 PM

Over at Superherohype creative director and president of Evolution Effects Studios Brian Hillard has said he has worked on some Spider-Man 3 Venom stuff, is this just more BS or is it finally safe to say Venom will make an appearance in this upcoming film?

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 25, 2005 01:39 AM

ah, well, it myte be safe to say it but WY THE HECK WOULD VOLTURE BE EVEN A CANADATE HU? come on, he sucks. the movie whould absolutely suck if it had Volture in it. O.k., lets review. Why was
Osborne/Green Goblin in the 1st movie? be cause he was a good villian. he had a cool outfit, devious schemes, and an AWESOME form of transpertation+ hes tough, and he died a bad but realy cool death. Number 2: wy was Otto Octavios/Doc Oc the villian in the 2nd movie? because he was TOUGH, TOUGH, THOUGH. he had an awesome power/weapon, posibly the best. As well the villians are prfectly falling into place in the storyline. Green Goblin mentiond Dr. Octavios in the first. in #2 Dr. Oc was even tougher than G. G. and died an unfair death. obviosly its all leading to the toughest of all villians. Who do you think would fit the bill? Ill leave it to your imagination.

Posted by: chad thompson at September 26, 2005 05:02 PM

Sandman and Venom? Is that it?

Posted by: Lizardfreak12 at September 26, 2005 09:52 PM

who the hell are you talking to? me or someone else?

Posted by: chad thompson at September 27, 2005 04:45 PM

COME ON PEOPLE!!!Me & Lizardfreak12 APARENTLY are the only people who care OR OTHERWISE you all would be BLOGGING!!! thisis starting to get veary crudy. and if your board with spidey-man 3 as a topic, well there is PLENTY more topics that STILL have to do with Web-head.
like such
-the new Ultimate Spider-man Game
-spider man 2 the game that came out a good wile ago
-fan fiction spiderman comics
-spider-man consept art
You see what i mean? so even if it HAS TO BE lizardfreak 12, than so be it, i know you have opinions SO GIVE THEM!!!!!

Posted by: chad thompson at September 30, 2005 05:13 PM

Kirsten Dunst will be on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno on October 13th, maybe she will confirm or clear up her statement/leak about Sandman and Venom. But the main topic will of course be about her role in Elizabethtown, but she will more than likely be asked to talk about something relating to Spider-Man, I hope they get to talking about something along the lines of whether or not her and the entire cast along with director Sam Raimi will be back for a 4th.

God I hope so :)

Posted by: Lizardfreak12 at October 2, 2005 10:44 PM

O.k., I cant hold this in any longer. We do NOT need a nother "The Land Before Time" thing going on. Now lets see, what can ruin a good movie set? ANYbody? I'll answer it for you. MAKING MORE THAN 3 OF THEM! Lets hope the director knows what hes doing.

Posted by: chad thompson at October 17, 2005 05:33 PM

Here's some evidence against you, mr. thompson: Star Wars,James Bond,Alien, and Star Trek. i, for one, wish for Raimi to make as many sequels as possible. Bring on Spidey 3-15!

Posted by: Brian at October 17, 2005 07:25 PM

15s a little..... RASH dont you think? I mean sure theres millions of comic books of it from The Amazing Spiderman to Ultimate Spiderman and the list goes on, but if, say, they made 5 Spidey movies than it'l take 10 years do them all up, i mean, the world might crash into the sun or a plague could wipe us all out by then. my point is, it would take too long and they might get boring to us by then. basikly, lifes to short.

Posted by: chad T. at November 30, 2005 02:37 PM

Have you ever heard of the numerous actors, direstors, and producers in the james bond movies, which have lasted over 40 years, might I add. I SOOOOO want there to be tons of different sequels. As long as their better than the horrid Spiderman 2. DOC Ock SUCKED in that movie!!!!!!

Posted by: Brian at November 30, 2005 09:01 PM

You are right about JamesBond. they have 22 someodd movie, but it is SOOO repetitave! James is having a good time, hes asigned a mission, he hooks up with girl, it lookes like hes down for good, he comes back and beats the crap out of whatever organization hes out to get. EVERY TIME! If spiderman gets THAT repetitave, well, you can imagine.
you're also right about doc oc. he SUCKED, and thats an understatement. But you also have to realize that, you're evintualy get bored with it. If it became a live T.v. show than thats one thing, but movies, come on. 'Nuf said.

Posted by: chad thompson at December 20, 2005 12:29 PM

When it comes to the spiderman villians that would look great in a sequels i would have to say that venom and carniage are my top two then maybe scorpian. the third movie would be great with venom or any of these but it depends on the person playing this great vilian characters.As long as they dont use the less known ones like rhino,mysterio,vulture(stupid),chameleon. Theres nothing wrong with these characters but they are dull and would not make a good apperance.

Posted by: GATZ1000 at January 4, 2006 03:16 PM